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Trending: Jim Marshall, Garth Brooks and Gabriel Dumont
Jim Marshall: The guitar amp pioneer whose audio equipment has been used by some of the best-known names in rock n roll, died at the age of 88. Rock superstars, including Nikki Sixx of Mötley Crüe, sent public condolences on Twitter. R.I.P. Jim Marshall.
West Coast Brew Gave Kezar Stadium Its Color
SAN FRANCISCO -- N.F.L. Hall of Famers called it home. It was where the alley-oop was invented. The 49ers founding owner died in his seat at the 50-yard line while watching a game. And it was there, atop a midfield hash mark, where Dirty Harry shot a serial killer called Scorpio. As the 49ers prepare to host the Giants in the N.F.C. championship - San Francisco 49ers Kezar Stadium, teams home until 1970, boasts a history at once colorful and star-crossed, and remains dear to the citys heart. Photos (M) - By JASON TURBOW
Do you like my poem? What do you think it means? Its Act 1?
By Kalee Marshall
(Week 1)
Dear Kim, I sent you an e-mail, but you haven’t replied.
I wish we could talk on the phone, but your phone’s battery had died.
I hope you’ll get a chance to respond back,
Because e-mailing is the only way for us to keep in contact.
But anyway, how is everything?
For me, it’s nothing,
I’m still the same old fool.
I wish you didn’t have transfer another school.
Well hopefully I hear from you again, someday.
Yours truly and old class mate, James (Jim)
Answer: i like it but i dont like the word usage
Category: Poetry
Jim Marshall Dies Aged 88 | News @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
With great sadness, we regret to inform you that Jim Marshall has died aged 88. Jim founded Marshall Amplification after going into business 50 years ago in 1962.
Ferdinand Alexander Porsche dies at 76; Porsche 911 designer
Related Notable deaths of 2012 Jim Marshall dies at 88; creator of famed rock n roll amplifiers Porsche grew up in the auto business during a turbulent time. His grandfather designed the original Volkswagen Beetle for the Nazi regime in ...
Jim Marshall, creator of the Marshall amp, dies aged 88 | Music ...
The man who gave rock one of its key visual and sonic props has died. Jim Marshall, known as "The Father of Loud" for inventing the Marshall amplifier, was 88 years ...
Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 - NY Daily News
18 hours ago ... Jim Marshall, who helped shape the sound of rock 'n' roll with his groundbreaking amplifier designs, died in a hospice Thursday morning, his ...
Amplifier maker Jim Marshall dies at 88 - latimes.com
19 hours ago ... Jim Marshall, who was known as "The Father of Loud" for designing amplifiers ubiquitous in the rock world, has died at 88.
Jim Marshall dies aged 88 | MusicRadar.com
Dr Jim Marshall OBE, founder of Marshall Amplification, has died aged 88. Since the company was founded 50 years ago, Marshall has become one of the most recognisable ...
Which of these books should I read for a book report? Which ones are the best?
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young GirlAnne Frank
As I Lay DyingWilliam Faulkner
The AssistantBernard Malamud
The AwakeningKate Chopin
BabbittSinclair Lewis
The Bell JarSylvia Plath
BelovedToni Morrison
Bless Me UltimaRudolfo Anaya
The Bluest EyeToni Morrison
Boon IslandKenneth Roberts
The Bridge of San Luis ReyThornton Wilder
Call of the WildJack London
Cannery RowJohn Steinbeck
Catch-22Joseph Heller
The Catcher in the RyeJ. D. Salinger
The Cherry OrchardAnton Chekhov
The ChosenChaim Potok
Chronicle of a Death ForetoldGabriel Garcia Marquez
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s CourtMark Twain
The Color PurpleAlice Walker
Crime and PunishmentFyodor Dostoevski
Cry, the Beloved CountryAlan Paton
A Death in the FamilyJames Agee
Doctor ZhvagoBoris Pasternak
A Doll HouseHenrik Ibsen
East of EdenJohn Steinbeck
EmmaJane Austin
EnemiesIsaac Bashevis Singer
An Enemy of the PeopleHenrik Ibsen
Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury
A Farewell o ArmsErnest Hemingway
For Whom the Bell TollsErnest Hemingway
Giants in the EarthOle Rolvaag
The Glass MenagerieTennessee Williams
Go Tell It on the MountainJames Baldwin
The Good EarthPearl Buck
The Good SoldierFord Madox Ford
The Heart is a Lonely HunterCarson McCullers
The House of the Seven GablesNathaniel Hawthorne
The Importance of Being EarnestOscar Wilde
In Cold BloodTruman Capote
Inherit the WindJerome Lawrence and Robert Lee
Into the WildJon Krakauer
Invisible ManRalph Ellison
IvanhoeSir Walter Scott
Jane EyreCharlotte Bronte
Johnny Got His GunDalton Trumbo
The Joy Luck ClubAmy Tan
Jude the ObscureThomas Hardy
The JungleUpton Sinclair
The Killer AngelsMichael Shaara
Kite RunnerKhaled Hosseini
The Last of the MohicansJames Fenimore Cooper
Les MiserablesVictor Hugo
Life of PiYann Martel
Looking BackwardRalph Bellamy
Lord JimJoseph Conrad
Lost HorizonJames Hilton
M is for MaliceSue Grafton
Madame BovaryGustave Flaubert
Main StreetSinclair Lewis
A Man for All SeasonsRobert Bolt
Marrying MomOlivia Goldsmith
The Member of the WeddingCarson McCullers
