Tax deadline : Videos
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Tax deadline : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Artists Find Benefactors In Web Crowd
In the last year alone, money troubles have pushed the New Mexico Symphony to close, New York City Opera to slash its budget by two-thirds and the State of Kansas to eliminate all public financing for the arts. As formerly reliable employers and patrons struggle to pay their own bills, artists have been forced to intensify their hunt for new - Many artists are enthusiastically embracing financial crowd-sourcing on the Internet as an important new model for arts funding, using Web sites like Kickstarter and Artspire to help them efficiently reach out to a large number of potential contributors. Photos (M)2 - By PATRICIA COHEN
TAX DEADLINEs: Critical Tax-Related Deadlines in 2011
The annual tax filing deadline is normally April 15. In 2012, however, the deadline will be April 17th. Heres a list of important Tax deadlines occurring in the year ...
Can't make the TAX DEADLINE? File for an extension, says IRS ...
Taxpayers who can't meet the April 17 Tax deadline can get an automatic six-month extension,
TAX DEADLINE in October | - Mortgage Rates Credit ...
Whether you prefer filing taxes in April or October, Bankrate will help you get it together to meet the Tax deadline.
Senate Passes 2-Year Transportation Bill
WASHINGTON -- The Senate easily approved a two-year, $109 billion transportation and infrastructure bill on Wednesday, putting pressure on House Republicans to set aside their stalled version and pass the Senates before the federal highway trust fund expires at the end of the month. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, extolled the - Senate approves two-year, $109 billion transportation and infrastructure bill, putting pressure on House Republicans to set aside their stalled version and pass the Senates before the federal highway trust fund expires on April 1. (M)3 - By JONATHAN WEISMAN
By Jennifer Richardson. EUGENE, Ore. -- The countdown is on to file your taxes. You have until April 17 to get those papers postmarked. You really can't miss that deadline if you're driving around town, in part, because of sign ...
TAX DEADLINE pushed back two days this year - San Jose Mercury ...
2 days ago ... Tax time is almost here, but you get a bit of a reprieve this year because the traditional April 15 filing deadline falls on Sunday and the following ...
What if you miss your TAX DEADLINE?
My parents traveled abroad for some family issues and forgot to remind me to mail out their check to the IRS. They just got back and realize that its still sitting on the counter. They sent in their tax work but not the money they owe to the IRS.
I was wondering what will happen and what should they do. Should they file for an extension or is there a way for them to show that they was out of the country and hope for an exception?
I know that theyre planning to mail it out first thing Monday morning.
Please help if someone know what to do. Any information would be great!
Answer: Mail the check ASAP.
The extension was for paperwork (and it's too late anyway). Since that was already filed, the Failure to File penalty is not an issue.
Category: United States
LETTERS; Sunday Dialogue: Equitable Health Care
Readers respond to a writers defense of the health reform law. The Letter To the Editor: Starting on Monday, the Supreme Court will consider constitutional challenges to the Affordable Care Act, hearing arguments about Congressional authority to mandate the purchase of health insurance by individuals and threats to states sovereignty by an - Sunday Dialogue on the health care reform law. Drawing (M)
Tax Day 2011 has been put off. And thats no April Fools joke ...
The change comes because a weekend and a District of Columbia holiday stand in the way of the usual April 15 deadline. This year, the nations capital will ...
7 Last-Minute Tax Tips
This years April 17 Tax deadline is just days away--do you know where your tax returns are? If youre still putting the finishing touches on them, here are seven last-minute tax tips to make sure you steer clear of penalties, unnecessary audits ...
Tax Day 2012 - Tax Year 2011 IRS Tax Return Filing Deadlines
Tax Day 2012 is the IRS filing deadline for Tax Year 2011. Find this and other deadlines for filing federal and state income tax returns and tax extensions.
TAX DEADLINE is One Week Away – Need more Time to File ...
Washington, D.C. – The Internal Revenue Service today reminded anyone unable to meet next week's Tax deadline that they can easily get an automatic six-month tax-filing extension. And, the easiest and quickest way to get ...
2011 Tax Extended Deadline Information for 2010 Tax Returns ...
For those wondering why the 2011 Tax deadline has changed; the reason is not typical to those in the past.
