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Wisconsin recall : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Journalist: Romney can't win Wisconsin if Walker loses recall ...
Rebecca Kleefisch (R) and four Wisconsin Republican state senators will face recall elections in June. Democrats are hoping the elections bring about a political realignment following their loses in the 2010 elections.
Wisconsin governor faces recall
Christine Morrison has been appointed as Opiate Projects Manager at the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services. In the new position, Morrison will coordinate “efforts across state departments to attack the opiate epidemic.”
Top gubernatorial races: WISCONSIN RECALL leads list - David ...
1 day ago ... The first 2012 gubernatorial primary contests are just over a month away, setting the stage for bruising battles in the fall in at least five states ...
Why is recall effort of Wisconsin Governor more important than recall effort of CA DREAM Act?
The recall effort of Wisconsin governor drew 1 million signatures but recall of CA DREAM Act drew less than half of that. Hey folks, isnt CA supposed to be the largest state in the union.
Answer: The Democrats need illegals and hate Scott Walker. It's as simple as that.
Category: Civic Participation
The Wisconsin recall Task Force is pleased to announce our Community Empowerment Program to assist your community in preparing for the Walker recall ...
Journalist: Romney can’t win Wisconsin if Walker loses recall election
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel columnist Dan Bice explained Tuesday that Mitt Romney had no chance of winning Wisconsin in a general election if Republican Gov. Scott Walker is ousted from office. “All of these elections are very much connected ...
Wisconsin Union Law Is Flawed, Judge Finds
A federal judge concluded on Friday that parts of a law limiting public sector unions in Wisconsin — the law that started a political battle between Republican officials and labor leaders in the state a year ago — violate the Constitution. The opinion of Judge William M. Conley, of the Western District of Wisconsin, was viewed as a - By MONICA DAVEY
Why did the Dems fail to gain the majority in the WISCONSIN RECALL elections?
What about the 10 million poured into Wisconsin by national labor unions?
Answer: #1 those were all republican districts
#2 millions of ant-union dollars followed into the election from out of state.
Makes you wonder why billionaires in other states are so concerned about a local Wis election
Category: Elections
Scott Walker Recall: Wisconsin Officials Recommend Elections Go ...
WASHINGTON -- Wisconsins Government Accountability Board, which oversees elections in the state, recommended on Thursday that recall elections for Gov ...
Allegations of Massive Fraud in WISCONSIN RECALL Proved False
Today, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) will take formal action to schedule the first recall election of a sitting U.S. governor in more than a decade. Since the recall effort began in November of 2011, conservative media outlets have ...
WISCONSIN RECALL elections officially underway | The Raw Story
4 days ago ... Wisconsin's Government Accountability Board has voted 5-0 to recall Republican Governor Scott Walker after receiving nearly 901000 ...
Tuesday Reads: WISCONSIN RECALL, Willard on the Defensive ...
It will be the first such election in state history, and if Wisconsin votes out Walker, he will be only the third sitting governor in U.S. history to be recalled, joining North Dakota's Lynn Frazier in 1921 and California's Gray Davis in ...
Wisconsin Democrats: RNC memo on Gov. Walker recall a ‘tea party fantasy’
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin said a memo released by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Monday was little more than a “tea party fantasy.” The memo argued that the upcoming recall elections in Wisconsin will actual ...
Wisconsin Senate recall elections, 2011 - Wikipedia, the free ...
Recall elections for nine Wisconsin state senators were held during the summer of 2011; one was held on July 19 and six on August 9, with two more held on ...
President Visits Factory To Hail Insourcing Plan
MILWAUKEE -- President Obama came here on Wednesday to promote his new insourcing economic plan, which he says could help prod American manufacturers to bring jobs home from China and elsewhere overseas. But the biggest question buzzing about his visit was what he and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin would say to each other when they toured the - Pres Obama visits the Master Lock plant in Milwaukee, lauding the company for its success in bringing jobs back to the United States, and promoting an election-year initiative that would reward other manufacturers for following suit; Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker, a Republican, cancels his appearance at the event at the last minute, citing illness. (M) - By HELENE COOPER
Recall election ordered for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker ...
Embattled first-term Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will face a recall this spring after an election was ordered Friday following the collection of more than ...