Mutiny on the BountyNordoff and Hall
My AntoniaWilla Cather
Native SonRichard Wright
The NaturalBernard Malamud
Oliver TwistCharles Dickens
On the BeachNeville Shute
One Day in the Life of Ivan DenisovichAlexander Solzhenitsyn
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestKen Kesey
Paddy Clark Ha Ha HaRoddy Doyle
Pere GoriotHonore de Balzac
The Portrait of a LadyHenry James
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManJames Joyce
Pride and PrejudiceJane Austin
The Prince and the PauperMark Twain
PygmalionGeorge Bernard Shaw
Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe
Saint JoanGeorge Bernard Shaw
SiddharthaHermann Hesse
Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser
Slaughterhouse-FiveKurt Vonnegut
The Song of SolomonToni Morrison
SulaToni Morrison
A Tale of Two CitiesCharles Dickens
Tess of the D’UrbervillesThomas Hardy
Their Eyes Were Watching GodZora Neale Hurston
Things Fall ApartChinua Achebe
The Turn of the ScrewHenry James
A Thousand AcresJane Smiley
The Three MusketeersAlexander Dumas
To Dance with the White DogTerry Kay
A Tree Grows in BrooklynBetty Smith
20,000 Leagues Under the SeaJules Verne
Waiting for GodotSamuel Beckett
WalkaboutVance Marshall
War and PeaceLeo Tolstoy
The Yellow WallpaperCharlotte Perkins Gilman
Wuthering HeightsEmily Bronte
Answer: These are the best out of the list - and I've read about 80% of them.
The chosen - or anything else by Chaim Potok
Color purple - good, but you probably already know the story from the movie
The bluest eye - excellent - excellent excellent
Siddhartha - one of my all time faves - read it about 10 times
The Yellow Wallpaper - wierd but good (you either love it or hate it.
I hated the life of pi - at least the second part, some of the classics you have listed can be boring, so make sure you are committed to finishing them, or read them when you are older (I read war and peace as a teen, then again recently - so much better as an adult!)
edit - of course Anne Frank tops most people's lists and if you haven't read it should read it some day.
Category: Books & Authors
So do people who bring up the "Martyr Argument" believe that Charles Manson was the Messiah?
After all, many of his followers died or were prepared to die for their belief in him.
How about David Koresh? They were prepared to die for their belief that he was the new prophet.
How about all the Mormons who were brutally murdered in the 19th century because of their belief in Joseph Smith--is that proof that Smith really was the Prophet he claimed to be.
Or Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, Bonnie Nettles, Luc Jouret, Joseph Di Mambro, Li Hongzhi etc. etc.
Dont the people martyred for their belief in these people "prove" that they were truly the messiahs they claimed to be? If not, why not?
Thanks in advance.
Answer: Since Charlie is still alive,and, to the best of my knowledge, appears to be incapable of self-sacrifice. I don't see how he could be called a martyr.The same holds true of the others, in that they showed no ability to value others more than themselves.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Father of Loud Jim Marshall dies, aged 88
JIM Marshall, the man whose guitar amplifiers earned him the nickname "the father of Loud", has died aged 88. A statement on his companys website said: "It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved founder and leader for the past ...
College Football Hall of Fame Requirements ... Are They Kidding! ...?
Erk Russell will not be inducted into the college football Hall of Fame because he had the balls to retire early.
Russell, who died in 2006, was Georgia Southern’s head coach for eight seasons (1982 - 89) Winning 83, losing 22 and 1 tie and won three Division I - AA national titles.
The man was voted into the Georgia and Alabama Halls of Fame and he was voted the USA Todays coach of the year and of the decade in 1989. He was also voted the Chevrolet - CBS - Sports - 1AA coach of the year in 1989 also.
All of that at a school that hadn’t fielded a football team in 40 years.
All of that after 17 inspiring years of coaching Georgia’s “Junkyard Dawgs” defense. (Willie Martinez - eat your heart out)
Jim Donnan was recently voted into the Hall of Fame after 6 seasons at Marshall and 5 years at Georgia. At Marshall he won 64 games while losing 21 and guided Marshall to one Title while playing in four title games.
Erk Russell doesnt get in because ... He only coached 8 years. Thats the rule for inductees who are coaches.
If thats not the deepest bowl of horse **** I dont know what is.
Thanks and thumbs up to all who reply! Just give me time to get back and read the answers.
Luke H : Brother ... how old are you? (smiling) Older sports fans of college football know damn well who Erk Russell was. He was the reason for Georgias dominance over Florida all those years he was the defensive coordinator ... not Vince Dooley.
Defense was the key to Georgias wins long before the rise of Herschel Walker.
They didnt call them the Junkyard Dawgs without a reason.
You know I appreciate your answer. Thanks!