California state income TAX DEADLINE change made me miss the deadline. Can I protest against the fine?
I file my taxes using turbotax and finished my federal taxes on time. It seems like that California state changed their income Tax deadline from May 1 to April 15th. I didnt realize about this change and filed on May 1st. Now I got a fine for $400. I dont think thats fair as neither turbotax or California state made it clear about this change. Is there any way I can avoid this penalty? Thanks for your help
Answer: CA's deadline wasn't changed. It has always been April 15th! The deadline has always corresponded with the federal deadline.
If you filed on May 1st that is your fault and the penalty is 100% legitimate. Sorry - TurboTax would have indicated the filing deadline.
Category: United States
Student who has missed the tax filing deadline?
Ive worked for the majority of 2008, and then went to school during the fall and winter. I missed the tax filing deadline, would i still be able to claim my tax credit this year?
Answer: Yes, you can still claim your tax credits - and should do so. The deadline only relates to owing tax. If, when you complete your return, you end up owing tax, you will be charged a 5% late filing penalty plus interest up until it is paid. If you have a refund coming, there are no penalties and you might even get a small amount of interest from the government.
Category: Canada
Medical News:%20'Dead' Is Real in TAX DEADLINE - in Public Health ...
'Dead' Is Real in Tax deadline. By Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today. Published: April 10, 2012. Take Posttest ...
TAX DEADLINE looms as more Alabamians use E-file
If you havent filed your taxes, you better get to it! The deadline is Tuesday, April 17th. If youre like most Alabamians, you probably did it yourself. Folks we talked to say there are pros and cons to that method. "Electronic is a lot simpler," says ...
The deadline is April 17th. Does that mean you have to have a post mark of April 17th or that the IRS has to receive your forms on or before that date?
Answer: Postmarked.
Category: United States
Missed the TAX DEADLINE, will that hurt my Approval for a home mortgage?
I filed for my taxes in March, but after not receiving my tax return looked into why and found out that some how my tax return didnt get to the IRS electronically. Now i have to send them in again and pay the late fee. I have already been pre-approved will this affect my ability to complete the the Mortgage final approval when i find a house, or because i have been pre-approved.
Answer: nope will not affect your credit at all
Category: United States
Find out when the 2012 Tax deadline is. Determine when to get your tax return postmarked to meet the Tax deadline.
Free tax help available around Tucson up to deadline
With just a few days left until the income-tax filing deadline, there are still places lower-income taxpayers can go for free help — including one tax-help site that will be open until 10 p.m. on deadline day, April 17. The United Way of Tucson and ...
Tax Relief Expert Michael Rozbruch Appears on Fox News to Divulge Helpful Tax Tips in Advance of the Filing Deadline
Tax Resolution Services, Co. founder shares crucial tax advice for last-minute filers and those who have yet to file or pay back taxes. Encino, CA (PRWEB) April 12, 2012 “I’ve appeared on Tony’s show before, and enjoyed it because it’s such a good ...
Popular Demand
The tax-filing deadline for 2012 is April 17. While there is no app that can cure procrastination, some allow you to file the EZ form using your phone; help track and organize expenses and receipts; offer refund estimates; and track your refund as it wends its way from the I.R.S. to your bank account. The top developers in the app market are - Popular Demand column features top tax-related mobile apps for Apple and Android smartphones. Photo (S)0 - By SHELLY FREIERMAN
Tax Money Is Due This Month But Paperwork Deadlines Can Be Extended
With this years Tax deadline on April 17 instead of April 15, New Yorkers already have a two-day extension, but taxpayers who need more time to either file or pay have options. NY1s Money Matters reporter Tara Lynn Wagner filed the following report.
Debate Shifts From the Trail To the Capital
For months, the political debate in Washington has been defined largely by the seemingly constant confrontations on the Republican presidential campaign trail. That is about to change, at least for a while. What seemed like an eternal string of debates has ended. And primaries will no longer be a weekly affair; there are just two days in April when - Caucus column; slowdown in the Republican nomination contest is likely to refocus media attention on Washington and Pres Obama, especially in terms of the Supreme Courts review of the new health care law. (M) - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
2011 Tax Extensions and Deadlines
There are certain dates that every American knows by heart: Christmas is on December 25, Valentine’s Day is on February 14, and April 15 is when your taxes are
TAX DEADLINE quickly approaching - Sedona Red Rock News ...
