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MOONSHINE--How to Make It
Makin' good Moonshine is quite an art. It takes lots of time and practice before one can whip up a good batch that sells. Throughout history, there have been ...
The History of MOONSHINE | SylDrops
Moonshine is a distilled alcoholic beverage that is created illegally. When people talk about Moonshine, they're usually referring to whiskey produced with corn, but there are many possible grains that can be used to make Moonshine.
MOONSHINE® Restaurant Patio Bar and Grill :: Downtown Austin ...
Moonshine serves up innovative down-home cooking in a casual atmosphere, steeped in Austin, Texas' historic Waterloo Compound.
How much rubbing alcohol and MOONSHINE drunk to cause brain damage or death?
Would drinking a full glass of rubbing alcohol cause brain damage or death? Also, would dringing a full glass of Moonshine cause brain damage and how much brain damage would it cause?
Answer: Depends who drinks it... Girls are more likely for brain damage caused my alcohol.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
How do country guys drink MOONSHINE straight?
I was hanging out with my country friends, and next thing you know they were busting out the Moonshine. How do people drink alcohol that is over 70% straight? I personally think it is crazy to drink something as strong as 70% alcohol straight. How do they do it?
Answer: There's 'shine, and then there's 'shine. If it is well-made, it is pretty smooth, despite the strength. The strength varies also. Good, well-made Moonshine is not unpleasant to drink, no more so than "shots" of any other liquor. Perhaps you are just not used to drinking shots of straight liquor.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Mountain Moonshine(tm) is award-winning corn liquor manufactured by the West Virginia Distilling Co., LLC. This site features product information, distilling ...
ABOUT NEW YORK; Lessons in DNA and Mercy: Waiting for Cuomo to Lay a Glove on Criminal Justice
In 2006, during a debate in the race for state attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo criticized his opponent for having failed to give a DNA test to a man who was in prison for a murder that he turned out to have had nothing to do with. A few years before that, Mr. Cuomo spoke at a party for a book written by a man who had spent 12 years in prison for - E-mail: Twitter: @jimdwyernyt - By JIM DWYER
36 Hours: Austin, Tex.
THE laid-back capital of Texas has long been a haven for countercultural types, with tattoo artists, bohemian coeds and techies biking side by side along the glistening shores of Lady Bird Lake. But these days, Austin is more chic than shabby. New upscale restaurants -- many that rely on local, organic ingredients -- are popping up all over the - Rachel Lee Harris travel article on 36-hour visit to Austin, Texas. Photos, Map (M) - By RACHEL LEE HARRIS
HowStuffWorks "How MOONSHINE Works"
Think the days of backwoods stills and black market liquor are over? Think again: Police are still arresting Moonshiners. Learn how Moonshine is made, why the ...
Is there any type alcohol that you can purchase legally that tastes like MOONSHINE?
I need Moonshine for a recipe. I cant find anyone who makes it. Is there any alcohol that you can purchase that tastes like Moonshine?
The recipe is for Glug. The Moonshine provider passed away and our Glug does not taste the same without Moonshine!
Answer: yeah, pga (pure grain alcohol), but you have to be careful with it it's very potent(over 90%alcohol by volume)
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
What exactly is MOONSHINE and why is it illegal to make?
I was overhearing my sister watcing dukes of hazzard and the police are trying to seize the farm for producing moon shine. Also, my brother was telling us his roomates dad drinks Moonshine a lot but my brother cant even handle the smell of it. Is it just alcohol? And why is it illegal? Thanks
lol jessie i do live way way way in the south at the bottom of Tx and is easily accessible. I just didnt know exactly what it contained other than alcohol and im not much of a drinker at all
Answer: To start with it is made from corn(mash)_ and sugar. Same thing jack Daniels is made from. Only thing different they put theirs in cask to age. It is not illegal to make "homemade " liquor the thing is Don't try to sell it and you are only allowed to make 200 gallons per year for personal use. Matter of fact president George Washington said, " Every person in the colonies should produce their own spirits " It is completely legal, just don't try to sell it. That is why the revenuers were after the Bo, Luke and Jesse Duke. The government whats the taxes.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
MOONSHINE: Definition from
Moonshine n. Moonlight. Informal . Foolish talk or thought; nonsense. Illegally distilled whiskey. Also called white lightning
Mesa Exploration Drilling Confirms Uranium Zone at MOONSHINE Springs Project
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire -03/26/12)- Mesa Exploration Corp. (TSX-V: MSA.V - News)(Pinksheets: MSAJF.PK - News) ("Mesa") is pleased to announce that six rotary drill holes have recently been completed at the 100% owned Moonshine ...
