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What purpose does the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE serve?
The following is part of the Fibonacci sequence.
What purpose, if any, does this serve and is there any significance to the 12th number being 144? Since 144 is the product of 12 x 12. I am no mathematician and I may have the sequence all wrong.
Answer: there are a lot of applications of that Fibonacci sequence in mathematics, one of my favorites is the binomial theorem, the pascal's triangle in which that sequence is related. It's hard to enumerate everything, but you could read some articles about it and you'll be amazed on how it is used. About the 144 thing, im not sure if it has something to do with the 12x12, i just know it's the sum of 55 and 89 that's why it is there. ^_^
Category: Mathematics
Fibonacci number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci series or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence: 0,\;1,\;1,\;2,\; ( sequence ...
BASICS; Each Flick Of a Digit Is a Job For All 5
You may think youre pretty familiar with your hands. You may think you know them like the back of your hand. But as the following exercises derived from the latest hand research will reveal, your pair of bioengineering sensations still hold quite a few surprises up their sleeve. Make a fist with your nondominant hand, knuckle side up, and then try - Scientists who study the human hand have determined that the appearance of digital independence is deeply deceptive, and that it is difficult, if not impossible, to move one finger without affecting the others; along with these physical limitations, neurologists have discovered that the brain treats the hand as a single, unified tool. Drawings, Photo (M) - By NATALIE ANGIER
What is a good hands-on demonstration for math class involving the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE?
I need to write a paper and do an in-class presentation for my high school pre-calculus class. It can be on any mathematical or real-life, math-related subject that I choose. I would like to do the Fibonacci sequence, because it sounds really interesting and theres a lot of math related to it. However, I need to include a hands-on demonstration in my presentation, and Im having trouble coming up with a demonstration involving the Fibonacci sequence. Ideas?
Any demonstration ideas involving other topics would be helpful too. Thanks :)
Answer: Have you considered an investigation into whether sequences similar to the main Fibonacci one behave in the same way.
Try sequences that have the same rule, i.e. each term the sum of the previous two, but that don't start with 1, 1, e.g.
2, 7, 9, 16, 25, 41, 76, . . .
-5, -1, -6, -7, -13, -20, . . .
Does each term divided by the previous one work towards a limit like the golden number for the main Fibonacci sequence? You might be surprised by the answer.
You can go even more weird. What about a sequence where each term is the sum of the one two before and the one three before. You will need to start with three terms. In the one below I made up 2, 5, 6 to start with.
2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 24, 31, 42, . . .
Then there are the practical applications of Fibonacci sequences such as the prongs on a pine-cone. Type "Fibonacci sequence" into google and you will get far more than you need.
Yes, it is a fascinating topic.
Category: Mathematics
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE - Math is Fun - Maths Resources
It takes longer to get good values, but it shows you that it is not just the Fibonacci sequence that can do this! Using The Golden Ratio to Calculate Fibonacci Numbers
The Appeal of 'Touch' — Where The FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Connects ...
In particular, he believed that the spirals found on sunflower heads matched a famous rising sequence of numbers – known as the Fibonacci sequence. The sunflo.
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE (PRIME) - Platonic Realms Entryway
The Fibonacci sequence, an exposition from the Platonic Realms Interactive Math Encyclopedia.
Building a Case
THE WRIGHT 3 By Blue Balliett. Illustrated by Brett Helquist. 318 pp. Scholastic Press. $16.99. (Ages 9 and up) THERE is a lot going on in The Wright 3, Blue Ballietts sequel to Chasing Vermeer, her deservedly successful 2004 art mystery for young readers. (Newsweek called it a Da Vinci Code for tweens, the five sweetest words its - Adam Liptak reviews book The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett; photo (M) - Adam Liptak is the national legal correspondent of The Times. - By ADAM LIPTAK
Paid Notice: Deaths BATEY, GREGORY L.
BATEY--Gregory L.,died unexpectedly March 28 in Michigan at age 58. Surviving Greg are his wife Patricia, his daughters Piper and Sissel and siblings Martha Batey, David Batey and Jean Linsin. Greg was Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income, at Munder Capital Management, Birmingham, MI. He was born in Detroit, graduated from the
The life and numbers of Fibonacci |
Creating the code for secret messages to-day, how would it look like using the Fibonacci sequence and the encryption at Kryptos (CIA) super imposed on a Mobius circle?
