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Pretty on the Inside
DIRTY BLONDE The Diaries of Courtney Love. Edited by Ava Stander. Illustrated. 292 pp. Faber & Faber. $35. There was a moment -- lets say 1989, since thats when I discovered her -- when Courtney Love seemed like the solution to every girls problems. A brazenly feminist punk rocker with big hips and a sloppy grin, she was the first female - Emily Nussbaum reviews book Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love, edited by Ava Stander; photo (M) - Emily Nussbaum is a contributing editor at New York Magazine. - By EMILY NUSSBAUM
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN And Dave Grohl Respond To Courtney Love's ...
Courtney Love has reached new epic heights of crazy, but this time the victims of her insane Twitter talk don't include the fashion industry. The Hole singer recently accused Foo Fighers frontman (and former Nirvana member) ...
THE NEW SEASON | POP; Hope and Regret, Recorded and Live
Dates are subject to change. SEPTEMBER TAYLOR HO BYNUM Mr. Bynum is a cornetist drawn to combustible interaction, but on Madeleine Dreams, featuring his jazz-meets-classical ensemble SpiderMonkey Strings, he seeks out a gentle aesthetic, with vocal and literary touches. Tuesday. Firehouse 12. (Nate Chinen) NELLY FURTADO Nelly Furtado is - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN News, Pictures, and Videos |
Frances bean cobain on TMZ, your go-to source for celebrity gossip. Get the latest Frances bean cobain news, gossip, pictures. and videos today!
Courtney Love Accuses Dave Grohl of Hitting on FRANCES BEAN COBAIN
UPDATE: Dave Grohl has responded to Loves accusations in a statement: "Unfortunately Courtney is on another hateful Twitter rant. These new accusations are upsetting, offensive and absolutely untrue." In a series of subsequent tweets, Love ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: "Twitter should ban my mother" - Celebrity ...
(CBS News) Frances bean cobain is blasting her mother, Courtney Love, over comments made earlier this week. Love wrote on her private Twitter account that ...
A Fashion Designers Second Act
WHEN Hedi Slimane stepped down as artistic director at Dior Homme in 2007, Fashion Wire Daily summed up his tenure this way: Slimane leaves Dior with the well-earned reputation as the single most influential mens designer this century, the most copied of his peers and the only one to achieve the status of a rock star. The comparison was apt, - By AUSTIN CONSIDINE
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Twitter Should Ban Mom
(Newser) – Courtney Loves latest barrage of weird tweets has prompted a statement from her normally press-shy daughter. "While I’m generally silent on the affairs of my biological mother, her recent tirade has taken a gross turn," said ...
Courtney Love has accused Dave Grohl of attempting to seduce her 19-year-old daughter, Frances bean cobain. The Hole singer, who is estranged from her ...
NOTICED; Not Just Kurts Little Girl
IT is one of the most anticipated comings of age in recent pop cultural history: Frances bean cobain, daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, has arrived. A series of sultry black-and-white photos of Ms. Cobain, whom most of the world remembers as either an infant in her fathers arms or awkward adolescent, has been lighting up the Web after - By AUSTIN CONSIDINE
How come we never hear about FRANCES BEAN COBAIN and when are they going to play Nirvana unplugged on MTVagain?
Answer: I heard Frances Bean had her Sweet 16 party this year. It was Suicide themed. Sad....
Category: Celebrities
How does FRANCES BEAN COBAIN feel about her late father, Kurt?
How does she feel about his death, and can she remember him at all? and any other details you know about this would be great.
Answer: I was a Courtney Love fan but I'm afraid I don't know a lot. She's given some interviews, I haven't read them, but I gather she says she is determined not to follow in her parents footsteps with drugs and drinking, etc.
She always looked so much like Kurt. But I doubt she'd have a real memory of him now, being only a toddler when he died. There was a story that she saw a painting of Jesus in a museum soon after he died and exclaimed 'Daddy!' I thought she was going to become a fashion model... she says she doesn't like it when her mother looks like a slob!
Anyhow, she appears to be doing okay.
Category: Celebrities
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frances bean cobain (born August 18, 1992) is the only child of late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain and Hole singer Courtney Love. Cobain was born in Los Angeles ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN on Courtney Love: 'Twitter Should Ban My ...
After losing her father and having Courtney Love as her mother, it's amazing how seemingly normal Frances bean cobain has turned out. And in light of her mom's Twitter accusations that she may have slept with Dave Grohl, ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: 5 Celebrities Whove Feuded With Their Kids ...