MOONSHINE still a marvelous, mysterious tradition
Ever since they announced their intention to open Palmetto Moonshine in Anderson, brothers Trey and Brian Boggs have garnered a lot of attention in the community. Some have been curious about the work they are doing at their Benson Street location.
Margery Scott » M is for MOONSHINE
M is for Moonshine. White lightning. Corn liquor. Hooch. There are a hundred names by which liquor was (and might still be) made illegally. It is believed that this practice began in Colonial times when colonists would sell ...
Original MOONSHINE | Age Verification
ORIGINAL Moonshine®, its logo, and its bottle design are trademarks owned by Stillhouse LLC. © 2012, STILLHOUSE LLC Please enjoy responsibly.
Country Thunder rolls out changes for younger fans
The party will continue until 2 a.m. nightly at Moonshine Willys, which has been developed into a year-round venue open Fridays and Saturdays. Moonshine Willys is a permanent structure that had been a VIP saloon. With expansions, its now open ...
LIVES RESTORED; After Drugs and Dark Times, Helping Others to Stand Back Up
SMYRNA, Del. -- The taste of cocaine and the slow-motion sensation of breaking the law were all too familiar, but the thrill was long gone. Antonio Lambert was not a young hoodlum anymore but a family man with a career, and here he was last fall, high as any street user, sneaking into his workplace at 9 oclock at night, looking for -- what, - Americas mental health care system is seeing a boom in the long-controversial practice of using former patients as counselors; National Association of Peer Specialists points to the case of Antonio Lambert, a self-taught ex-convict and prominent peer trainer, as an example of the potential success of the peer support approach to treatment and recovery; (Series: Lives Restored). Photos (M) - By BENEDICT CAREY
Items with tag “American Digger season 1 ep 4”
. Watch HERE: ---) American Digger season 1 ep 4 live stream online free (--- Air Date: April 11 - Wednesday, 22:00 Time ET (GMT -5) Watch American Digger Season 1 Episode 4 - Moonshine Money FREE free American Digger tv links (tv-links) torrent on you ...
The Weekly Brew: MOONSHINE comes to CT
It’s not often that a topic other than beer finds its way into “The Weekly Brew,” but when it does, it comes with good reason. Continuing on the trend of local, craft-made products, it should be no surprise that a close relative of beer ...
Jane Fishman: Swapping plants and MOONSHINE stories | information ...
Today, Phantom brings in a jar of Moonshine from his mother-in-law, so Doni of course, calls in Craig to drink some. Craig happily obliges, does 3 shots, and pukes after the second two, all captured on video by Carmichael ...
How do you get the bottle of MOONSHINE on mobsters?
In the missions it shows it under a mission but you have to have the bottle of Moonshine. Do you win it or something?
Answer: you have to do a mission which will give you 10 bottles of Moonshine!! it'll cost u to waste 10 energy!!
but anywayz add me!! but i'll delete u from my friends once ur in my mob!! make sure to mention mobsters.
hope u don't mind!!
Category: MySpace
What are the penalties for making MOONSHINE in Alberta Canada?
I am talking about making it for personal consumption not for resale. Also will one get a criminal record for making Moonshine?
Answer: I remember the punishment being some very heavy fines and forfeiture of property. It's a kind of tax evasion and I don't know if you get a record for it.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Original MOONSHINE | Age Verification
Use of this site is only for those of legal drinking age. By entering this site, you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS and PRIVACY STATEMENT. We endorse responsible ...
Caught making MOONSHINE, 84-year-old Franklin County man pleads guilty to reduced charges
ROCKY MOUNT -- A Franklin County man received 12 months in jail, all suspended, on moonshining-related charges today. Cecil Love, 84, pleaded guilty in Franklin County Circuit Court to misdemeanor possession of distilling apparatus without a permit in ...
How much MOONSHINE would it take to kill a person?
My friend has a lot in her house (her grandparents made it) and she is 52" and about 130 lbs. She has made comments about going home and getting drunk but I am afraid that since Moonshine is so strong that it will kill her. She is not suicidal, but she also doesnt think what she is doing is wrong.