With the deadline for the 2012 tax season set for Tuesday April 17 many are busy crunching numbers on their calculators in order to get their returns in on time Others however may be looking for a.
Important 2011 Tax Filing Deadlines - Personal Finance | Financial ...
With the 2010 tax filing deadline safely behind us, I want to turn your attention to important tax-related deadlines for the remainder of the year. The most
Filing a Tax Extension: 3 Things to Know Before the Deadline
If youre looking for extra time to file your tax return, you may be able to get an additional six months by filing for an extension. But keep in mind that, while a tax extension may be just the quick fix you need, it wont solve all of your problems.
Can I get the $8000 tax credit for buying a home this year after TAX DEADLINE day?
We are due to close on our new home on April 23rd 2010. I know this qualifies us for the $8000 tax credit but it is past Tax deadline day. Can we file an amended tax return after deadline day and receive the credit this year? Or do we have to wait until we file next years tax returns?
Answer: You can claim it by filing an amendment to your 2009 return if you don't want to wait.
Category: United States
Important Dates and Filing Deadlines for 2011 Federal Tax Returns ...
Filing Deadlines for 2011 Federal Tax Returns ... Unless otherwise indicated, deadlines are at 11:59:59 P.M. (one second before midnight) local time for the date given.
Seven Things about Getting More Time to File your Tax Return
Apr 7, 2011 ... Can't make the April 18 tax filing deadline and need more time to file your tax return? You can get an automatic six month extension of time to ...
TAX DEADLINE just a week away: Facts and reminders to keep in mind ...
1 day ago ... Federal and state income Tax deadline is just a week away, and here are some facts and reminders to keep in mind.
Tax deadline Approaching. April 12, 2012. The countdown is on. You have just five full days to pay the tax man. The deadline for your income taxes this year is April 17th. This year you get two extra days. That's because the fifteenth, the day ...
US tax time: A later deadline and other tax facts - How the filing ...
1 day ago ... Thanks to a holiday in Washington, D.C., the federal tax-filing deadline this year is April 17, two days later than usual. The extra time provides ...
What is the mid year deadline for tax refund?
I am aware that April 15th is the negligent deadline for those who must legally file a return. However in the event someone does not NEED to file(low income), do they still HAVE to file by the 15th to receive their entitled tax refund(s)?
Been having a tough time finding pertinent information on an official document about this.
Answer: If you owe tax and don't file on time, the total late–filing penalty is usually four and one-half percent of the tax owed for each month, or part of a month, that your return is late up to five months. If your return is over 60 days late, the minimum penalty for late filing is the smaller of $100 or 100 percent of the tax owed.
There is no penalty for failure to file a tax return if a refund is due. But by waiting too long to file, you can lose your refund. In order to receive a refund, the return must be filed within 3 years of the due date. If you file a return, and later realize you made an error on the return, the deadline for claiming any refund due is three years after the return was filed, or two years after the tax was paid, whichever expires later.
Category: United States
Is it cheaper to get taxes done after TAX DEADLINE?
I fear that it is to close to deadline and places like H&R Block can easily charge what they want b/c people are more desperate to get them done (supply and demand...thanks eco 101). But I feel like after tax season the prices have to drop considering there is less of a demand.
Answer: I work for a tax company...and we don't raise the price at any point in the year.... but a lot of the companies close after the 15th and THEN there will be a lot more demand at the few places that are still open - plus if you file after the 15th you will owe fees and penalties... if you owe...if you are expecting a refund, then what are you waiting for????
Category: United States
Tax Day stress, deadlines often linked to deadly auto accidents: study
Drivers were slightly less likely than passengers and pedestrians to be killed, claims the study. The two certainties in life - death and taxes - may be more intertwined than Ben Franklin ever imagined: A study found that deadly auto accidents ...
TAX DEADLINE - April 18, |
In the 2011 tax filing season, taxpayers have until Monday, April 18 to file their 2010 tax returns and pay any tax due.
Why does the Income TAX DEADLINE fall in April?
Why do the deadlines for Income Taxes in the US and Canada fall in the month of April, as opposed to any other month?