Thanks everyone for your answers!
wayman Tisdale not making the college top 25 is a travesty also. It sickens me who comes up with these lists. A great college and a good pro player. A pretty good bassist also. (smiling)
Answer: I've never put too much stock into Halls of Fame because the voters tend to be extremely fickle and biased. The NFL HoF is severely lacking in Cowboy representation considering their immense popularity and contribution to the sport. Alabama has been slighted a lot by the voters, too. Only 17 members all time. Notre Dame has 42 and Michigan has 29, in contrast. It's just Northern voters refusing to vote for Southern Teams or players. As a matter of fact, in the top 20 schools for most inductees, only two teams from the South are represented and that's Bama and Tennessee. Conversely, teams like Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Navy and Penn are on the list. Apparently, it was a lot easier to get in back in the day as these teams haven't mattered in decades.
I just don't put a lot of stock in them because they are subject to human error or intentional slights.
Category: Football (American)
Jim Marshall, Founder of Marshall Amps, Dies at 88 - ABC News
Rock Icon Jim Marshall Dies at 88 ... Ears still ringing from the 1960s? Jim Marshall might be to blame. Marshall was the man behind "The" amplifier, the ...
TELEVISION REVIEW | THE LOVING STORY; Scenes From a Marriage That Segregationists Tried to Break Up
The Loving Story may be one of the slyest sleights of programming in HBO history: this documentary running on Tuesday is a love story and a landmark civil rights case, which takes care of Valentines Dayand Black History Month. Theres more: because the film focuses on the battle to overturn laws against mixed-race marriages, HBO is also - Alessandra Stanley reviews HBO documentary The Loving Story. Photo (M) - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY
Guitar man Jim Marshall dies
Marshall, who was dubbed The Father of Loud, was 88 years old. Famous for his pioneering work on guitar amplifiers, he was a drummer and drum teacher who ran a music shop in London in 1960 where his customers included such greats as Pete Townshend and ...
Guitar amp pioneer Jim Marshall dies aged 88 - Yahoo! News
LONDON (Reuters) - Jim Marshall, who pioneered guitar amplifiers used by some of the greatest names in rock earning him the nickname "Lord of Loud", has died aged 88.
Jim Marshall Dead: Guitar Amp Innovator Dies at 88 - Spinner
Jim Marshall, one of the early masterminds behind the guitar amp, has passed away at the age of 88. The music icon, fondly nicknamed "the Father of Loud ...
Below is a list of people who convinced their followers they were more than human?
all of which died a tragic death. My question is, who do you consider to be the best looking?
Jim Jones
Jesus Christ
Elvis Presley
Joseph Smith
David Koresh
Marshall Applewhite
Answer: Elvis fosho
Category: Religion & Spirituality
msnbc.com Entertainment - Guitar amp pioneer Jim Marshall dies at ...
Jim Marshall, who pioneered guitar amplifiers used by some of the greatest names in rock earning him the nickname "Lord of Loud", has died aged 88. "It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved ...
Jim Marshall, Founder of Marshall Amp Dies At 88 | Bummer Alert ...
April 5th seems to be a shitty day for rock and roll. Kurt Cobain and Layne Stayley both died on this day (the latter of whom MetalSucks is paying tribute to all day) and we're saddened to learn that "the father of loud," Dr. Jim ...
An old Clint Eastwood western, High Plains Drifter...?
I argued with my buddy for years about this movie. He seems to think Clints Character, the man with no name is the ghost of Marshall Jim Dungan, and just because at the end of the movie he rode off into the sunset, and kind of fades away. I think the man with no name IS Marshall Jim Dungan, he never died, and he came back to take revenge on the whole town for not helping him. Ok, western movie lovers, what do you think?
EDIT: Ok, you guys convinced me, I think
I liked it better thinking he was still alive.
Answer: It was the ghost of Jim Duncan (not Dungan). The townspeople buried Jim Duncan in an unmarked grave, according to Sarah Belding. Also, according to Sarah Belding, "the dead don't rest without something to mark their grave." And, if the stranger *was* Jim Duncan, why did nobody recognize him? He wouldn't have changed *that* much. And, if the stranger *was* Jim Duncan, what reason would he have for not revealing himself to the townspeople at the end of the movie? There would really be no reason for him to keep up the deception. In fact, it would be better revenge to reveal himself, if he really was Jim Duncan.
And, he didn't just "fade away" at the end of the movie. If you watch closely, he actually blinks out instead of fading away. Just like (if you watch closely) he blinks in at the beginning of the movie.
Category: Movies
Jim Marshall, creator of the Marshall amp, dies aged 88
The man who gave rock one of its key visual and sonic props has died. Jim Marshall, known as "The Father of Loud" for inventing the Marshall amplifier, was 88 years old. Marshall was a drummer and drum teacher who used his earnings to set up a music shop ...
Guitar amp pioneer Jim Marshall dies at 88
Although there is evidence of scattered Brythonic settlements in the area, the first major settlement was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. This lasted for just seventeen years and around 61, the Iceni tribe led by Queen Boudica stormed it ...