Answer: Moonshine is about 180 proof(depends) but that's 90%ABV... so three once ounce shots will pretty much get you drunk...
don't drink more then 1/2 a mason jar in a day... it will really kill you
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
What fruit should I add to my MOONSHINE?
Putting fruit in the jar and letting it soak is the best way to do it. Makes the Moonshine drinkable and the fruit has a kick when eaten. I have only tried strawberries. Any other tried and true suggestions?
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Potato planting and MOONSHINE
A baby. A man. A dog from Afghanistan. And a big bag of potatoes to be planted. It's springtime at my place. Can't forget the hoe. Now that Jake is home, my goal for 2012 is to become a more.
how to connect a MOONSHINE still from a pressure cooker to copper tubing?
I just got my license to make Moonshine, and im trying to make a small Moonshine still.
But i dont know how too connect the pressure cooker to the copper tubing. I was on the web an i saw people using like big wooden corks an stuff like that which i dont know where to buy that. My question is what can i use an where can i buy it.
Answer: Go to the hardware store that has plumbing parts. Purchase a compression fitting that will attach to the appropriate size of copper tubing you want to use. Drill a hole through the top of your pressure cooker lid, the same size as your new compression fitting. Put the fitting through the hole and tighten the nut to it so it is locked to the lid. Put your copper line in the other end. Run that copper line to your thump jug.
Look for a fitting similar to this...and don't forget to use brass or copper washers between the lid and compression fitting.
good luck with your shine.
If you are looking for ways to build a distiller check this site out.
Category: Do It Yourself (DIY)
MOONSHINE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moonshine (meaning illicit distillation, also called white lightning, mountain dew, hooch, "Tennessee white whiskey", and many other names) is an illegally produced ...
noun 1. Informal . smuggled or illicitly distilled liquor, especially corn liquor as illicitly distilled chiefly in rural areas of the southern U.S. 2. empty or ...
Spirits soar among Tennessees newest distilleries
In case you didn’t get the official memo, Tennessee whiskey and Kentucky bourbon — even the cheap Moonshine made in both places — have become the trendy liquor of choice within fashionable culinary circles. I happened to get the memo in ...
Anderson chamber to host ribbon cutting for Palmetto MOONSHINE
ANDERSON — The Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce will present a ribbon-cutting for Palmetto Moonshine on Saturday to celebrate the grand opening of South Carolina’s first legal Moonshine distillery. The event is set to start at 11 a.m. at ...
What is it in MOONSHINE that makes people go blind?
I was thinking about making my own Moonshine because I found a relatively easy way using a crockpot and a milk jug and some copper pipe. My only worry is what in the process makes people go blind or gets people sick? How would I keep these pollutants out of my batch?
Answer: They aren't "pollutants". It's called methanol. Although they are both alcohols, Ethanol gets you drunk and Methanol is dangerously toxic. In low doses, as little as 10 ml can make you blind. Larger doses, as small as they may be, 30 ml, can be fatal. The problem with distilling your own alcohol is that Methanol has a lower boiling point than Ethanol. This means that when you distill the mash, you will get more methanol in it than ethanol at first. All alcoholic drinks have both methanol and ethanol in them. Including wine beer and liquor, they just have safe am amounts of methanol. Depending on how much mash you are distilling, you can just dispose of the first bit of alcohol that drips out. For reference here's the boiling point of all the unwanted chemicals:
Acetone 56.5C (134F)
Methanol (wood alcohol) 64C (147F)
Ethyl acetate 77.1C (171F)
2-Propanol (rubbing alcohol) 82C (180F)
Ethanol, drinking alcohol, has a boiling point of 172 degrees F. If you can keep the temp under 170 for a while at first you should be able to get all the acetone and methanol out safely. Then increase the temp to around 174-175 in order to keep all the 2-propanol out (who wants to drink rubbing alcohol??). I would suggest dumping the first 25-50 ml of alcohol depending on how much mash you are distilling in order to get rid of most of the Ethyl acetate. After that you should be able to, safely, distill your Moonshine and get drunk as hell without going blind or dieing.
By the way, distilling your own alcohol is illegal. You can brew wine and beer legally but distillation is illegal. If you do end up getting some Methanol or acetone in it and need to go to the hospital, keep the whole distillation thing on the DL or you could get busted.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
5 questions with Dave Corncobb McCormick
I got to stand where all my heroes stood. It was a religious experience." Q: Your song "Mother Mary Moonshine" is catchy. Whats the story with it? Did you set out to write a church-and-Moonshine song? A:"The story with that one was I went down to Alabama.