WisconsinRecall.net … Its About Our Future. Home; On The Brink; Walker Recall Sign Up; Walker Recall Process ... Pages. Home; On The Brink; Walker Recall Sign Up ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections so far - what has been the most successful? Dems or Republicans?
Dems retained all contested seats and Repbulicans lost two of six contested seats. Went from 19 Republican seats to 17 and from 14 Dem seats to 16 with one sitting Republican having already voted against Scott Walkers new policies. Does this make what happened more positive for the Dems or Republicans?
Answer: The people of Wisconsin are the biggest winners.
Right winger corpoate stooges can call unions members "thugs", but in reality they are hard working Americans who pay their taxes, that is more than can be said of YA loser cons.
Category: Politics
Tom Barrett, WISCONSIN RECALL Candidate, Offers Pledge To Keep ...
Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who announced last week that he is running to unseat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) in the upcoming recall election, is asking his Democratic opponents to keep negative ads out ...
Recall election ordered for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Embattled first-term Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will face a recall this spring after an election was ordered Friday following the collection of more than 900,000 signatures in the wake of his push against union bargaining ...
Wisconsin Primary Overshadowed by Recall
For most of this year, the arrival of the Republican presidential contest in town has quickly become the biggest political story of the day in those places. But not in Wisconsin. Mr. Walker’s efforts to revamp the state’s collective ...
Wisconsin governor will face recall election | kare11.com
GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. - It is official, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will face a recall election. It was more than a year ago when protests erupted in Wisconsins ...
What is the left wing spin on the WISCONSIN RECALL disaster?
Guess the once BLUE state is now glowing a little bit more red - despite millions spent by unions, and aggressive ACORN concentrated voter fraud, the left still couldnt budge the Republican majority
Is this a predictor of next November?
Answer: its a two-prong spin strategy
1. declare victory when there is none
2. make false accusations of voter fraud
republicans still maintain the majority in the state senate regardless of next week's recall elections and taking that majority away from the republicans was their #1 objective and they failed (a recurring event these days)
Category: Politics
How are those WISCONSIN RECALL Elections going?
Hope you people are voting. Make Democracy Real.
Answer: We can hope the people of Wisconsin do the right thing and recall those who "sold out" to the party. No contract is valid until it is accepted and signed by both sides. If there were problems with the public employees’ agreement then the public managers failed to do their job and they are the ones who should be punished not the employees.
I have not seen or heard anything in the past several weeks. Last I heard the recall petitions were being circulated and it seems the majority of the voters there are ready to replace a couple of Democrats and a whole lot of Republicans.
Thank god for the recall process; when we are hampered by politicians who follow rather than lead we need to get them out of office, When elected people put party over state and nation they need to be replaced. When elected officials fail to accept the facts electing to do what party leaders mandate rather than support the best interests of the people they need to be recalled.
Category: Civic Participation
How does it feel for Libs to know they failed on their WISCONSIN RECALL?
Will take cyanide now since the end is near!
Answer: Why are you working for the destruction of the middle class?
Huge kudos to the Wisconsin Democrats!
Actually, one of the republican senators has consistently voted with the Dems on unions and workers, so this swings the vote to the democrats.
This was the first big Citizens United lecture, where thanks to the right wing Supremes, Ahmadeinejad could send money to Alberta Darling’s campaign and thanks to the Republicans, we’d never even know.
Republicans block campaign transparency disclosure act
I can’t believe how the media is trying to paint the loss of two seats as a Republican win. Shame on them.
Taking away "rights" of any kind is a dangerous proposition, add "union" and "collective bargaining" to it, and folks are ready to fight. That's Wisconsin, where it's obvious that Governor Walker's actions were too much, even for some Republicans. Scott Walker will be out as Wisconsin's Governor in 2012. The Tea Party Movement will not survive 2012.
THIS IS ABOUT SURVIVAL OF THE MIDDLE CLASS. As union membership shrinks, so does the middle class. That is why a Main Street Movement all over the country is fighting to protect collective bargaining and the middle class wages, benefits, and protections it promotes.
See chart:
It's alarming to see what's happened to the middle class, isn't it?
Category: Politics
WISCONSIN RECALL...............?
Has the upcoming recall election in Wisconsin demonstrated that the radical right has over reached and ensured President Obamas re-election?
Answer: All that has been illustrated in the State of Wisconsin, is the will and the power of
the Union thugs to control the governments for which they run. Just ask the chief
union organizer himself Barack Insane Obama.