Answer: It is probably because there needs to be sufficient time to provide individual taxpayers with the information they need to prepare their own income tax returns. Interest earnings have to be calculated, dividends have to be computed, stock sales have to be reported, etc.
Speaking for the US (since I don't have any knowledge of how Canada's taxation works), there is also the fact that most pass-through entities like trusts, partnerships and S-corporations are generally required to operate on a calendar year. There needs to be enough time after December 31 for them to finish their year-end reconciliations, prepare the entity tax return, and then provide the necessary information to the partners, shareholders, or beneficiaries.
Certainly, at SOME point they had to just say "How about such-and-such for a deadline?" But the basic idea was probably that 3-4 months should be enough time for all the required information to be delivered to individual taxpayers so they can prepare their own tax returns.
Category: Other - Taxes
IRS Kicks Off 2012 Tax Season with Deadline Extended to April 17
IRS YouTube Video: April 17th Tax deadline: English | Spanish | ASL. Podcast: April 17th Tax deadline. IR-2012-1, Jan. 4, 2012. WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue ...
Health Savings Accounts Offer Consumers a Way to Cut Tax Bills Right Now
The deadline for filing income tax returns for 2011 is April 17th, not the traditional April 15th. This gives taxpayers an additional few days this year to complete and submit their returns. Even with the extra time, the deadline is right around ...
IRS extends tax filing deadline to April 17 - Jan. 4, 2012
The IRS is extending this years tax filing deadline until Tuesday, April 17 -- two days later than the typical April 15 deadline.
Pennsylvania Revenue Department Works to Ease Tax Filing as Deadline Nears
As Pennsylvanias April 17 personal income tax filing deadline fast approaches, Department of Revenue Secretary Dan Meuser reminded taxpayers how the department is working to improve operations and make tax compliance as simple as possible.
IRS Kicks Off 2012 Tax Season with Deadline Extended to April 17
Mar 8, 2012 ... IRS YouTube Video: April 17th Tax deadline: English | Spanish | ASL. Podcast: April 17th Tax deadline. IR-2012-1, Jan. 4, 2012 ...
The S Corporation Deadline Approaches
Is the S Corporation right for your business ... If your business is a corporation, you’re already aware that March 15th is the most critical Tax deadline of the year.
Tax Day 2012 - Tax Year 2011 IRS Tax Return Filing Deadlines
Tax Day 2012 is the IRS filing deadline for Tax Year 2011. Find this and other deadlines for filing federal and state income tax returns and tax extensions.
What exact time of day is the 2009 federal TAX DEADLINE?
I know the deadline date is April 15th, however does that mean its due at 12:01 AM April 15, or can one file during the daylight hours on Wednesday?
Answer: Midnight, not even 12:01. It has to be postmarked by 12:00 midnight on the 15th.
Category: United States
Tax Filing Deadline 2012: Postmark and Mailing Date
The tax filing deadline is April 16, 2012. You must have your returns postmarked and in the mail by this date. Taxes owed must be paid by this date as well.
Why the TAX DEADLINE is so late as 15th april in United States?
The tax cycle in US is 1st Oct-30th Sept. Though I think, people can choose their own tax cycle. Assuming the default, why is the Tax deadline so late?. Its almost 6-7 months after the end of the cycle. like in India tax year is 1st April-30th March and Tax deadline is 31st July, which is after 4 months of tax cycle end which is kind of reasonable. Then why so late in US?
Answer: You're not correct. The tax cycle for an individual is a calendar year. A business can choose its fiscal year. The US Government fiscal year is Oct-Sept.
Category: United States
ECONOMIC SCENE; A Tax Code of Politics, Not Practicality
The deadline for filing tax returns is almost upon us. If you are like me, you must be pondering how such a rich, high-technology democracy as the United States could endure what must be the most inefficient, mind-bogglingly complex tax system known to man. Either you’ve hired an accountant to prepare your tax returns or you’ve spent - By EDUARDO PORTER
What is the Federal Tax extention deadline?
I filed an extention on my federal taxes for last year. I know the deadline for the extention is coming up soon. What is the deadline? And do they have to have it by that date, or just postmarked by that date?
Answer: Yes, very soon - October 15. It just has to be postmarked by then, not received by the IRS.
