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ANN ROMNEY fires back | Planet Washington blog
Ann romney fires back. Ann romney fought back Thursday, answering an assertion from a key Democratic activist that she had never worked a day in her life. "I know what it's like to struggle and maybe I haven't struggled as ...
Does any one else see the resemblance between Love Storys Ali McGraw and ANN ROMNEY?
Source: Bullit - Starring Steve McQueen as SFPDs Detective Bullit circa 1968 Ford Mustang built in Romney Michigan. I doubt if any Dem can figure out the tie in between Steve McQueen and Romney. Too bad Dems. There is also a tie in between Bruce Lee, Steve Mc Queen and Democrat Asstivist Charles Manson. Libby Hippy Peace and Love makes California burn to the ground.
Answer: Yes.
Category: Elections
ANN ROMNEY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ann Lois Romney (née Davies) (born April 16, 1949) is the wife of American businessman and Republican Party politician Mitt Romney. From 2003 to 2007 she ...
Obama denounces Rosen comments, says he and Romney will have more than enough to argue about
President Obama joined the chorus of Democrats repudiating Hilary Rosens assertion that Ann romney had "never worked a day in her life" despite spending years as a stay-at-home mother of five sons. “Theres no tougher job than being a mom," Obama said ...
Hilary Rosen, Democratic Strategist, Criticizes ANN ROMNEY For Having Never Worked A Day In Her Life
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen stirred controversy Wednesday evening when she criticized Ann romney for having "never worked a day in her life." During a discussion on CNNs Anderson Cooper 360 of the so-called war on women, Rosen said she ...
Romney Supporters Yearning for the Personal Side
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio -- The voters were pleading with Mitt Romney to share personal details of his life. They stood at town-hall-style meetings and chatted before rallies, clamoring for a story or an anecdote that would help them connect with the real Mitt Romney. I wish that you would speak more to a lot of the things that I think you should speak - Mitt Romneys supporters on the campaign trail often ask him to speak more candidly about his own life, hoping for personal anecdotes that will allow them to connect with his values and narrative; Romneys aids say he has several endearing stories to relate, but that he often commits gaffes when straying off message. (M)a - By ASHLEY PARKER
ANN ROMNEY Twitter Spat: Modern Forum, Tired Topic - Forbes
Photo of Ann romney at the Reagan Dinner in Des Moines on October 27, 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ANN ROMNEY to Hilary Rosen: My career choice was motherhood ...
5 hours ago ... Mitt Romney's wife responds to Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen: "She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so ...
Hilary Rosen Defends Her ANN ROMNEY Comment: 'I Love Stay At ...
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen appeared on CNN's Newsroom Thursday to address the firestorm over her comments that Ann romney actually never worked a day in her life. Carol Costello held Rosen's feet to the fire ...
What do you think ANN ROMNEY Did All Day?
Did she just play in the car elevator? Seriously, gold digger alert!
I mean is it Mitts charming personality that kept her around?
Maybe she managed the Used-Car shop where Mitt worked or something.
Category: Politics
Video: ANN ROMNEY responds to stay-at-home mom controversy on “America’s Newsroom”
If she weren’t doubling down on her controversial comments and dismissing the genuine consternation she caused as “faux outrage,” Hilary Rosen might actually inspire a little pity in me. Oh, I wouldn’t feel sorry for her because she’s ...
Will ANN ROMNEY be First Lady in January, people say that I look like her 1969 photo, she has to be Beautiful?
Ann romney is more attractive than Barbara Bush, Eva Braun, Hillary Clinton, Jackie Kennedy, Eleanor Rigby and Star Wars All Star Vladimear Wookie the current First Lady of Tofu. got soy?
Answer: Maybe so. I certainly hope Ann romney will be our next first lady, but beauty is only skin deep. Yes, Ann is beautiful, along with the entire Romney family and I believe on the inside as well as the outside.
Category: Elections
ANN ROMNEY tweets retort on never-worked charge |
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Democrats swipe at Ann romney is sparking bipartisan objections. Consultant Hilary Rosen is suggesting the wife of wealthy presidential candidate ...
I dont see what TV ad with ANN ROMNEYs 6 children have to do with Mittens policies?
and what his attitudesplans and ideas are. That is a mystery. The TV commercial shows only Ann romney with her children but no Mitt in the picture. Very strange considering the TV ad is supposed to show the human side of Mittens.
He is still a Humanod - Robo Corps
Category: Media & Journalism
ANN ROMNEY Gets an Apology From Democrat
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen apologized this afternoon for saying Ann romney "has actually never worked a day in her life" -- a comment that provoked a furious backlash from both parties. "I apologize to Ann romney and anyone else who was offended ...