Category: Politics
Labor Leaders Plan Door-to-Door Effort for Obama
As the A.F.L.-C.I.O. prepares to endorse President Obama on Tuesday, labor leaders say they will mount their biggest campaign effort, with far more union members than ever before -- at least 400,000, they say -- knocking on voters doors to counter the well-endowed super PACs backing Republicans. The same Supreme Court ruling in 2010 that set - AFL-CIO is planning a major door-to-door effort as part of their endorsement of Pres Obama, sending out at least 400,000 members in an attempt to counter the well-endowed super PACs backing Republicans; Supreme Court ruling that set the stage for expanded super PACs also allows unions to send members to non-union homes, move expected to significantly increase labors political clout in the upcoming elections. Photo (M) - By STEVEN GREENHOUSE
Santorum Campaigns in Wisconsin, Ignoring Pressure to Bow Out to Romney
RACINE, Wis. -- Mitt Romney remains his biggest foe, but Rick Santorum is increasingly confronting an even more daunting obstacle: a rising chorus of Republicans calling for the divisive presidential contest to end so the party can turn its full attention to defeating President Obama. A new chapter is opening in the Republican nominating fight, - Rick Santorum ignores a mounting chorus of Republicans calling for an end to his divisive candidacy, as he initiates his campaign among voters in Wisconsin; while Santorum has carried 10 states, the delegate scorecard still overwhelmingly favors Mitt Romney, making victory in Wisconsin essential for him to keep his aspirations alive. Photo (M) - By JEFF ZELENY and SARAH WHEATON; Jeff Zeleny reported from Racine, Wis., and Sarah Wheaton from Fond du Lac, Wis.
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Set For June : The Two-Way : NPR
4 days ago ... In Wisconsin, "state elections officials ordered a set of historic recall elections Friday, making [Republican] Scott Walker the third governor in the ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Election: Big Union Joins Corrupt Judiciary to ...
The following is a guest post by Joseph Hall. ***. Wisconsin recall Election: Big Union Joins Corrupt Judiciary to Attack Key Republicans. Freedom of choice is at stake in the Wisconsin recall election. The issue is over ...
So if Democrats win the WISCONSIN RECALL tomorrow, can we conservatives start gathering signatures to recall?
Just because Democrats hate Scott Walkers policies, they want to recall him. I think we should start recalling Obama before he does more damage on our great country.
Category: Politics
Allegations of Massive Fraud in WISCONSIN RECALL Proved False ...
Today, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) will take formal action to schedule the first recall election of a sitting U.S. governor in more than a ...
Wisconsin Approves Recall Election for Governor Walker - NYTimes.com
Wisconsin officials announced on Friday that critics of Gov. Scott Walker had met the requirements for a recall election, starting a bitterly contentious ...
All-Out Walker War Ahead as Wisconsin Board Approves Recall ...
Wisconsin (STOWI1) (STOWI1) Governor Scott Walker will face a recall vote June 5 after officials in Madison cleared the way for an election, and Milwaukee ...
Tom Barrett running in WISCONSIN RECALL election - The Washington Post
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) has made it official — he’s running against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) in this summer’s recall election. “We need to ...
Wisconsin Democrats: RNC memo on Gov. Walker recall a 'tea party ...
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin said a memo released by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Monday was little more than a “tea party fantasy.” The memo argued that the upcoming recall ...
THE CAUCUS; WISCONSIN RECALL Effort: Governor Wont Challenge Petition Signatures
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin will not challenge signatures on petitions calling for his recall, his spokeswoman said on Monday, a decision that moves the state one step closer to a new election as the states Democrats launch their first advertisement against him. Mr. Walker, a Republican, had until the end of the day on Monday to contest - Caucus column; Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin will not challenge signatures on recall petitions against him, a decision that moves the state one step closer to a new election. Photo (M) - By MONICA DAVEY
Wisconsin sets recalls for Walker, GOP state senators; Republican majority at stake
UPDATE: A federal judge in Wisconsin today struck part of the states union-stripping bill (pdf of the ruling). EARLIER: As expected, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board ordered recall elections for Governor Scott Walker, Lieutenant ...
Does the WISCONSIN RECALL election send the left a general message.?
Your not winning anymore.