Frances bean cobain is disgusted at her famous mother, Courtney Love, for suggesting on Twitter that former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl bedded her. Frances ...
What type of nose does FRANCES BEAN COBAIN have?
I really like her nose :D
Answer: ...
Category: Corporations
what is courtney love upto? Does FRANCES BEAN COBAIN dislikes her mother because people say she killed kurt?
I adore kurt cobain!!! hes on legend!! Ive read too many things on the I can not come onto a conclusion: Was kurt cobain murdered or he committed suicide? whatever, his music is great!! I would like to know about his wife and daughter.
I did not have a clear answer on that until I found this website...
now i know she did it, he did not kill himself he was gonna leave her sorry, ugly, money hungry a**
Category: Celebrities
Is FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Marrying a Kurt Cobain Look-Alike?
The O.C. Weekly is speculating that teenage property tax payer Frances bean cobain and rocker Isaiah Silva are getting married after a year or so of successful dating.
Nirvana Heiress FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: About A Girl - Music ...
From the moment of her birth, she was instantly the most famous baby on the planet. Frances bean cobain, now 19, is the only child of late Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN, Dave Grohl respond to Courtney Love's ...
While I'm generally silent on the affairs of my biological mother, her recent tirade has taken a gross turn,” says Frances bean cobain of mom Courtney Love's allegation that Cobain slept with Foo Fighter Dave Grohl.
Im a pretty big Nirvana fan and an even bigger Kurt Cobain fan! I was just wondering if anybody knows how tall Frances is? I looked it up just out of interest a while ago and since I havent been able to find it anywhere Im more determind to find out! So... does anyone know? :)
Answer: She is 5ft9
Category: Celebrities
Do you think Courtney Love took good care of FRANCES BEAN COBAIN after Kurt died?
Answer: No, Courtney has not taken good care of Frances.
What kind of mother allows her daughter to have a "suicide-themed" birthday party after what happened to her "much loved" and "sadly missed" husband, Kurt? Courtney killed him.
Courtney has already lost custody of Frances twice since Kurt's death.
And the way Courtney bitches about everyoneon her Twitter led to her account being banned, what kind of an example is that? Plus Courtney stole all Kurt and Nirvana's money.
Category: Celebrities
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Breaking News and Gossip |
Frances bean cobain Gossip on The juiciest Frances bean cobain news, photos, and videos.
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Engaged to Rock Star Boyfriend, Report Says ...
Frances bean cobain with mom Courtney Love (l) in 2007 and mom and dad Kurt Cobain (r) in 1994.Reuters The 19-year-old, who uses a moniker on her Facebook ...
Courtney Loves daughter FRANCES BEAN COBAIN poses for Hedi ...
Frances bean cobain, the only child of Courtney Love and late Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain, posed for famed designer-turned-photographer Hedi Slimane and she appears to ...
Courtney Love: Dave Grohl knows Kurt Cobain wouldnt have wanted to be a Muppet
The Hole singer and the former Nirvana drummer have never seen eye to eye, but their frosty relationship became public this week when Love accused Grohl of trying to seduce her daughter, Frances bean cobain. Grohl denied the allegations, but the bad blood ...
Courtney: Cobain wouldnt want to be a Muppet
Courtney Love and Dave Grohls war of words continues, with the Hole frontwoman hitting back after Grohl denied claims that he seduced Loves teenage daughter, Francis Bean. However ... claims Grohl is aware that Kurt Cobain would not have wanted his ...
Id Like To Be Trusted Again
ON Monday night, at a screening of the movie Due Date, Courtney Love told a reporter from that she was trying to take better care of herself. On Tuesday night, Courtney Love arrived at a party in Midtown 15 minutes after it had ended and posed on a mostly deserted red carpet. Womens Wear Daily said she looked slightly dazed. On - By ERIC WILSON
Will courtney love ever make up with her daughter FRANCES BEAN COBAIN?
Answer: I'm pretty sure she will..don't we all make up?..=)
Category: Soap Operas
What kind of music does FRANCES BEAN COBAIN like?
Kurt was really into hardcore punk and twee pop. I was wondering if Frances Beans tastes were different or similar.
Answer: I heard she sometimes listens to Ska and Metal.
Category: Celebrities
Whats On TODAY
8 P.M. (ABC) THE BACHELORETTE Ali, above, continues her world tour, heading to Iceland with the nine remaining bachelors in tow. After asking the men to express their feelings through poetry, she spends a day wandering the streets of Reykjavik with the most eloquent. Later she explores the countryside with six other players, riding horses in the - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
Its Been a Long Wait, but Is This Nirvana?