The extension was just to file, not an extension to pay, so if you owe and didn't pay by April, you will owe interest and possible penalties.
Category: United States
The Game Is Called Chicken
Almost immediately after the so-called grand bargain between President Obama and the Republican speaker of the house, John Boehner, unraveled last July, the two sides quickly settled into dueling, self-serving narratives of what transpired behind closed doors. In the months that followed, some of Washingtons most connected Democrats and - By MATT BAI
does TAX DEADLINE exist when you get back money?
I am supposed to get money back in taxes this year. Today is the Tax deadline. Do I need to ensure that my envelope is stamped with todays date even though I get money back and dont owe? Or does the date not matter in this case?
Answer: If I were you, I'd be on the safe side and get it filed.
On the other hand, my husband wouldn't do taxes for a few years - he decided it was unconstitutional. When he finally let me do them we had several years to catch up on - penalties for those we owed, and refunds for a few years. The refunds were not reduced by penalties for not having been submitted on time. From what I read on this at the time, you have 3 years to get your refund or you lose it. I don't like messing around with that kind of stuff, though.
Category: United States
ECONOMIC SCENE; A Nation With Too Many Tax Breaks
With the presidential election in sight and a deadline looming at the end of the year to cut trillions from the deficit, the partisan debate over the budget has become an existential battle over the purpose of government. President Obamas insistence that the rich must pay more to preserve programs that help the poor and middle class has crashed - Eduardo Porter Economic Scene column suggests that, at first glance, the federal budget seems tilted to take from the rich and redistribute to the rest; contends there is an alternate way to measure how the government moves resources across the economy that includes amounts that are not reported either as revenue or spending in the budget, but recorded as tax expenditures, money that the government does not collect because of tax breaks; cautions that all these tax breaks are championed in Congress or by lobbyists. Photo, Graph (M) - By EDUARDO PORTER
Is an excess Roth IRA contribution taxable when withdrawing it after the tax filing deadline with extension?
I contributed $6000 to a Roth IRA in 2006, which caused an excess of $2000. It is now after the tax-filing deadline with extension. I know that there is a 6% excise tax penalty already. My question is: Are there any taxes if I withdraw the $2000? And would the early distribution penalty 10% apply since I am under 59 1/2?
Answer: You need to withdraw the $2,000 plus any earnings attributable to the $2,000.
You will pay an excise tax of 6% on the $2,000.
You will pay income tax plus a 10% penalty on any earnings that have been withdrawn.
Category: United States
What is the tax filing deadline in Australia?
What is the tax filing deadline for individuals and for individuals filing with an accountant for 2009-10 in Australia? I looked all over the ATO website, but oddly enough cant find this.
Answer: 31st of October for individuals without a tax agent & Mid May 2011 for individuals with an accountant
Category: Australia
Study: TAX DEADLINE day can be deadly on US roads |
1 day ago ... Death and taxes may be more intertwined than Ben Franklin imagined: A study found fatal car crashes increase on Tax Day.
Tax filing deadline is nigh. Are you ready? -
Dont look now, but the April 18 tax filing deadline is just around the corner. For those of us still plugging away, the good news is that its easier than ...
I know that the deadline has been extended to till April 17. Does this include city, state, federal Tax deadlines or just federal deadline?
Answer: That's the Federal deadline. Some states have adopted it as well, such as CA while others have not, such as MO. MA is also the 17th but only because the 16th is a State holiday -- Patriots Day. Check with your state's tax authorities to see what your state is doing.
Category: United States
Inside The Times
International HALF OF IRISH HOMEOWNERS FAILED TO PAY NEW TAX Anti-austerity protesters are claiming victory after the government acknowledged that around 50 percent of Irelands estimated 1.6 million homeowners failed to pay a new, flat-rate $133 property tax by the March 31 deadline. Page A4 SYRIA COMMITS TO DEADLINE The Syrian government has – Fatal crashes spike on U.S. tax day
Fatal crashes spike on U.S. tax day. "The increased risk of fatal crashes on Tax deadline days imparts a substantial cost to society," says Donald Redelmeier. The net losses "could mathematically negate the income tax ...