Answer: (I vote for Rockit's poetry)
Even FDR was opposed to public employee unions. Up until now, the public never got to vote on the concept. Government just did what it wanted and made lavish deals with itself. Now that The People get to have a say (indirectly) it is clear that We The People don't want our servants trying to enslave us.
I can't wait for November 2012. The Tea smelling tidal wave will cleanse the land.
Category: Politics
Democratic Party of Wisconsin - Official Scott Walker Recall ...
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is the official Recall Scott Walker Headquarters.
Should Wisconsin residents start preparing to recall Republican State Senators to win back a Democrat majority?
Read this:
Isnt it time to build on the pro-union momentum and throw these Koch Brothers stooges out now?
Answer: If there is no other way to stop illegal union busting; then yes.
Category: Politics
Wisconsin Governor Walker to face recall vote on June 5 - Yahoo! News
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker will face a recall election on June 5 over a new law he championed that strips public sector unions ...
Wisconsin sets June 5 for Gov. Scott Walker recall election ...
Wisconsin sets June 5 for the recall election for Gov. Scott Walker. The vote follows a bruising battle over collective-bargaining rights.
What do you think about the 100 thousand pledges to recall Wisconsin Governor Walker?
United Wisconsin has collected over 100 thousand pledges to sign the recall petition when it becomes legal to do so. The Governor has to be in office one year before a recall vote. It will take 540,000 signatures to cause the vote. Months of time left, and already a 100 thousand pledges.
Answer: I think it's great. I've already pledged, and when they have the actual recall, I'll sign it. It shows how people who are moderate and left want to be civically responsible and use their own power to change things, while those to the right typically just want to use judicial activism and physical violence.
Provisions like recalling are what make democracy great.
Category: Elections
Wisconsin GAB certifies 900k valid signatures to recall Walker
It looks like Adolf Hitler and Mickey Mouse did not repeatedly sign the Recall Walker petitions. The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) just announced that more than 900,000 signatures were found to be valid. Staff for the ...
Barrett announces run in WISCONSIN RECALL - POLITICO.com
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the 2010 Democratic nominee for governor in Wisconsin, said Friday he will seek a rematch in the recall election of Gov. Scott Walker. "I will be a candidate for governor," he said in rare Friday ...
Why is Wisconsin governor facing a recall election?
Just two other governors of U.S. states have lost recall elections: Lynn Frazier in North Dakota in 1921 and Gray Davis of California in 2003, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Here are a few questions and answers about ...
Why did the main stream press constantly mention that there was a "fake democrat in the WISCONSIN RECALL?
and yet they did not mention ONCE that the tea party candidate in the special election in NY 26 was actually a democrat?
Doesnt this seem like a bias?
That they constantly harp that one was fake but ignored the other?
For Jo
Jack Davis so called Tea Party candidate ran in democrat primaries, and changed from republican to the democrat party
Category: Politics
In Wisconsin Polls, Hints at Leanings for November
The fairly moderate electorate in Wisconsin provides a particular window into swing state characteristics that are being intensely studied by both parties as they eye the general election cycle later this year. In Tuesday’s Republican primary, voters chose the economy as more important than social issues and the ability to defeat President - By ALLISON KOPICKI
Is there any early gauge on how angry the left is at the failure of the WISCONSIN RECALL elections?
If so, please provide links. I always love to read leftist hysteria while their treasured welfare state collapses.
And the best might be yet to come, Im pretty sure two of the fleabaggers are up for recall next week. Oh my, if they get the boot? Ay carramba! Id bet purple-shirted, obese SEIU goons will take to the streets.
Answer: Yes. There will be an extreme increase in Report/Deletes at Y Answers. It happens every time the Left goes into a tizzy.
Category: Elections
What is your prediction on Wisconsins Republican recall election today?
Today in Wisconsin, the Nations largest recall election of State Senate Republicans is taking place now.
The recall election is in response to Scott Walkers anti-union policies.
The Democrats need to win 3 of the 6 races to win back the Senate seat.
Do you think it will happen?
Answer: epic fail on the left
Category: Politics
In Wisconsin, Romney and Santorum give governor, and recall, a ...
The recall election of Republican Gov. Scott Walker is the main issue on Wisconsin voters minds, creating a host of obstacles for Romney and Santorum in ...
TALK; Is This Our First Gay Senator?
