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A Throwback Player, With a Wardrobe to Match
Marty Reisman wears vintage Borsalino fedoras because no one makes a good hat anymore. He is known to measure the height of table tennis nets with $100 bills because, sure, a $1 bill is just as long, but why be chintzy about it? He likes the citys trendy new Ping-Pong parlors just fine, particularly if some hot rapscallion has the gall to - Stylish table tennis icon Marty Reisman is a relic from a bolder era in the sports New York City history; recent death of friend and rival, 94-year-old Sol Schiff, known as Mr Table Tennis, is perhaps the starkest illumination of the games departure from a bygone city era. Photos (M) - By MATT FLEGENHEIMER
Ancestors go online with 1940 NATIONAL ARCHIVES release
Millions of Americans are out of work. Thousands are scarred by war. U.S. Census records from 1940 show a nation slowly emerging from economic turmoil. Just as today, they searched for signs the economy would soon turn around. And, now, their lives are on ...
NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Administration - Wikipedia, the free ...
The National archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and documenting government ...
How long does it take to fully enjoy what the NATIONAL ARCHIVES has to offer in Washington DC?
Im planning a 3 day/2 night trip to Washington DC in late August and one of the places I must see is the National archives. I was wondering about how long does it take to fully enjoy what the Archives has to offer?
Answer: Assuming that you just want to see the exhibits, rather than spend time doing research, 2-3 hours should be sufficient to tour the displays, see the orientation film, and to slowly look at the Charters of Freedom in the rotunda.
Check out the gift shop--it's quite good.
There are often special guest talks at the National archives. I was down to one such lecture some years ago when one of my college professors was talking on the subject of Native Americans.
This website should help you to get an idea of what there is to see and do at the main building of the National archives:
Check out the calendar of events to see if there are any special talks when you're visiting.
Category: Washington, D.C.
NATIONAL ARCHIVES swamped by traffic for 1940 Census data
The National archives website was so overwhelmed by people eager to examine newly released 1940 Census records that the systsem almost ground to a halt today. Even ...
NATIONAL ARCHIVES Announces Discovery of Nazi Looted-Art Volumes
The National archives announced Tuesday that two new leather-bound volumes of an infamous catalog of looted art compiled for Hitler during World War II had been discovered among the possessions of former American soldiers. The albums were ...
Release of 1940 Census records strains NATIONAL ARCHIVES website
The 1940 census records were released this morning, and the National archives website buckled under the load. About 1.9 million users hit the archives servers in the first four hours the data went public, but many of those users got no further than a ...
Google Links With an Ancestor, A Belgian Trove of Paper Data
PARIS -- Google, which organizes the worlds information digitally, is linking up with a precursor that aimed to do something similar, on paper. It plans to announce Tuesday that it is forming a partnership with a museum in Mons, Belgium, dedicated to a long-ago venture to compile and index knowledge in a giant, library-style card catalog with - Google is forming a partnership with the Mundaneum museum in Mons, Belgium, dedicated to a long-ago venture to compile and index knowledge in a giant card catalog with millions of entries--an analog-era equivalent of Google itself; partnership is part of a broader campaign by Google to demonstrate it is a friend of European culture, at a time when its services are being investigated by regulators on a variety of fronts. (M) - By ERIC PFANNER
NATIONAL ARCHIVES releases individual records from 1940 census, a ...
The National archives today released the complete 1940 census, a trove of personal information sure to delight genealogists, historians, and anyone ...
According to the NATIONAL ARCHIVES article, why was it necessary for the nation to have a new constitution?
According to the National archives article, why was it necessary for the nation to have a new constitution?
Answer: Since you didn't leave a link to the National archives article, I can't address what it said, but the basic reason that it was necessary for the USA to have a new constitution was that the Articles of Confederation weren't doing the job.
Category: Government
Now online: a link across generations
But with Monday’s release of the 1940 Census, the largest collection of digitized records ever released by the National archives, Martin and millions of others who are interested in their ancestry will be able to find answers online.
How to order from NATIONAL ARCHIVES?