THEY hold a lot of summer rock festivals in Europe, but unless there are fatalities in the mosh pit or a new world record for portable toilets set ablaze, history records little of what happens. Thats sort of the point. The fans go for simple pleasures: to escape their parents, consume vast quantities of beer and verify the existence of the bands - Article on 29th annual rock music festival in Reading, Eng, which included performances by garage-rock bands Strokes, White Stripes, Vines and Hives; photos (M) - By HUGO LINDGREN
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Defends Dave Grohl, Calls For Courtney Love Twitter Ban
Frances bean cobain has lashed out at her mother Courtney Love for claiming on Twitter than her late husbands bandmate Dave Grohl hit on her. Love claimed Grohl "hit on" Frances and is "obsessed" with the teenage daughter of Kurt Cobain, and that "she was ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Twitter Should Ban My Mom
Frances bean cobain, the daughter of Courtney Love and late Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain, is denying her mother’s Twitter rant that claims Dave Grohl hit on her and is calling for the site to ban the Hole singer. On Tuesday, Love tweeted from ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Takes Aim at Courtney Loves Twitter Tirade
The World News (WN) Network, has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to user privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for, as well as e-mail newsletters.
Where does FRANCES BEAN COBAINs name come from?
The Bean part that I dont get - why would you call your daughter Bean and isnt Frances a boys name?
Answer: Kurt thought she looked like a kidney bean on the ultrasound. Hence the name.
Contrary to what Kevin said, Frances was named after Frances Mckee, the guitarist for The Vaselines, not Frances Farmer. It's an easy thing to mix up though.
Category: Celebrities
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN poses for Old Hollywood-style pictures ...
Teenage angst certainly has paid off well. Just days after a series of grungy rocker photos started making the rounds, Frances bean cobain has released a ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, Musicals ...
Kurt and Courtney's daughter is ready to hit the spotlight.
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN says Courtney Love should be banned from Twitter
Courtney Love cannot seem to get any love... even from her own daughter! Frances bean cobain has publicly denounced her own mother and even said that she should not be allowed on Twitter. All of this started with a feud between David Grohl and Courtney Love.
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Twitter should ban my mom – The Marquee ...
Frances bean cobain is not pleased with her mother Courtney Loves reported recent tweets, and shes even asked Twitter to ban her from the social ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Fashions timely muse - Entertainment ...
It was bound to happen: her DNA demanded it. Frances bean cobain, who turned 19 on Aug. 18, has traversed the path of other rock star progeny to become a bona fide ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Is Right About Moms Gross Tweets
You have probably heard by now that Courtney Love is back on the crazy train. Taking cues from fellow Twitter menace, Alec Baldwin, and then going on a tirade 100 times worse than one of Baldwins (I know, damn!), Love accused Dave Grohl of trying to sleep ...
Dave Grohl: I never hit on Kurt Cobains daughter Frances Bean
Dave Grohl has come out fighting after Courtney Love allegedly accused him of cracking on to Kurt Cobain’s teenage daughter Frances Bean. The Foo Fighters frontman hit out after his late Nirvana bandmate’s widow apparently made the claim on her private ...
How can I look like FRANCES BEAN COBAIN?
I have brown hair and blue eyes, how can i look like her?
Answer: You need her good genes from Kurt.
Category: Other - Beauty & Style
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: No Apologies - Page - Interview Magazine
We asked the elusive artist Fiddle Tim what her mother thinks of her artwork: " That's like me asking, 'What does your mom think about your interview questions.
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN has requested that her grandmother get guardianship of her over her mother Courtney Love?
Kurt what do you think about this? Does this make you feel that Courtney may have Murdered Kurt?
Answer: Joe, Courtney Love did not kill me, I committed suicide.It was a long time ago though, I don't remember.And don't want to remember.
Category: Celebrities
Dave Grohl decides hes not taking Courtney Loves crazy Frances Bean shit
Of her daughter she tweeted, "Im not mad at her," but of Grohl she declared she was about to "shoot [him] dead," claiming that he has "that romney rape thing about him" and that hes "sexually obsessed" with Kurt Cobain ... and Frances Bean has also ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAINs grown-up photo shoot – The Marquee Blog ...
Rock star royalty Frances Bean, daughter of the late Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, is all grown up (and tatted up) in bold new shots from photographer ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Twitter Should Ban My Mother
Frances bean cobain has responded to her mother Courtney Loves recent Twitter rant accusing Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl of hitting on her 19-year-old daughter. "While Im generally silent on the affairs of my biological mother, her recent ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Dave Grohl Never Hit on Me! - UsMagazine ...