MOONSHINE® Restaurant Patio Bar and Grill :: Downtown Austin ...
Moonshine serves up innovative down-home cooking in a casual atmosphere, steeped in Austin, Texas historic Waterloo Compound.
MOONSHINE Store, MOONSHINE, IL - Clark County, Illinois
A wide spot in the road in the SW corner of Clark County, Moonshine is the in spot for the elite to meet. Youll need a compass, plat ...
How was MOONSHINE important to its time period?
How was Moonshine important to America in its heyday?
Jack, actually it was the only way. Before they knew boiling water killed bacteria they would drink the liquor. He didnt mean no water. He meant no clean drinkable water. So you are wrong. Get your head out of your ass.
Answer: It was a way of life , and a damn good one! till the Feds decided that their way was better..............
Category: NASCAR MOONSHINE: A Novel (9780312648060): Alaya Johnson: Books
"Moonshine is an utterly captivating novel, depicting a richly detailed 1920s alternative New York City inhabited by social activists, feminists…and Others ...
Yesterdays MOONSHINEr Is Todays Microdistiller
PARROTTSVILLE, Tenn. -- This is a story about a man named Marvin Sutton and how he proved that the road from criminality to commodity is sometimes shorter than it looks. Until his death in 2009 at the age of 62, Mr. Sutton, known as Popcorn, was a Moonshiner. He was not quite the last, as he often claimed, but he was probably the most famous ever - Famous whiskey made by Marvin Popcorn Sutton, a legendary Moonshiner who killed himself after being prosecuted in Cocke County, Tenn, is being produced again after state law makes product legal; his widow, Pam Sutton, and former partner, Jamey Grosser, have revived his brand and are seeking to open local distillery and museum in his honor. Photos (M) - By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON
March Madness at Moonshine. Moonshine open’s at 11AM for all your March Madness NCAA GAMES WE HAVE 1/2 OFF ALL OUR FAMOUS Moonshine THIN CRUST PIZZA’S along with ...
MOONSHINE, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moonshine is an unincorporated community located in Clark County, Illinois, USA. It has been featured on the CBS Sunday Morning Show. There is only one building in ...
ARTSBEAT; Dang Revenuers: Agency Miffed by MOONSHINErs
Once again, a reality television show has viewers asking whether its real or unreal. This time, the authorities are answering with a no. The series in question is Moonshiners, a new entrant on the Discovery Channel that ostensibly shows people in rural Virginia who make their own alcohol and the state agents who pursue them. In an online - Agency that regulates alcohol in Virginia says that television reality series Moonshiners, which ostensibly depicts people making their own alcohol, is scripted and not real; making Moonshine is illegal. Photo (S) - By BRIAN STELTER
Moonshine is any distilled alcoholic spirit made illegally. While many grains can be used in the manufacture of Moonshine, most often it is a whiskey made with corn ...
Kentucky Distillers Association adds MOONSHINE maker
Silver Trail Distillery, a Marshall County-based maker of legal "Moonshine," has joined the Kentucky Distillers Association, which primarily represents makers of bourbon. As the Lexington Herald-Leader reported, Silver Trail makes its Moonshine in a wagon ...
North Carolina MOONSHINE - ibiblio - The Publics Library and ...
The music you are hearing is part of "Kentucky Moonshiner" by George Tucker. Click here to hear the entire song. Last updated November 25, 1997
Beauty Spots
OASIS ON FIFTH Frazzled from Fashion Week? Perhaps its time for a brief getaway at the new flagship location for the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa. On Fifth Avenue between 52nd and 53rd Streets, this 21,000-square-foot space occupies two floors and features an outdoor penthouse terrace. Try the cream-and-sugar body scrub ($120) or an olive oil - By HILARY HOWARD
MOONSHINE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moonshine (meaning illicit distillation, also called white lightning, mountain dew, hooch, "Tennessee white whiskey", and many other names) is an illegally ...
What would happen if you drank undistilled MOONSHINE?
If someone were to make Moonshine by leaving water, yeast and sugar in a air tight container for 2 weeks, then boil it(not distill just boil), then drink it. Would it work? Would it be harmful? If so, in what way? Thanks.