I am looking for the muster rolls and deck logs for the lst 685 that served in World War II. It was a ship my grandfather served on, but the National archives website is confusing. Anyone have any experience ordering through them, and if so where do I go to find what I need to order and place my order online? Thanks!
Answer: Genevieve's answer is good but that hyperlink is to request personnel service records from St Louis. This link does not help for deck logs. You probably won't be able to get muster rolls from any govt site, as they were not deliberatly kept for this time period.
Here is a better hyperlink at
Please keep in mind this is not like an exciting novel, it's a standard log, so the entries are very boring usually. Here is a link that at the Naval Historical Center that has that describes what's in a deck log at Try to give a specific dates, and unless you want only a couple days, you'll probably need to request a microfiche.
The only possible benefit is that if you read the sources below, not much is written on LST 685 before the end of WWII. So this will help you identify actions, engagements, and where and when the ship was, so you can look up these events as part of a larger naval history. For example, while there might not be much about LST 685 specifically, if you know the ship was at Okinawa for the battle, you can look up Okinawa Naval history to learn more.
Category: Genealogy
NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Administration
Information from NARA about archival management and preservation of historical records.
National Archive set to pull curtain back on 1940 census
The National Archive is set to open its vaults -- in a digital sense -- this morning. Detailed records from the 1940 census will be released to the public after the mandated 72-year waiting period to protect the privacy of those who filled out the surveys.
What is the NATIONAL ARCHIVES that Obama spoke at on Thursday, May 21, 2009?
I read and hear that he spoke at the National archives, but what is that exactly? I cant really find anything online that satisfies my curiosity about it. Any enlightenment would be appreciated.
Answer: The National archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, DC is where founding documents of this country such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, etc. are kept. Obama no doubt chose this location because he wanted his speech to be viewed against the backdrop of these historic documents.
Category: Current Events
Start Your Family Research - NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records ...
Start Your Family Research. Learn how you can use the resources at the National archives to explore your familys ancestry. Start Your Genealogy Research
NATIONAL ARCHIVES Announces Discovery of Nazi Looted-Art Volumes ...
The National archives announced Tuesday that two new leather-bound volumes of an infamous looted-art catalog compiled for Hitler during World War II have been discovered among the possessions of former American ...
How long is the line to the NATIONAL ARCHIVES in Washington DC on a Saturday?
Has anyone waited in line there on a Saturday recently? We dont have the option of going on Friday where we could make a reservation for the self-guided tour. We want to see the Constitution, etc. Any suggestions on when to go? Thanks in advance!
Answer: Saturday during the summer is probably the busiest time. I'd say to leave up to an hour to get through the security screening and then to wait on line to see the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The best time is to get there before they open at 10:00am.
Category: Washington, D.C.
Census site snarls after it releases 1940 data
Its the largest collection of digital information ever released by the National archives. The records allow individuals and families to learn details about their past. Susan Cooper, a second spokeswoman, said the problems began as soon as the ...
1940 Census so popular that servers cant handle demand
Most people couldnt access the free data on the National archives and Records Administrations website. Not even Census Director Robert Groves, who attended the official unveiling at the Archives in Washington, D.C., and looked up his grandfather ...
CALENDAR; Westchester
Comedy ELMSFORD Westchester Broadway Theater Tim Gage, Chris Monty, Greg Rogell, Angel Salazar, Anton Shuford and Eric Tartaglione, stand-up. March 20 at 6 p.m. $75 for dinner and show. Westchester Broadway Theater, 1 Broadway Plaza. (914) 592-2222; PEEKSKILL Paramount Center for the Arts Howie Mandel. March 29 at 8 p.m. $45 to
California in 1940 led nation in educational attainment
The National archives released for the first time yesterday individual records from the 1940 Census - unleashing an online treasure trove of 3.8 million pages eagerly awaited by genealogists and researchers. The country has changed substantially in 72 ...
The NATIONAL ARCHIVES launches Discovery - British GENES
The National archives has posted its plans for the roll out of its new Discovery catalogue ( The Documents Online service will be replaced by the new system at the end of this ...
What is the NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Administration ?