1 day ago ... The late Kurt Cobain's widow has got no love for his former bandmate, Dave Grohl. According to a report by Gawker, Courtney Love took to her ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Defends Dave Grohl, Calls For Courtney Love ...
Frances bean cobain has lashed out at her mother Courtney Love for claiming on Twitter that Dave Grohl hit on her.
Where do you think FRANCES BEAN COBAIN will be 30 years from now?
Answer: I think she'll do fine in whatever kind of life she chooses. She's kept herself on a pretty even keel considering who her parents are. And she's had other family influence from Cobain's mother and sister who have been her guardians. She seems to know when to distance herself from her mother (that's a good thing) and how to stay out of the tabloids.
She'll be 18, I think, this year so we'll see how she does. I wish her luck; she seems like a good kid.
Category: Celebrities
THE CONVERSATION; Looks Like Cobain, Smells Like $$
Nirvana fans got a jolt recently when Courtney Love announced that she had sold a quarter of her large share of the bands publishing rights. Across the Internet, nails were collectively bitten: What would become of Nirvanas music, largely untouched by television commercials and movies? Would Smells Like Teen Spirit finally suffer the insult - Ben Sisario article speculates on move by Courtney Love, widow of rock star Kurt Cobain, to sell portion of her share of publishing rights to band Nirvanas music; notes recent announcement that Cobain action figure would go on sale; photo (M) - By Ben Sisario
Courtney Love Claims Dave Grohl "Hit On" Teen Daughter Frances Bean
of hitting on Courtney and the late Kurt Cobains 19-year-old daughter Frances Bean. "I hear from Frannies roommate that @davegrohl hit on frances," the 47-year-old actress wrote in a series of nonsensical tweets. "Im not mad at her ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Courtney Love should be banned from Twitter ...
Frances bean cobain said her mom Courtney Love should be banned from Twitter after making "gross" accusations against former Nirvana drummer David Grohl. The drama ...
Are logan lerman and FRANCES BEAN COBAIN still dating?
I saw in different articles that they have been dating since 2006... Does anyone know if theyre still on now? But if theyre not, do you know if he;s dating anyone else?
Answer: they were dating for barely a year
in 2006
I'm a personal friend of Logan's and trust me
if u go to his personal myspace account there is a posted bulletin saying that he's single and that right now him and frances are just friends =)
Category: Celebrities
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frances bean cobain (born August 18, 1992) is the only child of late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain and Hole singer Courtney Love.
THE POP LIFE; By Kurt Cobain, Re: Himself
One of the great things about getting comfortable and reading a newspaper is that you never know when youre just going to stumble across an article that tells you something that may even change the way you think about things. The sentence above is an example of a subtle psychological trick often used as a sales tactic to manipulate potential - Neil Strauss Pop Life column on book Journals, collection of personal writings by Kurt Cobain, Nirvana lead singer who committed suicide in 1994; photo (M) - By Neil Strauss
what do u know about FRANCES BEAN COBAIN?
for some reason, i recently developed a crush on the celebrity. finally! a celeb crush i that at least has a possibility of being real XD
what do u know about her? anything...
think shed like me? haha
there ya go
Category: Other - Family & Relationships
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN, Mommy Dearest Courtney Love, Drama over Dave Grohl!
Courtney Love must be seriously bored and desperate to stay relevant. Today, she’s blasting Dave Grohl accusing him of hitting on her daughter. Does she even see her baby girl and isn’t Francis Bean engaged to be married? Courtney’s ...
Are there any interviews where FRANCES BEAN COBAIN talks about her father?
Answer: Frances talks about being a child of famous parents :
“These people are fascinated by me, but I haven’t done anything,” she says. “If you’re a big Nirvana fan, a big
Hole fan, then I understand why you would want to get to know me, but I’m not my parents.” Without dismissing the accomplishments of her folks (her father was dead before she was 2),
Cobain advises, “People need to wait until I’ve done something valid with
my life.” When asked if she planned to follow in her mother and father’s
footsteps and go into music, Frances said she thought about photography and/or journalism, and might do a
summer internship at Rolling Stone.
Category: Celebrities
The Crickets Daily 3: Waiting for The Casual Vacancy
[Entertainment Weekly] • Frances bean cobain says "Twitter should ban my mother," Courtney Love, after Loves accusation that Dave Grohl -- the former Nirvana bandmate of Loves husband Kurt Cobain, now fronting Foo Fighters -- once "hit on Frances."
Does FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Remember Her Father?
I wanted to know if Frances bean cobain has any memories or remembers any of the times she has had with her father Kurt Cobain in her early years of life.