When writing about your Senate campaign in Wisconsin, the press consistently refers to you as the first out lesbian elected to Congress. Are we to assume that Congress is full of closeted lesbians? Thats never been the way Ive construed it. I think it was written in a similar fashion when I was first running for the State Assembly back in - Andrew Goldman Talk interview with Wisconsin Rep Tammy Baldwin, who is openly gay and is running for the United States Senate in 2012. Photo (M) - By ANDREW GOLDMAN
Barrett announces run in WISCONSIN RECALL - POLITICO.com
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the 2010 Democratic nominee for governor in Wisconsin, said Friday he will seek a rematch in the recall election of Gov. Scott Walker. "I ...
Wisconsin Preps for Heated Recall Election of Gov. Scott Walker ...
While the national media attention has been focused on the upcoming GOP primary in Wisconsin, there’s another political battle gearing up in the Badger State, and ...
WISCONSIN RECALL elections are tomorrow, where are the political geniuses on YA who said it wouldnt happen?
If you want to understand politics find a YA con listen to it, then believe the opposite.
Answer: "If you want to understand politics find a YA con listen to it, then believe the opposite". LMAO and this comes from someone who worships a messiah that has been to 57 states, promised to close gitmo, unemployment would not go over 8%, and said some schitt called hope and change!!! The Soros sheep will be busy tomorrow with th dead, illegal, and mickey mouse votes, and that is not mentioning the lib fleebaggers who ran and hid like little babies!!!!!
Category: Politics
Wisconsin Governor Recall Vote Is On
(Newser) – And the states elections board makes it official: The recall election against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has been ordered, the AP reports. Mick E. Mous, Donald L. Duck, and Adolf Hitler have been scratched, but almost all the ...
Wisconsins Walker faces recall vote over union curbs
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Wisconsins controversial Republican Governor Scott Walker will face a recall election on June 5 over a new law he championed that strips public sector unions of most power, becoming the first U.S. governor to face a no-confidence ...
In Wisconsin, Recall Politics Overshadow Primary : NPR
Wisconsin holds its GOP presidential primary on Tuesday. But voters are hardly paying attention: The state has been consumed by the looming recall election of ...
WISCONSIN RECALL ’Fatigue’ Distracts Voters From Primary
Political yard signs and bumper stickers are plentiful in Wisconsin these days. They just don’t carry the names Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum. Wisconsin Republicans are more focused on protecting their governor, Scott Walker, from recall than ...
Why has recall procedures for the Governor of Wisconsin not been started?
It has become clear that the intent of the Wisconsin governors efforts to kill public employee collective bargaining far from what any person, including those exempt from it, want. The governor is costing the state millions of dollars everyday with his left field antics. His comments have displayed his actions have alternative motives and he is being enticed by other than realistic motives.
Answer: Because the people of Wisconson are on Walker's side.
Haven't you noticed that most of the protesters are from other states?
Category: Current Events
Board certifies signatures for Wis. recall election – USATODAY.com
Wisconsins Government Accountability Board cleared the way for a recall election against Gov. Scott Walker.
RECALL Walker | RECLAIM Wisconsin » A United Wisconsin
Mar 10, 2012 ... PAC whose mission is to recall Governor Scott Walker and his Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. FAQs, images.
Milwaukee Mayor Jumps Into WISCONSIN RECALL Rumble | Mother ...
On Friday afternoon, Barrett announced he would seek the Democratic nomination in Wisconsin's recall race. Barrett faces former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, a union favorite; state Sen. Kathleen Vinehout; and ...
Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett calls on Democrats to run clean recall election campaigns
MILWAUKEE — Tom Barrett sent a letter to his fellow Democratic gubernatorial candidates Sunday, asking them to run clean campaigns in the primary for Wisconsin’s recall election. According to a statement, the Milwaukee mayor’s letter asked ...
OpEdNews - Article: Wisconsin's Recall Elections Are Set for June 5
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will be the first chief executive of an American state to face a recall election because he attacked the rights of working people to have a voice in their workplaces and in the public life of the ...