Jim Marshall, Amp Pioneer Known As The Father Of Loud, Has Died
If your ears are ringing after a show, theres a fair chance a Marshall amplifier was responsible. And that youre glad for it. Only a special few might be able to "go to 11," as Spinal Tap famously boasted, but Marshall amps have been among the ...
BREAKING:Rock Amplifier Inventor JIM MARSHALL (88) Dead:"He ...
Englishman Jim marshall died today,Thursday,April 5th,aged 88 years old.He will be remembered for inventing the rock amplifier known in the music industry as "The Wilson" which totally revol.
Shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, reporters at The New York Times began interviewing friends and relatives of the people whose lives had so suddenly been ended. The result was Portraits of Grief, a collection of brief sketches of the victims. These fresh visits with some of the families were written by Glenn Collins, Anthony DePalma, Robin
What do you think of this?
What do you think of my sick rap video idea?
Its an idea. Its called "1 AM"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6_pBtFddOg (the tone of this background could be used; with the 1993 beats updated to todays beat)
Yeah, its the criminal with the creepy style
With an attitude thats just wrong and vile
I have a heart full of hate and anger
I see the Antichrist in Jersuelems harbor
This isnt night of living Damned
This **** is "Silence of the Lambs"
But without a musical score
Ill kick your ******* *** out the door
With a terrible smile like Hannibal Lecter
If you try to backstab me, youre next, ************
Try to rip me off as part of your ******* den
Dont **** with me at 1 AM
[Verse 2]
Yeah, time to kick this ****
For motherfuckers on my dick
Tried to segragate me
Cause you thought I was too ugly
To be a law-abiding citizen
Now time to make those assholes dead
Rick Lazio, you better pray and hope
That I dont know where you live so I can shove a stupid reggaeton record down your throat
years of ******* Hell
Like being in a jail or mental hospital
Barring me from talking about "Seinfeld"
Now Im gonna send ya to Hell
None of my own kind [Latinos and Latinas] in this dead-end
Or my old white friends
Just a lonely ******* place
Like being sprayed with mace
Supporting this ******* segragation
**** Jim DeMint and his racist bullshit
If you **** with me, itll be your end
Dont **** with me, at 1 AM
[Verse 3]
Yes its the ************
Who feels the presense of death around the corner
You ****** with my best friend Shade
All she was trying to do was go her day
But cause shes Spanish
you thought you had the authority to beat her like ****
Racist motherfuckers
Now youre next, sucker
Trying to sedate me with ******* reggaeton
Now Im gonna take the record and shove it down your asshole
Making you ******* bleed
**** you and your greed
This aint a Latino whos reggaeton, or Luny Tunes or Daddy Yankee
This is a Latino whos hardcore and bloodthirsty
For motherfuckers who **** with me cause Im Democrat, Latino and autistic
Now its time to take Denis Leary, Sharon Angle, and Robert Marshall and make em look like ****
Im not a peaceful like "Rain Man"
Im as violent as "Silence of the Lambs"
**** the person who made the term "Hispanic"
Asshole **** Ill beat you like ****
Every other ethnic group gets American
But you **** us to the head
Now Im gonna grind that ************s face
And gride it against Daddy Yankees, and spray you with ******* maze
**** Rick Lazio for making the word "****"
And Im gonna **** you up like ****
Denis Leary, prepare to die
**** Rick Lazio, cause I got a style as vile as the Antichrist
Denis Leary, Ill take your disrespectful, Republican bullshit, "Friends"-watching ***, and make out of you a mockery
But this aint a ************* comedy
This is real hardcore ****
You dont like it? Suck my ******* dick
My ******* video have a contemptous smile
With an atttiude thats vile
But my poster has a gangster look stuff
With a look that read, "I dont give a ****"
I got a style thats like Cypress Hill
Dont try to sedate me with your reggaeton pill
Im as creepy as them
Im the wrong Latin to **** with at 1 AM
[Verse 4]
**** "Boyz n the hood"
Im a ************* vengeful crook
Its a movie that teaches people to take ****
John Singleton you can ************
As for Officer Coffey,
Ill kill you and enjoy it if you ever **** with me
(Sample from the movie)
"I could blow your head off with this Smith & Wesson and you couldnt do ****"
(I shoot his son, and laugh)
Guess what ************? I just did
(Officer Coffey screams)
Im not a reggaetono, so dont **** with me
If you do, Ill make sure that you D-I-E
This is one for punk motherfuckers
Dont let me catch punk up out at 1 AM, sucker
3 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Gotta send my peace
Jeff, go fuck yourself, sweetheart!
Answer: cool
Category: Polls & Surveys
Guitar amplifier pioneer Jim Marshall dies aged 88 - Yahoo! News
19 hours ago ... From Yahoo! News: LONDON (Reuters) - Jim Marshall, dubbed the "Lord of Loud " for his pioneering work on guitar amplifiers used by some of ...
Opinions on story? :3?
It was the Summer of 1915. The sun was disappearing behind the grassy hillside and it looked at if someone had swept a dark blue paintbrush across the sky and scattered a handful of tiny diamonds over the top.
An increasing number of stars filled the sky each night. My mother once told me they were the souls of brave soldiers who had lost their lives at war, shining to let the world know they were now at peace, and watching over their families keeping them safe from harm. Of course, I knew that wasnt true, but it was a pleasant thought either way.