What is the National archives? The National archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper. Of all documents and materials created ...
Where in the NATIONAL ARCHIVES is the Ark of the covenant?
In the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark I see them store it with a forklift. I have counted the rows and it might be in row 230/a/16 in the warehouse but I cant find this warehouse on mapquest or google maps. If you can tell me this warehouse location and also the row its in, I would like to check it out from the Archives for a few weeks just to show my friends.
Answer: I think that you would benefit greatly by searching the National archives. Perhaps you will learn something.
One thing that you will NOT find is the Ark of the Covenant. What you saw was strictly Hollywood.
Category: Geography
The NATIONAL ARCHIVES (United Kingdom) - Wikipedia, the free ...
The National archives (TNA) is a UK government department and an executive agency of the Secretary of State for Justice. It is "the UK governments official archive ...
VIDEO: Finding movie stars in the 1940 census records
Annie Davis of Milton, education specialist at the National archives at Boston in Waltham. Annie Davis couldnt wait to get a look at the just-released 1940 U.S. Census records Monday. As soon as they went public online and she could get into them ...
Can you use unrestricted footage/ images from the US NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records for commercial use?
Can you use unrestricted footage/ images from the US National archives and Records for commercial use, without asking permission?
Answer: Here is there website you may find your answer here or they should have a e-mail address to ask them
Hope this helps
Category: Other - Education
NATIONAL ARCHIVES - The Fallout wiki - Fallout: New Vegas and more
The National archives is a pre-War building that houses an agency that was charged with...
Restoring A Trove At Howard
WASHINGTON -- Antiquated. Depleted. Grossly underunded. Those were just a few of the harsh words Howard Dodson, the recently retired chief of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York, used to describe Howard Universitys library system in a December 2011 consultants report. Administrative inattention, draconian - Howard Dodson, new director of undergraduate and graduate libraries at Howard University, hopes to refurbish its neglected Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, which is one of the worlds largest collections devoted to the history and culture of people of African descent. Photos (M)i - By FELICIA R. LEE
Why is it that Sandy Burger got off so light stealing Top Secret documents from the NATIONAL ARCHIVES?
I would suggest that he should do some jail time but more importantly never be aloud back in the National archives. He should also loose his security clearence.
Answer: Media attention, plain and simple. The media ignored this story. Why is Scooter Libby on trial and Richard Armitrage is not? Libby didn't leak the identity of Valerie Plame, Armitrage did. But Armitrage is an anti-war guy. No media, no outrage, no penalty for Armitrage. The media loved the story when Libby was the bad guy and now he is on trial. Look at the Duke rape case. Do you think those guys would have been indicted if it were not for the exhaustive media coverage? Absolutely not. The media in this country continues to wield far too much power.
Category: Law Enforcement & Police
Teachers Resources
The National archives Experience; DC Archives Classroom Field Trips; Boeing Learning Center; Regional Education Programs & Resources; Presidential Library Programs
Visit the NATIONAL ARCHIVES Experience
Directions & Maps. National archives Experience Constitution Ave. NW [between 7th & 9th St.] Washington, DC 20408. Metro: Archives-Navy Memorial-Penn Quarter. Download the Visitor's Map ...
NATIONAL ARCHIVES: Information from
National archives and Records Administration Every year, the federal government produces vast quantities of records on paper and tape, in photographs and
Welcome - 1940 Census
Welcome to the 1940 census. The 1940 census records were released by the US National archives April 2, 2012, and brought online through a partnership with
NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Administration
Research Our Records Explore our nations history through our documents, photos, and records. Veterans Service Records Request military records and learn about ...
The official archive of the UK government. Our vision is to lead and transform information management, guarantee the survival of todays information for tomorrow and ...
Outside the Neatline: 1940 Census - Now Available from National ...
The 1940 census records were released by the US National archives April 2, 2012, and brought online through a partnership with The 1940 Census National archives site allows you full access to the 1940 ...
Interest in 1940 US census paralyzes website
Miriam Kleiman, spokeswoman for the U.S. National archives, told The Associated Press that the site registered more than 22 million hits in just four hours on Monday, from almost 2 million users. In a tweet posted after 5 p.m. on its official Twitter ...