FIBONACCI - University of Evansville Faculty Web sites
Fibonacci was probably the greatest genius of number theory during the 2000 years between Diophantus and Fermat. The sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ...,
Fibonacci sequence. The sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ... is called the Fibonacci sequence. The first and second terms are both equal to 1, and ...
Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2 , 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... The next number is found by adding up the two numbers ...
Q & A: The Voices of FreeDarko Speak Out
Larry Brown, the basketball coaching nomad who currently resides in Charlotte, once talked of playing basketball the right way, which for Brown means a focus on team play rather than an individual player. It makes for an efficient if not particularly exciting game. Writers with the blog FreeDarko disagree with Brown. In the opening pages of their - By FRED BIERMAN and BENJAMIN HOFFMAN
In this activity you will explore the Fibonacci sequence and look for evidence of mathematical patterns in nature.
How to come up with the formula of the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE?
The Fibonacci sequence fn is defined recursively by the conditions
f1 = 1, f2 = 1 and fn = fn−1 +fn−2 for n greater than or equal to 3. How would I find the formula of fn.
Answer: ____________________
F(n+2)=F(n+1)+F(n), n≧1
x^2=x+1, x^2-x-1=0
A=[(1+√5)/2], B=[(1-√5)/2]
(A-B)・F(n)=A^n - B^n
in this case , the solution :
F(n)=[{(1+√5)/2}^n - {(1-√5)/2}^n]/√5
a bit of verification ,
=[{(1+√5)/2}- {(1-√5)/2}]/√5
=[{(1+√5)/2}^2 - {(1-√5)/2}^2]/√5
=[{(1+√5)/2}^3- {(1-√5)/2}^3]/√5
=(16√5)/(8√5)=2 .
Category: Mathematics
I can not understand 2 questions about Fibonacci sequence. Please answer and explain clearly :D
The Fibonacci sequence consists of the pattern 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,,,
1. Using your calculator, look at the successive ratios of one term to the next. Make a conjecture.
2. List the first eight terms of the sequence formed by finding the differences of successive terms in the Fibonacci sequence.
Answer: seems pretty easy
lts look at the basics again
That is, after two starting values, each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The first Fibonacci numbers (sequence A000045 in OEIS), also denoted as Fn, for n = 0, 1, … , are:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711
in this example 0 plus 1 is 1, 1 plus 1 is 2 , 1 plus 2 is 3, 2 plus 3 is 5.
no I wont do you home work for you you do it there is your answer if your THINK about it
Category: Homework Help
Traders Radar: Have You Driven a Long Call Lately?
Figure 1: Ford (F) Daily Chart Of bullish notice is the time completion of eight weeks and one of Fibonacci’s natural sequence numbers. This amounts to F shares as having sufficient technical rest to neutralize the prior up-leg from a Wave 5 bottom.
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos
Fibonacci sequences official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
What the Hell is the Fibonacci Series? - Textism
The Fibonacci Series ... The relationship between the golden section and the square is reciprocal.
Fibonacci number: Definition from
Fibonacci number n. A number in the Fibonacci sequence. Fibonacci sequence n. The sequence of numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
Sweet Smell of Success Comes with Help from Others
Knowing the Fibonacci sequence for every flower and how to calculate the amount of butter-cream frosting needed to frost a cake by calculating the surface area of the cake weren’t all it takes to run a business. But knowing how to price her ...
LETTERS; The Fabulous Fibonacci
To the Editor: I was surprised that your section on problem solving made no mention of one of the most influential books in the history of mathematics: Fibonaccis Liber Abaci, published in 1202 and devoted entirely to problem solving. Chapter 12 presents a problem involving the regeneration of rabbits, from which emanates the famous Fibonacci
Where does the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE appear in nature?
Please answer my question! I have been wondering where the Fibonacci sequence appear in nature? Ive asked if animals have anything to do with the sequence, and so far, my answers have been shot down! One of the people who answered told me that: animals have nothing to do with this sequence, so my only question after that was: Where? Where does this sequence appear in nature, if not in animals?
Answer: The Fibonacci number appears in any spiral pattern on plants - such as the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower or a pinecone, or the petals in a budding flower.
I'm reading now that Fibonacci is present in spiral design such as the inner ear of mammals and the Nautilus shell, and the relative lengths of the human phalanges also follow Fibonacci's first numbers.