Answer: you don't seal the container? if you sealed it, it would likely explode... you need to have an airlock to let the excess CO2 out and the harmful bacteria and such from getting in.
depending on the type of sugar you start with, you would have a wine-like end substance. if it was corn based, you would have a form of Chicha.
it wouldn't likely taste very good with just sugar, but would get you drunk if you consumed enough of it i guess
if you boiled it, it would remove a fair amount of the alcohol, since the alcohol starts evaporating before the water... and you would just have a weaker end-product
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
What is Moonshine? is it a brand or a nickname for somethin or what?
Answer: Moonshine is any illegally-made whiskey, usually associated with the south. A number of them can make you permanently blind.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
COPPER Moonshine STILLS. FREE Moonshine RECIPES .... WATERMELON-PEACH Moonshine BRANDY for five gallons 1 1/4 large watermelon ...
How to connect a MOONSHINE still from a pressure cooker to copper tubing?
I just got my license to make Moonshine, and im trying to make a small Moonshine still.
But i dont know how too connect the pressure cooker to the copper tubing. I was on the web an i saw people using like big wooden corks an stuff like that which i dont know where to buy that. My question is what can i use an where can i buy it.
Answer: If you have to ask this question, you shouldn't be making Moonshine! Read more about it and buy a small still first! It will be safer! Stills have been known to explode so why take the chance!
Category: Do It Yourself (DIY)
Washington Co. Man Busted for MOONSHINE
Chipley- The Washington County Sheriffs Office said it hasnt seen a case like this in at least twenty years- someone busted for making and selling an illegal alcohol twice as strong as your typical margarita. Lieutenant Mark Collins with the Washington ...
MOONSHINE: A Real Life Vampire Story - The Films Official Website
Moonshine the independent feature film is the ultra-realistic depiction of vampires on the big screen.
MOONSHINE Alley #11 | Proven Gamer
GAMER INTRODUCED. Coming very soon is the new podcast from Proven Gamer, Gamer Introduced. I will be joined by cohost Titanicwang and a new gamer every episode. Gamer Introduced is the podcast about, for, and by ...
Rehab with MOONSHINE BANDITS and Lola Black at The Marquis Theater
HitFix provides breaking news and insider analysis on whats next in Movies, Music, TV and Local Events. Our localized event calendar lets you personalize and plan your entertainment life, while our instant alerts and mobile apps make sure you never miss ...
Jane Fishman: Swapping plants and MOONSHINE stories ...
Today, Phantom brings in a jar of Moonshine from his mother-in-law, so Doni of course, calls in Craig to drink some. Craig happily obliges, does 3 shots, and pukes after the second two, all captured on video by Carmichael ...
NEW JERSEY DINING | MILLBURN; A Review of MOONSHINE Modern Supper Club, in Millburn
WHEN Joe San Philip and his partners took over a two-story restaurant space in Millburn with noisy acoustics, they moved the bar into the storefront next door to quiet things down. Drinkers, they hoped, would mosey from the bar into the dining room and back again. Their next move was to concoct a cocktail list with a mixture of updated classics, - By DAVID M. HALBFINGER
WIN A JERSEY AND CATCH ALL THE CHICAGO BLACKHAWK PLAYOFFS LIVE AT Moonshine! Every Hawks game will be shown on our big screen TV's ...
JB and the MOONSHINE Band heading to Jacksonville - - - News ...
There's only one explanation that JB Patterson could give on his decision to quit his successful career in advertising to become a songwriter and start a band three years ago. “When you look back it now, it was a stupid move ...
The Newly Famous, Ever-Earnest, Jessica Chastain
“Take him and cut him out in little stars!” Jessica Chastain fairly shouts, re-enacting her interpretation of Juliet’s famous monologue, the bold gambit that got her admitted to the Juilliard School a decade ago. “Most people do it so precious and sweet, a girl just married, but she is going to be a woman, and ‘he - By LYNN YAEGER
Jane Fishman: Swapping plants and MOONSHINE stories | Premier ...
By Amy Matzke-Fawcett | The Roanoke Times ROCKY MOUNT -- A Franklin County man received 12 months in jail, all suspended, on moonshining-related charges today.