ANN ROMNEY rejects Democratic pundit's claim that she 'never ...
2 hours ago ... The rhetorical war over women escalated Wednesday following a remark by Democratic pundit Hillary Rosen.
The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : ANN ROMNEY is ...
The huge benefit the Romney campaign is getting today from the response in favor of Ann romney, in response to the idiotic comments last night by Obama confidante Hilary Rosen, shows one other important thing: The ...
Why did Democrats make such a vile and vicious actuation against ANN ROMNEY?
They said "Mrs. Romney had "never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority off the women in this country are facing, in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and why do we worry about their future."
That was a terrible thing to say about her.
Category: Politics
ANN ROMNEY flap: Michelle Obama, in extraordinary move, helping with female damage control UPDATES
WASHINGTON--First Lady Michelle Obama--in what for her is an extraordinary move--jumped in to help with damage control on Thursday after a Democratic strategist said Ann romney, the mother of five, "never worked a day in her life." Mrs. Obama waded in via ...
How many nannies and housekeepers did ANN ROMNEY have, as she struggled being a stay-at-home mom?
Category: Elections
Why the left fears ANN ROMNEY
(CNN)-- President Bill Clinton once famously said, "The most difficult job in the world is not being president. Its being a parent." As mothers, we both know this well, but we wonder if President Clintons fellow Democrats share his respect for ...
ANN ROMNEY fires back at never-worked charge
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Ann romney fought back Thursday against a Democrat who suggested shes no economic expert because she "hasnt worked a day in her life ...
Why did the Birth Control Counselor Oh Bama insult ANN ROMNEY by making a foul smelling Biden remark?
Ann romney is far better looking and more intelligent than Obamas Wife. Is it true that his Wife Michelle, failed a screen test for Housewives of Orange County or was it Bevis and Butthead?.
Answer: She failed monkey-see-monkey do.......
Category: Elections
ANN ROMNEY fires back at stay-at-home attack
Ann romney isn’t taking anymore “war on women” headlines lightly — she’s fighting back. The former Bay State First Lady took to Fox News today pushing back at the blistering attack by Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen, who said Wednesday night ...
ANN ROMNEY rejects Democratic pundit’s claim that she ‘never ...
The rhetorical war over women between President Obama and Mitt Romney escalated Wednesday night as Romney’s wife Ann launched a Twitter account to ...
ANN ROMNEY takes to Twitter to defend herself
(CBS News) PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Ann romney started a Twitter account on Wednesday evening to respond to a comment from Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, who said that the wife of the presumed Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, was ...
ANN ROMNEY Hits Back Against Hilary Rosen
Ann romney forcefully but cheerfully responded to Democratic strategist Hilary Rosens comments about her being a stay-at-home mom Thursday on Fox News ...
Video: ANN ROMNEY responds to stay-at-home mom controversy on ...
No, I'd feel sorry for her because I know — as she seems not to have known — that few women could possibly come out looking more sympathetic or appealing as persons by inviting comparisons with Ann romney.
ANN ROMNEY and Working Moms
My Twitter feed was on fire after an appearance last night on CNNs AC360, where I said that I thought it was wrong for Mitt Romney to be using his wife as his guide to womens economic struggles when she "had never worked a day in her life." Oh my, you ...
ANN ROMNEY takes to Twitter to defend her role as stay-at-home mom ...
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Stepping into the middle of a heated debate over how women have fared under President Obama’s economic policies, Ann romney made her ...
Should ANN ROMNEY start calling her husband Mittens on the campaign trail?
To start giving him that "warm and fuzzy" persona?
Answer: after he called her a "heavyweight", she is likely to call him something much worse.
Category: Politics
On ANN ROMNEY and Hilary Rosen and the War on Women | RedState
This has been the typical response of Romney supporters on twitter for my role in L'Affair Rosen on CNN last night: JoiseyCop: For you to sit by and let.
Why hasnt ANN ROMNEY ever held a real job in her entire life?
Is this the ideal conservative woman? Being an uneducated housewife and baby-making machine your entire life?
Is Ann romney--who has never worked a day in her entire life, expect maybe spending her husbands daddys money--the person to attract the college-educated, professional working woman vote?
Category: Politics
Barbara Bush, in defense of ANN ROMNEY, reminds everyone: Raising George Walker was not easy
Former first lady Barbara Bush came to the defense of prospective first lady -- and fellow stay-at-home mom -- Ann romney on Thursday by pointing out the challenges of raising children. And Bush, always one to speak her mind, reminded everyone that even ...