Wed lost both my uncle and cousin to war, and my father was residing in a trench somewhere in the South of France. He was rarely allowed to write to us, and my mother was constantly on edge. My cousin wasnt much older than me. Id be turning eighteen in a few months, and hed only just turned nineteen a few weeks ago. Hed died the day after his birthday. This had only made my mother worry even more, and she was almost unable to cope with the high levels of stress. I could probably have gone to war myself if I should have liked, but I didnt want to upset mother further so I just stayed at home to put her mind at ease. Besides, I also had my girlfriend, Katherine, to look after. I couldnt dream of leaving her here alone; she meant everything to me.
"Jim!" I heard my mother call as I made my way back inside.
My real name is James Marshall, but most people just call me Jim, or even Jim Marsh. My mother is called Edna Marshall, and my father is William Marshall. I also have a younger sister named Nancy, but my mother decided that it would not be safe for such a vulnerable child to live in such a dangerous city, and so she was sent away to live with my Aunt Sally, who welcomed Nancy with open arms after both her husband and son and left to join the navy. We all missed her being around, but it was a great comfort to my mother to know that she was in safe hands.
"Im off to work," She announced as I appeared at the doorway. "Make sure there is food on the table for when I get home." I nodded as she slipped out the door, blowing a kiss as she disappeared.
Ever since my father had left to go to war, my mother had started a job as a nurse. She worked from 10pm until 10am the next morning. Since the job started she always seemed gloomy and run down, but I really didnt blame her. After all, she was working in one of the busiest hospitals in the city, which was permanently swarmed with dying soldiers.
Answer: Very interesting! i would give you like a B+ or an A-
Category: Books & Authors
Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 - Boston.com
LONDON—Jim Marshall, who helped shape the sound of rock n roll with his groundbreaking amplifier designs, died in a hospice Thursday morning, his ...
JIM MARSHALL DIED - Business Insider
Marshall, who died Thursday at the age of 88, was not looking for precision when he and his sound engineers came up with the early Marshall amps in 1960. He said in a 2000 interview that what he wanted was raw, fuzzy ...
Amplifier maker Jim Marshall dies at 88 - latimes.com
Jim Marshall, who was known as "The Father of Loud" for designing the amplifiers that became ubiquitous in the rock world, has died at 88. "It is with ...
Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 » Naples Daily ...
LONDON — Ears still ringing from the 1960s? Jim Marshall might be to blame. Marshall was the man behind “The” amplifier, the weapon of choice for ...
Amplifier maker Jim Marshall dies at 88 - latimes.com
Jim Marshall, who was known as "The Father of Loud" for designing amplifiers ubiquitous in the rock world, has died at 88.
Guitar amp pioneer Jim Marshall dies aged 88 | CNET UK
The British man who pioneered guitar amps, and in turn inspired a rock revolution that changed the world, has passed away.
Jim Marshall obituary: Creator of famed rock 'n' roll amps dies at 88 ...
22 minutes ago ... Jim Marshall, whose amplifiers were one of the signatures of rock 'n' roll, from Jimi Hendrix to Motley Crue and the fictional Spinal Tap, has ...
RIP Dr Jim Marshall OBE (1923—2012)
The man, the myth, the legend: Dr Jim Marshall OBE, founder of the Marshall Amps brand has died, aged 88. You can read the full Jim Marshall news story over on the main MusicRadar page, but here TGs editor, Stuart Williams, pays his own respects.
Best Sellers: Hardcover Fiction: Sunday, October 9th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the October 9, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending September 24, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers
Father of Loud Jim Marshall dies, aged 88 | News.com.au
JIM Marshall, the man whose guitar amplifiers earned him the nickname "the father of Loud", has died aged 88. A statement on his companys website said: "It is with ...
Rockers Mourn Father Of Loud Jim Marshall
Mr Marshall, a former music shop owner from west London, died in a hospice after battling cancer and having ... Marshalls volume knob went "one louder" - as high as 11. In response, Jim Marshall set about producing models that could be cranked up to ...
Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 - NorthJersey.com
LONDON (AP) — Ears still ringing from the 1960s? Jim Marshall might be to blame.
THE NEW SEASON FILM; December Release Schedule
DECEMBER Dec. 2 ANSWERS TO NOTHING The abduction of a child provides the background for six interweaving stories set in Los Angeles. With Elizabeth Mitchell, Dane Cook, Julie Benz and Barbara Hershey; Matthew Leutwyler wrote and directed. CAITLIN PLAYS HERSELF Joe Swanberg rounds out a busy year with his third feature release, the story of a - By DAVE KEHR; Compiled with the assistance of Suzanne OConnor.
RIP Jim Marshall ?
Sadly this iconic photographer died today aged 74. He took so many of the most famous photos of the rock greats, The Beatles, Stones, The Who, Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, Miles Davis....
Here is my favourite
BQ: Favourite Rock Photo?
Answer: I don't think the folks in Nashville will ever forget this one.
What a cool job he had. RIP
Category: Rock and Pop
Entertainment | Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 ...
Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 Ears still ringing from the 1960s? Jim Marshall might be to blame. By GREGORY KATZ. Associated Press
Jim Marshall Dies Aged 88 | News @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
23 hours ago ... With great sadness, we regret to inform you that Jim Marshall has died aged 88. Jim founded Marshall Amplification after going into business ...
Luis Eduardo Torres Hes Always 31 Alissa Torres has now lived without him three times longer than she was his wife, and sometimes, she admits, its kind of shocking to realize he actually existed. I think of him every day, Ms. Torres said, but sometimes he seems like something I might have made up. When her husband, Eduardo, put in his - ; These portraits were written by Glenn Collins, Anthony DePalma, Robin Finn, Jan Hoffman, N. R. Kleinfield, Maria Newman and Janny Scott, all contributors to the original Portraits of Grief project in 2001.
Patricia Stephens Due, 72; Campaigned for Civil Rights
Patricia Stephens Due, whose belief that, as she put it, ordinary people can do extraordinary things propelled her to leadership in the civil rights movement -- but at a price, including 49 days in a stark Florida jail -- died on Tuesday in Smyrna, Ga. She was 72. The cause was thyroid cancer, her daughter Johnita Due said. She had moved to - Patricia Stephens Due, whose lifelong civil rights activism led to injury from a tear-gas canister and time in a brutal jail, dies at age 72. Photo (M) - By DOUGLAS MARTIN
Arsen's Journal - JIM MARSHALL DIED
http://www.rollingstone.com/music/n ews/amp-inventor-jim-marshall-dead-20120 405?utm_source=dailynewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter.
Guitar amplifier pioneer Jim Marshall dies aged 88 | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - Jim Marshall, who pioneered guitar amplifiers used by some of the greatest names in rock earning him the nickname Lord of Loud, has died ...
Amp Inventor Jim Marshall Dead | Music News | Rolling Stone
20 hours ago ... Jim Marshall, inventor of one of rock roll's most important innovations ndash; the Marshall amplifier ndash; has died at age 88. Marshall was a ...
Jim Marshall, creator of Marshall amplifiers, dies aged 88
JIM Marshall, whose guitar amplifiers were used by some of the biggest names in rock, has died aged 88. A statement on his company’s website paid tribute to the man called “the Father of loud”. It said: “It is with profound sorrow that we announce ...
If The Comforter Jesus spoke about is the Holy spirit, does that make mohammed a false prophet?
When Jesus died on the cross, He said " It is done" right ? which means it is finished.... Jesus also warned us about false prophets and people who will claim to be the messiah .... such as
1) Marshall Applewhite
Inri Cristo
Matayoshi Jesus
José Luis de Jesús Miranda
2) Jim Jones
3) David Koresh
4) Ariffin Mohamed
5) Laszlo Toth
6) Arnold Potter
7) Thomas Harrison Provenzano
8) Ahn Sahng-hong
9) John Nichols Thom
10) Sergei Torop
11) Ernest Norman
All claimed to be the messiah as told by Jesus. There are also many false prophets leading people away from the true way.... could Muhammad is one of those false prophets who would deceive many (billions of souls) that Jesus warned us about ???
Answer: Absolutely. Muhammad is a fake. Jesus said the Comforter will glorify Him, muhammad on the other hand repeatedly told people than Jesus was no more than a prophet. Jesus also said the Conforter will bring to our rememberance all the things He had taught us. Here are some of the things that He taught:
1. He (Jesus) had to die for the sins of many, rise from the dead and ascend again to heaven
Muhammad taught that Jesus never died, and that everyone must bear their own sins- (he contradicted rather than remind us of the teaching of Christ)
2. A man should have one woman and that they should not even lust
Muhammad taught that men can marry up to four wives and if they lust after their slaves, they can have them for as long as they want them provided that they pay them what is due to them for sleeping with them
3. Jesus said that God is His Father and that we too can call Him Father
Muhammad said that his god has no son or any children at that
Jesus said the Comforter was with us that time and that when He comes again, He will be IN us and would be with us FOREVER.
Muhammad never existed before his birth and he died before i was even born so he never conforted me or even remind me of the Lord's teachings
The list is endless and YES muhammad is a FAKE
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Guitar Amp Innovator Jim Marshall Dead At 88
Guitar amp pioneer Jim Marshall has passed away at the age of 88 ... Kurt Cobain and Slash. News of his death was posted on his companys website on Thursday (05Apr12). An official statement reads, "Jim rose to become one of the forefathers responsible ...
What should should the Raiders do this offseason?