Half of Irish Homeowners Join Boycott of New Tax That Has Symbolized Fiscal Woes
DUBLIN -- Anti-austerity protesters are claiming victory after the government acknowledged that around 50 percent of Irelands estimated 1.6 million homeowners failed to pay a new, flat-rate $133 property tax by the March 31 deadline. It is quite clear a mass boycott has really sent this government a significant message it didnt want to hear, - Irish anti-austerity protesters claim victory after the government acknowledges that around 50 percent of the countrys estimated 1.6 million homeowners failed to pay a new, flat-rate $133 property tax by the March 31 deadline. (M) - By DOUGLAS DALBY
Study: Tax day a risky deadline
In 30 years of data, the traffic death rate on tax day was 6 percent higher than on other April days, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The two certainties in life – death and taxes – may be more ...
TAX DEADLINE A Week Away; E-Filing Growing In Popularity « CBS ...
The Tax deadline is approaching, and millions of taxpayers still haven't filed their income tax returns.
Stressful income TAX DEADLINE day boosts risk of fatal car crashes: study
TORONTO - This months income Tax deadline day can not only be stressful for those who have left filing their return to the last minute, but it can also be deadly. A 30-year study of traffic accidents in the United States has found that the ...
IRS Kicks Off 2011 Tax Season with Deadline Extended to April 18 ...
IRS Kicks Off 2011 Tax Season with Deadline Extended to April 18; Taxpayers Impacted by Recent Tax Breaks Can File Starting in Mid- to Late February
Is TAX DEADLINE Day More Dangerous for Drivers?
The stress of tax time may be more than an annual discomfort. According to newly published research, it could be deadly. A new study indicates drivers in the U.S. are more prone to fatal crashes on the day of the income-Tax deadline than on ...
Is Tax Day Killing us?
A new study in the April 11 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that road fatalities are significantly higher on the tax filing deadline than the same day a week earlier or later. The study is based on a national ...
Avoid TAX DEADLINE Stress | Men's Health News
Deadly car crashes jump by 6 percent on Tax deadline day, according to research. Learn how to avoid deadline stress with 4 tax tips from Men's Health Magazine.
Last-minute tax tips for procrastinators
CHICAGO — Getting an extra two days to file taxes beyond the usual April 15 tax filing deadline isn’t likely to cure a nation of procrastinators this year. Tens of millions of us routinely wait until just before the deadline to file returns.
RT @MensHealthMag: Deadly car crashes jump by 6 percent on Tax deadline day. #RandomFact #BeCareful
From: Tytotheler - Source: HootSuite
RT @DamirTankovic: Tax deadline looming http:tcokX6wIA9E
From: forsterhvtravis - Source: Mobile Web
RT @DamirTankovic: Tax deadline looming http:tcokX6wIA9E
From: Kizzybllmc - Source: Mobile Web
Tax season pushes ahead with April 17 deadline
From: TaxQuestiJFY - Source: web
Work from home scams Weekly Work At Home Recap 04-13-2012: Hi All, Hope you had a great week. The Tax deadline i...
From: workfromhome411 - Source: twitterfeed
Tax deadline extended to April 17
From: GoLaurens - Source: Facebook
Tax deadline extended to April 17:
From: GoLaurens - Source: twitterfeed
RT @MensHealthMag: Deadly car crashes jump by 6 percent on Tax deadline day. #RandomFact #BeCareful
From: themelkyway - Source: HootSuite
Tax deadline looming
From: 4Free4u - Source: twitterfeed
Tax deadline looming
From: DamirTankovic - Source: twitterfeed
RT @MensHealthMag: Deadly car crashes jump by 6 percent on Tax deadline day. #RandomFact #BeCareful
From: 24sevenGeek - Source: HootSuite
RT @MensHealthMag: Deadly car crashes jump by 6 percent on Tax deadline day. #RandomFact #BeCareful
From: TwaffDecember - Source: HootSuite
RT @MensHealthMag: Deadly car crashes jump by 6 percent on Tax deadline day. #RandomFact #BeCareful
From: mikeofranklin - Source: HootSuite
Telling your story - Telling your story April 7 came 10 days before the IRS tax filing deadline. CPA firms need...
From: Edteck1 - Source: Tweet Old Post
IRS Social Media Tools - Help at Tax deadline IRS Social Media Tools -... (via @imedialounge)
From: socialpage - Source: twitterfeed