ANN ROMNEY More Active in Campaign -
DES MOINES — Ann romney switches off shrill TV coverage of the presidential race “all the time.” She is exasperated by the hyperpartisanship of the ...
Mitt Romney says that if we like ANN ROMNEY we must vote for him?
Would you be more likely to support Mitt or Ann romney for President?
Answer: I'd be more likely to vote for Ann romney than Mitt Romney, but I'm still more likely to vote for any Democrat than any Romney.
Category: Politics
POLITICAL MEMO; Obama Seizes Chance to Score As an Everyman
WASHINGTON -- President Obama loves basketball, as everyone is reminded in March -- especially in an election year in which he has been jumping through you-know-whats to assert as much. In addition to doing his annual N.C.A.A. bracket thing on ESPN last week (picking the swing-statey University of North Carolina to win it all), Mr. Obama boasted in - Political Memo; Pres Obama is using his love of basketball as an opportunity to exploit what his re-election campaign regards as Obamas advantage over Republican rival Mitt Romney in the battle of which candidate can seem more ordinary; latest iteration of Obama-Just-Folks offensive coincides with some clumsy efforts by Romney to shed the stereotypical airs of a super-rich guy. Photos (M) - By MARK LEIBOVICH
ANN ROMNEY: We need to respect choices that women make ...
Ann romney cut to the heart of the flap over what Hilary Rosen said about the candidates wife never having worked "a day in her life" in a Fox News interview this ...
Should ANN ROMNEY be brought to light about having to not have a Career outside the Home?
It was brought up that Ann romney has never had a job outside the home. She has been a stay at home house wife. Some are saying family should be off limits.
Do you agree?
Category: Politics
Hilary Rosen vs. ANN ROMNEY: why the dust-up is fake -
Hilary Rosen vs. Ann romney: why the dust-up is fake. Much of the fighting over womens issues feels like manufactured outrage. In the latest example ...
THE CAUCUS; All Those Cars Need an Elevator
SAN DIEGO - If the news last summer that Mitt Romney had a $12 million expansion planned for his oceanfront property here helped portray him as a member of the top 1 percent, the new disclosure that the renovation includes elevators for his four-car garage is not likely to burnish his image as a man of the people. Plans for the expansion, first - Caucus column; Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneys plans for a $12 million expansion of his San Diego oceanfront property, which include a split-level four-car garage with a car lift, come under fire from rival campaigns. Photo (M) - By ASHLEY PARKER
ANN ROMNEY Hits Back Against Hilary Rosen
5 hours ago ... Ann romney forcefully but cheerfully responded to Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen's comments about her being a stay-at-home mom ...
Why didnt it bother liberals that Barbara Bush was a homemaker but they criticize ANN ROMNEY for it?
Is it because Obama is in trouble and liberals are getting desperate?
Category: Politics
First Lady, ANN ROMNEY in Mom-at-Home Debate
A fight for female voters in the presidential race got personal today, with Ann romney and first lady Michele Obama wading into a dispute over working mothers. In an interview on Fox News, Romney said raising five sons was a full-time job and ...
Even if ANN ROMNEY was a housewife is that a bad thing like liberals are trying to portray it?
Since when is being a housewife something to be ashamed of?
Category: Politics
Romney Taking Steps to Narrow His Gender Gap
Mitt Romney moved Wednesday to confront one of his most vexing general election problems — how to narrow the gender gap he faces against President Obama — but his campaign immediately found itself squeezed between its intensifying efforts to appeal to women and its need to avoid alienating conservatives. Female voters have emerged as - By ASHLEY PARKER and TRIP GABRIEL
ANN ROMNEY Defends Her Role As Stay Home Mom
Ann romney is firing back at a Democratic strategist who suggested Wednesday that she has no credibility to speak out on issues concerning women in the ...
ANN ROMNEY fires back at never-worked charge
Ann romney fought back Thursday against a Democrat who suggested shes no economic expert because she "hasnt worked a day in her life." Raising the five Romney sons, she said, was such a full-time job that her husband, Republican presidential contender ...
THE CAUCUS; Call For Party Unity: Rubio Endorses Romney
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida endorsed Mitt Romney on Wednesday night on Fox Newss Hannity show, calling Mr. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, a stark contrast to the presidents record. I am going to endorse Mitt Romney and the reason why is not only because he is going to be the Republican nominee but he offers, at this - Caucus column; Sen Marco Rubio of Florida endorses Mitt Romney, calling him a very clear alternative to Pres Obama. (M) - By ASHLEY PARKER
ANN ROMNEY and working moms -
4 hours ago ... Hilary Rosen on the backlash she got for saying that it was wrong for Mitt Romney to be using his wife as his guide to women's economic ...