Im a die hard raiders fans and ive suffered another losing season. Although, the raiders are improving a little bit, they just cant seem to get the job done. Word has it that the raiders are going to fire Tom Cable because of the fact that he didnt do a good job developing Jamarcus Russell. Personally, I think that the raiders should keep Tom Cable because I dont any other coach willing to replace him. Rumor has it that the Raiders will hire either Mike Leech or Jim Mora Jr. I honestly think that if the raiders do hire leech, it will be the same exactly result from when they had Lane Kiffin. There arent many successful coaches that tend to do well in the NFL, (Steve Spurrier, Lane Kiffin, etc...) John Harbaugh and Jim Mora Jr. are the only ones I can think of that went from being a coach or asisstant or coordinator in college, then going into the NFL and having success in the NFL. Theres probably still more college coaches that did well in the NFL, But I cant really think of any as of right now. Speaking of Jim Mora Jr., I think hes a great coach, despite the Seahawks ending up 5-11 last year, I still think that they should of given him at least one more year before replacing him with Pete Carroll. Oh, shoot I forgot, Pete Carroll is another coach to have success in the N.F.L. I forgot he did a good with the Patriots when Bill Parcells left. I think they made the playoffs that year when he was the coach. Anyway, back to the point. What I think the Raiders should is Keep Tom Cable because I honestly dont think that there is any other coach out there that would be willing to coach the Raiders. Mora would be a good fit, but I think he knows better by staying away. I think they should keep Tom Cable, hire Jim Zorn or Mike Leech as Offensive Coordinator, hire Dick Jauron as Defensivie Coordinator, Re-sign Gradkowski and Frye, Sign Vincent Jackson or Malcom Floyd because I know Al Davis likes Size and Jackson and Floyd are around 65. Whatever he decides, please do not sign Brandon Marshall. It would be Randy Moss all over again. With All that talent, his ego would destroy the teams play, just like when we had Moss. Braylon Edwards who even be a better choice than Marshall (Despite that thing he went through with LeBron James friend.). If either DE Derrick Morgan or OT Trent Williams fall to them with the 8th pick, draft them. Sign LB Derrick Johnson and Re sign Kirk Morrison, Sign OT Marcus McNeill or Logan Mankings, if they end up drafting Morgan. if they end up drafting Trent Williams, Sign DE Julius Peppers or Re sign Seymour. After All, he didnt do a bad job with the Raiders. Sign Ken Lucas or if they can, sign Dunta Robinson to help out Nnamdi. Think about with Nnamdi and Dunta, we would have the Best Pass Defense in the NFL, If this were to happen(but I probably doubt it.). This is what I think what the Raiders should do this offseason, what do you think they should do?
2010 -2011 Raiders
(in this exact order)
QBs - Gradkowski/Frye/Russell
RBs - Michael Bush/Fargas/McFadden
WRs - Malcom Floyd/Louis Murphy/ Johnnie Lee Higgins
TE - Zach Miller (One of the most underrated TEs in the NFL. Doesnt get the reconigtion he deserves.)
CBs - Asomugha/Robinson (If this were to happen the raiders would have the best pass defense in the NFL. They pass defense would own teams.)
LBs - Derrick Johnson/ Kirk Morrison
DE - Julius Peppers or Richard Seymour
OL - Marcus Mcneill or Logan Mankins
2010 Draft pick - OT Trent Williams. (Although, the Raiders do need to really improve their Run Defense, I really think the O -Line should be their top priority. They can always draft a decent Pass Rusher in the second or third round.
Head Coach - Tom Cable
Offensive Coordinator - Jim Zorn or Mike Leech (either one would be good.)
Defensive Coordinator - Dick Jauron.
I think if the Raiders did this, they would at least win 8 next season, but I doubt it. What do you think?
Answer: Well first off all let me say it's great to see another Raider fan on this place, not too many fans left. I think we should keep Cable as the coach, he is the only coach I can remember that actually had the team publicly supporting him. He has shown signs of improvement and is making the right choice by not starting Russell and going with Gradkowski/Frye instead. Russell is a bust through and through and needs to be released. With players that need to be resigned, our top priorities should be to resign Kirk Morrison and Thomas Howard, than we need to get Gradkowski back. As for the draft going with Trent Williams would be a grave mistake. He is an inconsistent RT who cannot play on the left side and doesn't even fit into our zone-blocking scheme, he doesn't have the finesse. A better pick would be Bruce Campbell, a great LT who has a great chance of getting drafted in the top 10. If he cracks a 4.90 at the combine, you can pretty much pencil him in as a Raider. The good thing is, Campbell is actually a GOOD player, unlike Heyward-Bey. Than in the second round, it is very likely that we can acquire Carlos Dunlap. After the DUI he had he's almost a lock to fall out of the first round and into our hands. If he can kick his laziness he will be a great addition to our run defense. I don't think resigning Seymour will be good, he's an aging veteran who will ask for way more than he's worth. I say let Trevor Scott get the RE job instead, he was great as a rookie but had to sit behind Seymour this season. I think our coordinators are going to stay since nobody else is willing to come to the Raiders. All we need to fix is our simple defense and get more play-action in our offense to suit Gradkowski's talents. Here is how our team should look in order.