Category: Biology
Fibonacci sequence. If we have a sequence of numbers such as 2, 4, 6, 8, ... it is called an arithmetic series . Can you determine the rule to get from one ...
The Secret of the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE in Trees
"I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for they have no tongues." —Dr. Seuss (The Lorax) People see winter as a cold and gloomy time in nature.
Why is the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE important to mathematics?
Why is the Fibonacci sequence important to mathematics? I need a direct answer.
Category: Mathematics
Da Vinci As a Brand: From Soup To Nuts
If you, like more than 100 million readers around the world, enjoyed The Da Vinci Code, marketers are betting that you might like the Da Vinci video game for PlayStation2 and Xbox, too. Or a Da Vinci Code paint-by-number. Or The Da Vinci Fitness Code, a diet book based on the Fibonacci sequence. With the movie opening this weekend, - Opening of movie version of Da Vinci Code has spawned mini-industry of product tie-ins and merchandise; products have generated estimated $1 billion in sales before films opening weekend; books popularity guarantees merchandise will continue to sell well even if movie is not blockbuster as expected; book has produced $400 million in worldwide revenues with 60.5 million copies in print in 44 languages; photos (M) - By JULIE BOSMAN
Fibonacci Series and its relationship to Phi, the Golden Ratio
The Fibonacci series not only defines the Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion, but has many unique, intriguing relationships and properties.
How is the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE related to architecture?
please dont tell me what the Fibonacci sequence is. i already know.
Answer: The Fibonacci has a number of beautiful mathematical properties in geometry and can be found in famous monuments like the angle of the egypthian pyramides, Stonehenge, churges and monasteries - although neither fractional nor irrational numbers were not known until the mid-ages.
Leonardo Fibonacci was born in Pisa in the 12th century. He was a merchant and customs officer of the time, traveling widely in North Africa. He was also one of the first Europeans to learn about the Arabic numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and to persuade other people to use them; before then everybody counted in 12's. Leonardo was trying to find a way of modelling the population of rabbits.
Let us suppose that any new pair of rabbits produces one pair in the next breeding season and one in the season after that, and then they die. This means that the total number of new pairs in a given season is equal to the number of new pairs born in the previous season, plus the number born in the season before that. So to find the next number in the sequence you add together the last number and the one before it. Starting with one pair of rabbits, you can easily generate the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... - the population of rabbits grows very quickly - actually exponentially fast.
The surprising thing about Fibonacci's sequence is that it turns out to occur in many different places in nature. The way in which the spiral patterns of sunflower seeds and pine cones grow is described by the sequence, and it is common for the number of petals on a flower to be a Fibonacci number. Four-leaved clovers are rarer than five-leaved ones because five is in Fibonacci's sequence and four isn't.
Category: Mathematics
A walk in Symphony Park
In the mezzanine lounge, local artist Sean Hummels C-print on aluminum entertains with an abstracted Fibonacci sequence. Close-up panels of instruments, automobiles and architecture mathematically double in size; the worn fingerboard of viola ...
Fibonacci Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Describes the mathematic theory behind the numbers.
Fibonacci Numbers |
Fibonacci sequence of numbers is the most import series of numbers in the universe.Few people are even aware.
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Mystery - Price Gadgets| Harga | Review
The figure of God, Actually it's just a term I have to call a "mystery figure" which are found on the events of this nature. This figure actually has been studied by researchers from outside the country, they generally refer to this figure is the "golden ...
Fibonacci Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld
The Fibonacci numbers are the sequence of numbers {F_n}_(n=1)^infty defined by the linear recurrence equation F_n=F_(n-1)+F_(n-2) (1) with F_1=F_2=1. As a result of ...
The Appeal of 'Touch' — Where The FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Connects ...
The shape echoes nature in that it follows the Fibonacci sequence — 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and on and on. The last two numbers in the sequence are added tog.
Traders face swinging times with the dollar
US83¢ is a significant level for chartists as it represents a 61.8 per cent retreat from the record high using a Fibonacci number sequence. And if that is broken, the currency could fall back towards US65¢. But dont despair. Umansky says when the Aussie ...
Market Insider
Leonardo Fibonacci, the great 13th century Italian mathematician (1175–1250) created the “Fibonacci sequence” to explain behavior in nature mathematically. History has it that the first question he posed was how many rabbits would be created in one ...