Was Hilary Rosen told by the White House to do a hit piece on ANN ROMNEY?
You know just like in Mission Impossible.If you get caught well deny you work for us.
Or did she just blow it for herself.
Category: Politics
ANN ROMNEY responds to Democratic pundit saying she ‘never worked a day in her life’
The rhetorical war over women between President Obama and Mitt Romney escalated Wednesday night as Romney’s wife Ann launched a Twitter account to personally respond to a Democratic pundit who had dismissed her knowledge about the economy by ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; A Moderate Conservative Dilemma
Nathan Fletcher was raised in Arkansas, played college baseball in California and enlisted in the Marines as a reserve in 1997. He saw combat in 2004, based in the Sunni Triangle in Iraq. One day Fletchers unit went to relieve a convoy and was, in turn, ambushed by insurgents with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and gunfire. According to his - David Brooks Op-Ed column contends San Diego mayoral candidate Nathan Fletcher, a veteran who left the Republican Party to become an independent, is an important test case of whether veterans can find a home in either political party; questions whether an independent alternative is politically viable as the two parties become more insular. (M)o - By DAVID BROOKS
Hilary Rosen: ANN ROMNEY and Working Moms
The only way that Mitt Romney will succeed in closing the wide gender gap between him and President Obama is if he stops pretending that it doesn't exist.
ANN ROMNEY - Alexandra Jaffe -
Ann romney said on Thursday morning that people need to "respect women in all those choices that they make," including the choice to be a stay-at-home ...
ANN ROMNEY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ann Lois Romney (née Davies) (born April 16, 1949) is the wife of American businessman and Republican Party politician Mitt Romney. From 2003 to 2007 she was First ...
Hilary Rosen Defends Her ANN ROMNEY Comment: 'I Love Stay At ...
7 hours ago ... Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen appeared on CNN's Newsroom Thursday to address the firestorm over her comments that Ann romney ...
ANN ROMNEY: ‘I know what it’s like to struggle’ | The Raw Story
Ann romney said on Thursday that she could sympathize with working women because she knows “what it’s like to struggle.” The wife of likely ...
Will First Lady ANN ROMNEY be proud of America for the first time in her life only after becoming First Lady?
On inauguration day 2013?
Bonus question: Who said that before? I just cant remember who said that before.
Answer: I'd be willing to bet that if asked you'll find that Mrs. Romney has ALWAYS been proud of her country, and for the bonus question, Michelle Obama
Category: Politics
Hilary Rosen vs. ANN ROMNEY: why the dust-up is fake - CSMonitor ...
3 hours ago ... Much of the fighting over 'women's issues' feels like manufactured outrage. In the latest example, Republicans are pouncing on a comment by ...
ANN ROMNEY Defends Stay-At-Home Mom Status - ABC News
Political Director and Editor-at-Large of the Huffington, Hilary B. Rosen, left, and Ann romney, are shown in these file photos. (Getty Images)
Did ANN ROMNEY 'Work'? -
At-home parenting is "work," but the real issue isn't linguistic. It's whether we're willing to make it possible for all parents, of any income level, to do it well.
Hilary Rosen Apologizes for ANN ROMNEY Jab - ABC News
4 hours ago ... As the general election revs into full force, women's issues and the so-called 'war on women' have taken center stage with President Obama ...
Who would make a better looking First Lady, ANN ROMNEY, Karen Santorum, Michelle Oh Bama or ME?
I really like Ann romney, since she does not fillibuster on the Disney Channel while doing C Level promos for the produce section at Obama Mart - Low Wages Always. Tell them Rush Limbaugh sent ya
Answer: Definitely you in your black tights and bunny tail!
Category: Elections
Mitt Romney’s Assistant Seldom Leaves His Side
MILWAUKEE — Garrett Jackson and Mitt Romney are stuck together like the peanut butter and honey sandwiches they both love. Mr. Jackson, 25, is Mr. Romney’s “body man,” the personal assistant who spends more time with the candidate than even Mr. Romney’s wife, Ann, does. Mr. Jackson is often the first person to see Mr. - By ASHLEY PARKER
Democrat’s comment about ANN ROMNEY creates firestorm on Twitter ...
(CNN) – Democratic Strategist Hilary Rosen generated instant bipartisan criticism Wednesday night for her statement that Ann romney has "actually never ...
ObamaWarOnWomen Update: Classy Obama Campaign Attacks Ann
The Obama Campaign decided to open their assault on Mitt Romney by attacking his wife Ann. It's a war on women, folks. Top Obama adviser Hilary Rosen attacked Ann romney yesterday for being a stay at home mother of ...