QB: Gradkowski/Frye/A pigeon/Russell
RB: Bush/Fargas/McFadden
WR: Schilens/Murphy/Higgins
TE: Miller
LT: Campbell
LG: Gallery
C: Satele
RG: Carlisle
RT: Barnes
RE: Trevor Scott
LE: Greg Ellis
DT: Tommy Kelly
NT: Marvin Austin (Draft)
SLB: Someone who is not a Raider
MLB: Kirk Morrison
WLB: Thomas Howard
CB: Nnamdi Asomugha, Chris Johnson
FS: Michael Huff
SS: Michael Mitchell
With this we might have 8 or 9 wins
Category: Football (American)
Jim Marshall, 88, Maker of Famed Fuzzy Amplifiers, Is Dead
Jim Marshall, who made rock ’n’ roll rawer and noisier by inventing the amplifier that helped define guitarists from Jimi Hendrix to members of countless garage bands, died on Thursday at a hospice in London. He was 88. His death was announced by the company he founded, Marshall Amplification. The Associated Press said the cause was - By DOUGLAS MARTIN
Jim Marshall, maker of rock-and-roll guitar amplifiers, dies at 88
Jim Marshall, a British music store owner who influenced the raucous sound and chest-thumping volume of rock-and-roll with his Marshall amplifiers, the stage hardware of choice for guitarists Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Slash, died April 5 at a hospice ...
BBC News - Guitar amp pioneer Jim Marshall dies aged 88
Guitar amp innovator Jim Marshall, dubbed "the Father of Loud" for creating kit used by some of the biggest names in rock, has died aged 88. Mr Marshall, who ...
THE NEW SEASON THEATER; Outlaws, Kings and Comedy
Dates are subject to change. For more listings: nytimes.com/theater. SEPTEMBER ARIAS WITH A TWIST Drag show, puppet show, fantastical surreal experience -- call it what you will. The collaboration between the downtown drag chanteuse Joey Arias and the master puppet maker Basil Twist, which enthralled audiences and critics in 2008, is back. Mr. - By STEVEN McELROY; Compiled with the assistance of Suzanne OConnor.
Jim Marshall (businessman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jim marshall died on 5 April 2012 at a hospice in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. Former Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash ...
THE NEW SEASON; Outlaws, Kings and Comedy
Dates are subject to change. For more listings: nytimes.com/theater. SEPTEMBER ARIAS WITH A TWIST Drag show, puppet show, fantastical surreal experience -- call it what you will. The collaboration between the downtown drag chanteuse Joey Arias and the master puppet maker Basil Twist, which enthralled audiences and critics in 2008, is back. Mr. - By STEVEN McELROY
Penny Marshall on Whitney Houston: She was a great girl
Penny Marshall deems the recent death of Whitney Houston a "very sad" loss ... with Showtimes "United States of Tara" and ABCs "According to Jim" among those credits. "All they do is watch monitors now," she says. "They dont know everything ...
Jim Marshall Dies; Rock Heaven Cranks Amps to 11 - Businessweek
Guitar players are precious about their sound. And as the music industry has become increasingly digitized around them—from million-dollar recording ...
Jim Marshall Dies; Rock Heaven Cranks Amps to 11
Guitar players are precious about their sound. And as the music industry has become increasingly digitized around them—from million-dollar recording equipment to such questionable innovations as Auto-Tune—hardcore guitarists, however, still ...
Jim Marshall dies aged 88 | MusicRadar.com
Dr Jim Marshall OBE, founder of Marshall Amplification, has died aged 88. Since the company was founded 50 years ago, Marshall has become one of the most recognisable and iconic names in rock guitar, with the ...
Jim Marshall Dies; Rock Heaven Cranks Amps to 11 - Businessweek
14 hours ago ... Guitar players are precious about their sound. And as the music industry has become increasingly digitized around them—from million-dollar ...
Jim Marshall, founder of Marshall amps, dies at 88 | Deseret News
Ears still ringing from the 1960s? Jim Marshall might be to blame. LONDON — Ears still ringing from the 1960s? Jim Marshall might be to blame. Marshall ...
Dam never knew Jim marshall died From: Yeardiniho - Source: Twitter for iPhone
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1 mati beribu nangis 1 budak penyakit mati semue tak nangis. RT @PolluxMelpomene: RIP to Jim Marshall who died today. From: iFARRK - Source: TweetList!
RT @Tim_Burgess: Jim Marshall has sadly died. The man behind Marshall Amps - whatever youre listening to, just turn it up to 11. Make it one louder for Jim From: p4p3r - Source: Mobile Web
RT @DudleySewell: Jim Marshall founder of Marshall Amps died yesterday at the age of 88. RIP Jim, you truely were the Father of Loud. From: markb2502 - Source: web
RT @DamienFahey: Jim Marshall, inventor of the Marshall amp has died. His funeral begins at 1 and it goes to 11. From: ZevansWX - Source: web
wew RT @bangbangtooth Rest In Peace Jim Marshall *the founder of Marshall amplifiers, died today, aged 88 From: rendy_bams - Source: web
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Innalillahi RT "@bangbangtooth: Rest In Peace Jim Marshall *the founder of Marshall amplifiers, died today, aged 88*" From: DedeIrama - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @DudleySewell: Jim Marshall founder of Marshall Amps died yesterday at the age of 88. RIP Jim, you truely were the Father of Loud. From: sclive72 - Source: web
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RT @Jodeewivzu: RT @googleht: Jim marshall died From: Karlkghvp - Source: Mobile Web
@wesborland @djlethal @freddurst Jim marshall died yesterday. Lets hear it for the "Lord of Loud" From: ThirstyEvil - Source: web