Brigantine sculptor gets chance to show off his passion at home and school
I made a really simple model, and I was really pleased with the design.” The shape echoes nature in that it follows the Fibonacci sequence — 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and on and on. The last two numbers in the sequence are added together to ...
What is the pattern between the area sums and the original FIBONACCI SEQUENCE?
In the Fibonacci numbers, what is the pattern between the area sums and the original Fibonacci sequence?
It also said " Hint: look at the factors of the sums"
Help please?
Answer: The area sums is based on starting with 1, then take the longer side (1) and make a square which will be 1 + 1 = 2, and the long side = 2, add a square 2 x 2 to the rectangle 1 x 1, the resulting longer side = 3, so add a 3 x 3 square, and the longer resulting side would be 5, so add a square 5 x 5 and so on, and so on......
Category: Homework Help
The unspoken power of Touch
As it appears, Martin’s son is a genius in the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical ratio which pertains to patterns that are repeated in nature, like a spiral of a shell, the curve in the sea waves or even in the segments of a pineapple. Improbable?
Why do you think the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE is emulated throughout the natural world?
How many times do we see it?
How could Fibonacci have known or seen this pattern?
If the Fibonacci sequence repeats itself over and over again, what would that imply about so called "coincidences" in our day-to-day experience?
@ Tim
Actually, Ive known about the Fibonacci sequence for a while, the pilot for "Touch" just brought it to my mind again. I in no way hold a belief in numerology, I just wanted to know its role in nature.
Answer: Never exactly. The very simple Fibonacci sequence has a repetitive fractal like growth, meaning simply that each step builds on a reflection of the proportions of the previous steps without the need for additional information. This is similar to some natural growths -- particularly growths that follow the path of least resistance or evolved to have the strongest, most efficient shell structure. The path of least resistance. The natural world never has an exact pattern though -- there are always exterior factors. It makes perfect sense, it's not mystical or anything.
> How could Fibonacci have known or seen this pattern?
Uh, he just added the two previous numbers. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. It's pretty simple really.
> "coincidences" in our day-to-day experience?
What coincidences? Repetitive growth is natural, the path of least resistance. IMO numerology is just the failure of inductive reasoning. Nothing magical.
I'm guess you saw the Touch pilot with Kiefer Sutherland? These themes were really popular in indie films in the 90's. Pi directed by Daren Arronofsky in particular deals with this stuff pretty heavy-handedly.
Pi (1998)
I also saw a BBC documentary recently on math in the natural world you might like. It was pretty good, scientific.
BBC The Code
Category: Philosophy
The Appeal of 'Touch' — Where The FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Connects ...
500px lets you create stunning professional photo portfolios, find friends, express yourself and connect with people like you. His theory that sunflower heads featured Fibonacci number sequences was left unfinished when he ...
Try These Lesser-Known Time Frames
so those numbers are all in accordance with that sequence. See related: Fibonacci Analysis: Master the Basics Moreover than that, I find that by altering the time frames ever so slightly, so use a 13-minute chart instead of a 15-minute chart ...
Trading Forex with Fibonacci (Part 1)
So this is where it all begins: the “Fib numbers.” Leonardo Fibonacci was a 13th century Italian mathematician who made popular a simple sequence of numbers that came to be known as the “Fibonacci Number Sequence”. The sequence is this ...
What the Hell is the Fibonacci Series?
Flash animation describing the series and the Golden Section.
What is the sequence when taking 3 terms in the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE & multiplying 1st and 3rd together?
After multiplying the first and last terms in the 3 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence and subtracting their product by the square of the middle number I get 1 as the difference, but sometimes the subtraction is the opposite, is there a special sequence ?
Answer: If you are taking the sequence as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ......... with the first term 1, the second term 1, the third term 2, and so on, it appears that if the terms you multiply are odd numbered terms (subtracting the square of an even term) the result is +1.
If the terms you are multiplying are even numbered terms (subtracting the square of an odd term) the result is - 1.
This is based on inductive reasoning only, and in no way constitutes a proof.
Category: Mathematics
The Appeal of 'Touch' — Where The FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Connects ...
500px lets you create stunning professional photo portfolios, find friends, express yourself and connect with people like you. His theory that sunflower heads featured Fibonacci number sequences was left unfinished when he. Like the ...
is the Fibonacci sequence never ending or does it just stop at:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21?
Answer: All sequences are never ending, especially if they rely on previous terms.