Answer: She was only about a year and half when Kurt died and i dont think anyone can remember anything from being that young, so Im going to say no. Its sad to think about really.
Category: Celebrities
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Pictures -- All Grown Up! [Photo Shoot]
Frances bean cobain, the daughter of legendary grunge star Kurt Cobain and rocker Courtney Love, proves shes all grown up in a recent photo shoot with a
A NIGHT OUT WITH -- Courtney Love; Dont Call It a Comeback (Yet)
I PROBABLY shouldnt be smoking, Courtney Love said, stubbing out her Camel Light in a small humidifier that the Barnes & Noble on Astor Place provided on Tuesday evening. But the thought died a quick death, and soon her assistant was lighting an unending succession of cigarettes for her. Costumed fans approached for autographed copies of her - Courtney Love attends book signing and party in New York City for her new memoir Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love; photo (M) - By KATE ROCKLAND
Frances Bean Issues Statement Re: Mom's Twitter Rant - Stereogum
Earlier this week, Courtney Love lobbied some hateful tweets against Dave Grohl, accusing him of trying to seduce Frances bean cobain and having a romney rape.
"Jamás en mi vida he sido acosada por Dave Grohl, excepto en un sentido puramente platónico, y de hecho estoy en una relación monógama que me hace ...
Frances bean cobain has modeled in risqué photographs just prior to her nineteenth birthday. The daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Frances is seen donning ...
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: Dave Grohl Never Hit on Me! - UsMagazine ...
She says mother Courtney Love's claim is "gross" and that "Twitter should ban my mom"
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Breaking News and Gossip |
Frances bean cobain Gossip on The juiciest Frances Bean Cobain news, photos, and videos.
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN -- Twitter Should Ban My Mother Courtney ...
Courtney Love is a delusional LIAR who should be banned from Twitter forever ... this according to her biological daughter Frances bean cobain. Frances…
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN Models For Hedi Slimane
Frances bean cobain grows up for Diors Hedi Slimane.
FRANCES BEAN COBAIN: 'My Mother Should Be Banned From Twitter ...
Courtney Love's estranged daughter has responded to her mother's tweets about a rumored romance with her late father's Nirvana bandmate Dave Grohl by urging bosses to ban her from the m...
RT @oidossucios: -Frances bean cobain niega tener algo con Dave Grohl y dice: “Twitter debería echar a mi madre”
From: __Trauma - Source: TweetDeck
Frances bean cobain calls Courtney Love gross, says Twitter should ban her mother via @EW
From: AnOldEnemy - Source: Tweet Button
RT @Distorxion: Frances bean cobain habla sobre las declaraciones de su madre Courtney Love - #Fb
From: JotaLFC - Source: HootSuite
Frances bean cobain habla sobre las declaraciones de su madre Courtney Love - #Fb
From: Distorxion - Source: HootSuite
-Frances bean cobain niega tener algo con Dave Grohl y dice: “Twitter debería echar a mi madre”
From: oidossucios - Source: TweetDeck
Frances bean cobain WANTS COURTNEY LOVE BANNED FROM TWITTER Frances Cobain Twitter Should Ban My Mother [Family Fe...
From: BillJohnson92 - Source: Bill Johnson's App
RT @ThatEricAlper: Frances bean cobain is not happy with her Courtney Love: Twitter should ban my Mother.
From: CatherineVitrin - Source: HootSuite
Frances bean cobain: Twitter should ban my mom – The Marquee Blog -
From: TheTrashyNovel - Source: Tweet Button
RT @ThatEricAlper: Frances bean cobain is not happy with her Courtney Love: Twitter should ban my Mother.
From: Brendanlivein3D - Source: HootSuite
Ah, the voice of reason.
From: melodnic - Source: web
RT @ThatEricAlper: Frances bean cobain is not happy with her Courtney Love: Twitter should ban my Mother.
From: patchjams - Source: HootSuite
Frances bean cobain is not happy with her Courtney Love: Twitter should ban my Mother.
From: ThatEricAlper - Source: HootSuite
Frances bean cobain calls moms pervy tirade "gross"
From: BlurpmeNetwork - Source: WP Rss Poster
RT @ForoRock: Frances Cobain: “Twitter debería echar a mi madre”: La hija de Courtney Love afirma q Dave Grohl nunca intentó...
From: aixazamorano - Source: web
RT @ForoRock: Frances Cobain: “Twitter debería echar a mi madre”: La hija de Courtney Love afirma q Dave Grohl nunca intentó...
From: _T1nch0 - Source: web