Right to Work Bills Face Uncertain Future In an Election Year
ST. PAUL -- For the first time in more than three decades, Minnesota Republicans are basking in majorities in both chambers of the state Legislature, so on matters that need no signature from the Democratic governor, they can do as they please. Priority No. 1, to some: put a measure on the ballot that would allow workers to avoid paying fees to - Republicans in some state legislatures, after costly political showdowns with union forces in Wisconsin and Ohio in 2011, are facing tugging match between conservative members who promote bills that critics see as attacks on unions, and moderates who fear political repercussions; right to work bills face an uncertain future in an election year. Photos (M) - By MONICA DAVEY
RealClearPolitics - The WISCONSIN RECALL Is Real
3 days ago ... Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will be the first chief executive of an American state to face a recall election because he attacked the rights of ...
Journalistic Malpractice: CBS Evening News on the Walker Recall
Now I remember why I usually dont bother. They found time to do a report on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker facing a recall election. It was incredibly superficial - if the Koch Brothers didnt write the script for CBS, youd be hard put to tell.
Wisconsin set to launch first governor recall in a decade | Reuters
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Wisconsin is set on Friday to launch a special election that could oust Republican Governor Scott Walker from office because of his ...
EDITORIAL | WEEK AHEAD; Who’s the Bully in Wisconsin?
The Wisconsin primary on Tuesday is widely seen as Rick Santorum’s last chance of stopping Mitt Romney from winning the Republican nomination. The state’s Republicans, however, are far more concerned with the furiously contested recall election of Gov. Scott Walker, now set for June 5. “People are not focused on the - By DAVID FIRESTONE
Wisconsin Approves Recall Election for Governor Walker
Wisconsin officials announced on Friday that critics of Gov. Scott Walker had met the requirements for a recall election, starting a bitterly contentious campaign cycle all over again. Mr. Walker, who has battled public employee unions since taking office last year, will become the first governor in the state’s history to face a recall - By MONICA DAVEY
Newt Gingrich weighs in on Obama, WISCONSIN RECALL, American civilization
Waukesha - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is the lead off speaker at the Wisconsin Faith and Freedom Presidential Kickoff Saturday at the Country Springs Hotel. Its now a standing-room-only audience inside the ballroom. Gingrich is at the ...
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Wisconsin recall
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dalla... From: GoogleHotTrend1 - Source: twitterfeed
Wisconsin Voters Support Walker Recall A majority of Wisconsin voters now support NOW SUPPORT THE RECALL From: OldSr - Source: web
Romney won Wisconsin with 43%, so it went as I expected. He got 50% in Kenosha county though. Next: Recall Dem primaries in May. :P From: brianblackberry - Source: Seesmic twhirl
Best Protest Signs at Wisconsin Capitol /Scott Walker Recall http://t.co/sv2s8FAn Hilarious! #staterape #waronwomen #violenceagainstwomen From: writersft - Source: web
RT @GarrettNBCNews: Biggest applause for Romney here so far comes when he praises #Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Cant overstate how big recall battle is here From: NorredSherrie - Source: TweetDeck
RT @savitz: We reap what we sow: Wisconsin Approves Recall Election for Governor Walker: http://t.co/xg8coiDi From: CarolynGardner4 - Source: Tweet Button
RT @ABC: Romney Boosts Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ahead of Recall Election http://t.co/QhB9UTHN From: NorredSherrie - Source: HootSuite
Just who is behind Wisconsin for Falk Tighten up rules governing reasons recall elections Recalltorn Senate looks un... http://t.co/xI4GbFgz From: LizSmith58 - Source: Liz's App
@BretBaier What happened to the recall vote of Walker in Wisconsin? From: dubbadubb - Source: Mobile Web
RT @RonSupportsYou: MT @RANKIS Journalist: Romney can’t win Wisconsin if Walker loses recall election: http://t.co/usHn8URo From: RANKIS - Source: web
MT @RANKIS Journalist: Romney can’t win Wisconsin if Walker loses recall election: http://t.co/usHn8URo From: RonSupportsYou - Source: web
Journalist: Romney can’t win Wisconsin if Walker loses recall election | The Raw Story: http://t.co/sfNc1Eu7 via @AddThis From: RANKIS - Source: Tweet Button
Recall Walker campaign overshadows Wisconsin presidential battle (Mike Tobin / Fox News) http://t.co/MulTHlZY http://t.co/aHr4qjWn From: memeorandum - Source: memeorandum
RT @tnr: Dont get complacent, Dems: The Walker recall in Wisconsin is going to be a tough slog. http://t.co/ynJYeZBE From: LarryBSteele - Source: HootSuite