Category: Mathematics
Rand Gains on German Confidence, Europe Bailout Speculation
Fibonacci analysis uses ratios, which are based on the sequence identified by an Italian mathematician in the 13th century, to predict support and resistance levels for prices. Support is where buy orders may be clustered, while resistance is ...
Apr 29, 2010 ... Please scribe and check out "Other Channels". Thank you Enjoy.
Numeracy campaign: Kjartan Poskett’s Murderous Maths’ makes numbers fun
Or that the way to make your birthday last longer is to drive at 1,040mph in a westerly direction Or the fact that the Fibonacci sequence was derived from studying the breeding patterns of rabbits. Highlight of the whole show, though, is the pennies-on-a ...
Jorinde Voigt: Winner of the 2012 Drawing Prize of the Daniel & Florence Guerlain Contemporary Art Foundation
Interpreted under the aegis of the Fibonacci sequence, this accolade develops itself in a logical growth pattern, culminating in passion at a precise moment. In the same way that bird songs and insect noises, when we listen attentively, follow a regular rhythm.
Grow a sunflower to solve unfinished Alan Turing experiment
Fascinated by numerical sequences and geometric patterns, Turing speculated that both the petals and densely-packed seedheads of sunflowers include striking examples of the Fibonacci number series – a mathematical phenomenon which is explained much more ...
The Listings: Dance
Full reviews of recent performances: TRISHA BROWN LECTURE SERIES (Monday) The Toronto stage designer Guillaume Bernardi, who has worked on all but one of Ms. Browns opera projects, talks with the writer and former Brown dancer Wendy Perron. At 7:30 p.m., Dance Theater Workshop, 219 West 19th Street, Chelsea , (212) 924-0077, - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
I was watching something, and in terms of the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio, apparently people we find attractive have something to do with the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci sequence, please could you fully explain it, or even parts of it, thanks a lot:)
Answer: The golden ratio is a mathematical constant that occurs when the ratio between two numbers is equal to the ratio between the sum of the two numbers and the larger of the two numbers.
If a > b. The ratio of a : b is equal to the ratio of a+b : a. This occurs when a is 1.61803398874989 times bigger than b.
Therefore if a = 1.61803398874989b, then a+b = 1.61803398874989a
The golden ratio is connected to the fibonnacci sequence. I'm not sure how. The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers formed by adding together the two previous numbers:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...
A lot of people think that people find people attractive when different parts of their body are in the golden ratio. I'm pretty sure this is bullshit. I'm not aware of any research that has suggested a correlation betwen the golden ratio and attractiveness. However the golden ratio does appear in a lot of places in nature. Some research suggests there are structures on an atomic scale that exhibit the golden ratio.
Category: Biology
Fibonacci drama adds up to good telly
It started on Sky 1 on Tuesday, featuring Kiefer Sutherland as an ex-journalist with an 11-year- old son who can figure out the future because hes in tune with Fibonacci sequences . . . mathematical sequences found in seeds and flowers. You have to do ...
Fibonacci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (c. 1170 – c. 1250) also known as Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci, or, most commonly, simply ...
Fibonacci credits the Indians (knowledge brought to Europe by the Persians and the Arabs) for much of what he presents in his first book. The sequence that bears his ...
DANCE REVIEW | STEFANIE NELSON DANCE GROUP; Painting by Numbers To Make a Sexy Scene
In her new Proximity Spiral, the choreographer Stefanie Nelson explores intimacy using numbers -- specifically, the Fibonacci sequence, in which each number is the sum of the two preceding it. As a choreographic point of departure, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, et cetera sounds a little dry; perhaps thats why Ms. Nelson tops it with an atmosphere - By GIA KOURLAS
The Appeal of Touch -- Where The FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Connects Us All
Are all human beings connected in some mystical way? Are there near-indiscernible patterns at work in our daily lives that point at nexuses and crossroads that are predetermined and ultimately calculable? The Fox Television series "Touch" indicates that ...
Fibonacci Numbers in Nature
The following comprises a set of slides on "Fibonacci Numbers in Nature". ... [If not, visit Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section for a wealth of information.] ...
13 years old children through {FIBONACCI SEQUENCE ... - 91MGame
Map: Handheld tree solar Aidan Dwyer two days this topic: moderate to heavy Google acquisition of Motorola mobile group purchase; questioned; webOS fell out of.
How can I solve a FIBONACCI SEQUENCE question by a faster way?