HOLIDAY DRINKS; Debunking the Myths Shared at the Bar
EDUCATING the average drinker on the qualities of firewater, and how to best enjoy it, has been one of the central credos of the new generation of mixologists. Knowledge! they cry, as they throw back shots of Fernet-Branca. But some booze-addled misconceptions continue to cling to the lizard brain of the American tippler. An army of bartenders - Several wine experts debunk popular misconceptions about the qualities of alcohol and how to best enjoy a beverage. Photo (M) - By ROBERT SIMONSON
A Review of MOONSHINE Modern Supper Club, in Millburn
WHEN Joe San Philip and his partners took over a two-story restaurant space in Millburn with noisy acoustics, they moved the bar into the storefront next door to quiet things down. Drinkers, they hoped, would mosey from the bar into the dining ...
New Georgia Encyclopedia: MOONSHINE
Moonshine. Georgians have made Moonshine since the late eighteenth century.
Spring hiking gives natural high
CHESTERFIELD — The lure of mild weather and scenic vistas is inspiring people to visit Poke-O-Moonshine and other mountains this spring. JulieAnna Arey, a junior at Plattsburgh State double majoring in English literature and theater, took a break from ...
How fast does MOONSHINE get you drunk?
Is it really true that you can take 1 shot and get drunk? Im talking about an average person who has never drank Moonshine before. How much would you have to drink for there to be serious damage?
Answer: I've only tried it once and the one shot didn't get me drunk, but I definitely felt it.
Tasted like
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Whats On Today
9 P.M. (13) DON GIOVANNI Mariusz Kwiecien makes his Metropolitan Opera debut as Mozarts promiscuous nobleman in this new production from Michael Grandage, originally broadcast in theaters on Oct. 29 and presented here by Great Performances at the Met. Marina Rebeka and Mojca Erdmann sing the roles of Donna Anna and Zerlina, two of Giovannis - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
MOONSHINE--How to Make It - ibiblio - The Publics Library and ...
Makin good Moonshine is quite an art. It takes lots of time and practice before one can whip up a good batch that sells. Throughout history, there have been many ...
750 ML · MOUNTAIN MADE · CENTURY OLD RECIPE · SHINE RESPONSIBLY ™ Bottled by Ole Smoky Distillery, LLC · Gatlinburg, Tennessee ...
MOONSHINE Run To Be Held Saturday
Gas up your ATV...its time to get down and dirty for a great cause. Raleigh Countys Mountaineer Trail Riders Club is putting on a Moonshine Run Saturday, March 31, 2012 at Burning Rock Outdoor Adventure Park in Sophia. ATV Riders can enjoy a fun-filled ...
HowStuffWorks "How MOONSHINE Works"
Think the days of backwoods stills and black market liquor are over? Think again: Police are still arresting Moonshiners. Learn how Moonshine is made, why the ...
I want to make Moonshine for a party. What is the best recipe and how do I go about soaking fruit in it? Best fruits to use?
Answer: This is illegal to make in many states. You'll want to check for your state.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
#Gourmet #Food #4: Stillhouse Original Moonshine 750ml 750 ml: Stillhouse Original Moonshine 7... #Grocery Shopping
From: GroceryStore4U - Source: twitterfeed
The answer is "Moonshine"!
From: howbona_bot - Source: howbona_bot Spring hiking gives natural high
Local News
Press-Republican :P Moonshine
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Leroy Powell - The Snowblind Moonshine Deathride (Bluesrock / Acid Rock - 13/15 Punkten)
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#news : Jane Fishman: Swapping plants and Moonshine stories
From: barbecuetips - Source: Greatest Hits
errorWe cldnt fnd yr strings
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Your head, you see, and this Moonshine about a cablegram--".
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. Moonshine Moonshine (jelly) Canandaigua, NY MPNnow
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Moonshine (jelly) Canandaigua, NY MPNnow Moonshine :O
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;) Moonshine Moonshine (jelly) Canandaigua, NY MPNnow
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Moonshine (jelly) Canandaigua, NY MPNnow Moonshine
From: KamiIsgro7869 - Source: web Moonshine (jelly) Canandaigua, NY MPNnow Moonshine .
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Moonshine (jelly) Canandaigua, NY MPNnow Moonshine
From: CarlettaMaclin3 - Source: web
Jane Fishman: Swapping plants and Moonshine stories #cinco_de_mayo #Moonshine #syphilis
From: TodayHotNews1 - Source: Today Hot News - breaking news
In the Moonshine; I never knowed it before.
From: nukubibevego - Source: web