Hilary Rosen Apologizes For Attacking ANN ROMNEY As a Stay-At-Home Mom
Less than 24 hours after Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen mocked Ann romney for having "never worked a day in her life," Rosen apologized to Romney this afternoon for her "poorly chosen" words and aimed to "put the faux war against stay at ...
THE PUBLIC EDITOR; When Packaging Oversteps the Facts
A NEWS article ultimately is judged on much more than its raw factual ingredients. Its points of emphasis, headline, length and position on the page combine to couch the article in a way that delivers its intended meaning and significance. The New York Timess March 16 page-one article on Uniview Technologies, a video surveillance firm owned by - Arthur S Brisbane The Public Editor column criticizes March 16 page-one article about Uniview Technologies, a video surveillance firm owned by Bain Capital, and Mitt Romneys connection to Bain, for being an example of how a newsworthy story can be packaged misleadingly. (M)/ - By ARTHUR S. BRISBANE
What the Hilary Rosen-ANN ROMNEY Spat Says About Gender and Economics
Follow the The XX Factor blog. Follow stories by Rachael Larimore. MySlate is a new tool that you track your favorite parts Slate. You can follow authors and sections, track comment threads youre interested in, and more. Hilary Rosen has been ...
ANN ROMNEY | Facebook
To connect with Ann romney, sign up for Facebook today. Sign Up Log In. Like
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Godfathers, Caterpillars and Golf
Republican to-do checklist: 1) Pooh-pooh all the talk about a war on women. “If the Democrats said we had a war on caterpillars, and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that Republicans have a war on caterpillars, then we’d have problems with caterpillars,” said the Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican - By GAIL COLLINS
THE CAUCUS; A Question on Religion
HOWARD, Wis. - Before the young voter in Mitt Romneys town hall meeting here was even able to get his question out on Monday, Mr. Romney suspected where the conversation was headed. I know where this is going, Mr. Romney said as the voter, Bret Hatch 28, stood and - speaking haltingly and reading from a sheet of paper - tried to ask Mr. Romney - Caucus column; Mitt Romney responds to attack on his Mormon faith by a voter at town hall-style meeting in Wisconsin. (M) - By ASHLEY PARKER
Ouch! "Hilary Rosen, a Democrat with close ties to President Obama, apologized on Thursday afternoon to Ann romney."
From: RightExpression - Source: web
RT @mayhemmiller: Ann romney should stop playing the victim and embrace her lifestyle as a Mormon billionaires baby factory.
From: tombie619 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
If I was Ann romney, I would thank Rosen for the publicity and for making herself look like a jerk. #reasonswhyicantmarryapolitician
From: CortnieDeVore - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @TheTweetOfGod: The attack on Ann romney was completely unfair. She is without question Mitts best wife.
From: mxoom - Source: Twitter for iPhone
this whole Hilary Rosen & Ann romney controversy is just plain silly and ridiculous. Lets move on please!
From: ChadHenderson - Source: web
RT @BorowitzReport: "Being a mother is a full-time job." -- Ann romney "And so is being a motherfucker." -- Mitt Romney
From: HermanCainsHat - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Haha!! - Cindy gave a blowjob to Mike. Everybody at school is laughing Hilary Rosen Ann romney Weber Hilary Rosen
From: amankumarsonu9 - Source: web
Interesting read: "In the eyes of the federal government, staying home to raise children is technically not "work"”
From: allredsteve - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @BorowitzReport: "Being a mother is a full-time job." -- Ann romney "And so is being a motherfucker." -- Mitt Romney
From: scottdershowitz - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@CNN Im sure Ann romney was not cooking . Cleaning. Washing and ironing or scrubbing floors .or cleaning toilets .
From: grooveutv - Source: Mobile Web
RT @cnnbrk: Dem strategist Rosen apologizes for saying Ann romney "never worked a day in her life"
From: MJ_pinay - Source: web
RT @KCRG: In Interview with Bruce Aune, President Rejects Rosen’s Comments on Ann romney
From: MarkGeary - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Disgusting Democrats and progressive liberals call Ann romney whore, cunt, bitch on Twitter #LiberalFascism
From: johnnyA99 - Source: Tweet Button
RT @EzKool: I agree with Hilary Rosen. Ann romney did not raised 5 kids, the baby sitters did. #p2 #tcot #dems #teaparty #news #gop
From: MissusPowell - Source: TweetDeck
@IngrahamAngle WOW UNREAL New "Civility": Libs attack Ann romney as ‘cunt,’ ‘bitch,’ ‘whore’
From: izzysroses - Source: web