For example,
if I want to find the 15th term of the Fibonacci sequence,
how can I solve it by a faster way?
Answer: Use Binet's formula.
Category: Mathematics
What is the formula for the nth term of the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE?
I searched on google and it came up with quite a few things.
Also, could you please give me some examples of sequences similar to the Fibonacci sequence?
Thanks! :)
Answer: Try WIki
Category: Homework Help
The Appeal of 'Touch' — Where The FIBONACCI SEQUENCE Connects ...
The Fox Television series "Touch" indicates that there is, and it starts with the Fibonacci sequence. In the television drama "Touch," actor.
Fibonacci number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci series or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence: (sequence A000045 in OEIS). By ...
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE - Fuzzy Galore - knitting and crochet
Using Fibonacci sequences in knitting or weaving patterns ... Fibonacci sequence. A mathematical sequence consists of a series of numbers, usually starting at 0 or 1 ...
Inger Christensen, 73, Scandinavian Poet
Inger Christensen, a distinguished Danish poet whose work -- lyrical, philosophical, self-referential and exquisitely mathematical -- was a cornerstone of modern Scandinavian poetry, died on Jan. 2 in Copenhagen. She was 73 and lived in Copenhagen. She died after a short illness, said Susanna Nied, the American translator of her poetry. Widely - By MARGALIT FOX
The Listings: Dance
Full reviews of recent performances: CORELLA BALLET CASTILLA Y LEÓN (Wednesday) Ángel Corella, a gifted and deservedly much admired star of American Ballet Theater, has established a classically based yet eclectic company in his native Spain, and its American debut at City Center offers a repertory including Maria Pagéss - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Where did the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE come from?
Im doing a porject for art and need to know about the Fibonacci sequence. I know Leonardo Fibonacci discovered it but how did he discver it.
Answer: Rabbits....
Category: Botany
How to make a program for FIBONACCI SEQUENCE in java?
We need to do this for school, and I have no idea how. "subsequent coding for a program which finds the nth term of a Fibonacci sequence starting from 1. You must do so using if and else if statements and do while statements somewhere within your coding. The maximum number of terms permitted should be between 1 and 50 (otherwise they get too big!)"
Ive found other peoples ones, but none with do while in them
Answer: The Fibonacci sequence begins with 1, and the second term is 1, and each term after that is the sum of the two before it.
So the first five terms of the Fibonacci sequence would be 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, for example.
It is possible to write this recursively, but recursion doesn't use a while (Recursion takes a problem and breaks it up into an "exit condition" (like "if n == 1 return 1; else if n == 2 return 1)" e.g. conditions that make it terminate, and also one or more larger conditions that break the problem down into smaller pieces that are guaranteed to eventually lead to an exit condition, like "... else return fibonacci( n-1 ) + fibonacci( n-2 )" )
To use a while loop saves you the runtime and stack frames that recursion would cost you. This would be the "iterative" version (which is what uses a while). Note that to do this, you have to have it "remember" the previous two terms.
The approach to write the iterative version is similar. You want to think about what will make your loop exit, and how to start off. Since the assignment tells you the maximum terms permitted should be between 1 and 50 (I assume inclusive), I interpret that to mean they want you to check for that, yourself.
So you could begin with something like "if( n >= 1 && n <= 50 ) { /* entire fibo routine here */ }"
public class CheckFibo {
public static void fibo ( int n ) {
if( n >= 1 && n <= 50 ) {
int prev1 = 1; int prev2 = 1; // previous term and one before that
int i = 3; // counts up terms; "i" will start at the 3rd term
if( n > 0 ) // print out first term, as long as at least one term requested
System.out.print( prev2 + " " );
if( n > 1 ) // print out second term, if requested
System.out.print( prev1 + " " );
while( i <= n ) { // compute and print remaining terms, if any
int curr = prev1 + prev2; // calculate current term
System.out.print( curr + " " ); // output it
prev2 = prev1; // prev term now becomes penultimate term
prev1 = curr; // term just computed now becomes "prev" term
i++; // ith term just printed, so increment i
public static void main( String[] args ) {
int n = 7; // print n terms of Fibonacci series
System.out.println( "printing first " + n + " terms of Fibonacci series" );
fibo( n );
Category: Programming & Design
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE - The Geometry Center Welcome Page
Leonardo Fibonacci, who was born in the 12th century, studied a sequence of numbers with a different type of rule for determining the next number in a sequence.
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