Question about Raiders of the Lost Ark and the NATIONAL ARCHIVES?
Correct me if im wrong but isnt the National archives in Dc?
Kind of odd they would make it in Area 51 instead for Crystall Skull.
Answer: That's clever scriptwriting. Area 51 is a "restricted area". It doesn't even appear on maps. The Archives in DC are acessible to any citizen.
Category: Movies
How do i search the NATIONAL ARCHIVES to obtain info on family for a family tree?
I was going to take a course on it, but it interfeares with school so i would like to learn from a website or a knowledgeable person.
You asked specifically about the National archives, so the direct thing is finding what they have to say about it. Maybe the operative thinking here is in the word 'national', or, the records that they have are generally going to lean to a broad scope, but the records will also be more original, and go into much more depth. Two direct examples that I can give you are the Federal census records are stored here, and another are records relating to the government and Native Americans. The second one might not even be applicable for you. And census records are accessible through other sources.
Since archives are comparable to a library, I'd use that as an analogy. YOU already know a library is full of books (and other items), however the librarian won't know at the outset, which of those items is relevant to you. You have to have some idea to start with. If not, then knowing how to browse the catalog will be something you need to be able to do. You'll need SOME focus. IE. you want to find details relating to Grandpa George who might have been a federal employee in early Montana. Just wanting whatever there might be about Grandpa George's history, is far too vague. You need to already have reached a point where you have some knowledge, in order for you to recognize that the journals of the Agriculture dept in Montana (analogy) is a likely place to be searching.
I'd also want to point out to you that the National archives is only one place where you'd expect to find family information for a family history. Many of the items that will be of value to you will be private records, ie Bible records or letters. A good deal of info is kept at the county level, such as deeds, wills, marriages, etc. Those are not likely to be at the Natl Archives. Is it really a course about the Archives that you want, or a more general class in genealogy itself?
I don't know your level of experience. For some of the sources I have used (certain libraries, etc), I normally use the first visit to get familiar with it. Admitedly... most of those types of visits were well before the internet was available, to browse their introduction before I went.
Category: Genealogy
Research Our Records - NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records ...
New to archival research? Get started using our site to find online records and records kept offline. Research a Specific Topic. Perform research on people, ...
Spare Times for March 30-April 5
Around Town Museums and Sites Brooklyn Historical Society: Talking Fiction, Talking Fact (Sunday) This series, co-sponsored by the New York Review of Books, examines the fine, sometimes blurred line between fiction and the reality on which it is sometimes based. Two authors will take on the topic in this session: Colm Toibin, whose novel - By LIZ GERECITANO and ANNE MANCUSO
David L. Waltz, Computer Science Pioneer, Dies at 68
David L. Waltz, a computer scientist whose early research in information retrieval provided the foundation for todays Internet search engines, died on Thursday in Princeton, N.J. He was 68. The cause was brain cancer, his wife, Bonnie Waltz, said. He died at the University Medical Center at Princeton. During his career as a teacher and a - By JOHN MARKOFF
Visit the NATIONAL ARCHIVES Experience
Visit the National archives Experience. Come. Explore. Enjoy. The National Archives Experience — Democracy Starts Here! The National archives Building in ...
NARA - AAD - Main Page
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272 The National archives Experience; Our Documents;
The National archives Experience: Digital Vaults. Screenshot of the Digital ... Explore the National archives collection in the Digital Vaults. Exploring the Digital ...
Health Law Hearings: Justices Plan Daily Tapes
WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Courtannounced on Friday that it would release same-day audio recordings of the arguments over the constitutionality of the health care overhaul law. The arguments will be heard over three days starting on March 26. The courts recent practice has been to release audio recordings of arguments at the end of the week. It - Supreme Court announces that it will release same-day audio recordings of the arguments over the constitutionality of the health care overhaul law. (M) - By ADAM LIPTAK
Statement About the 1940 Census from the U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES ...
Many events relating to the 1940 U.S. census took place today. I have written about some of the events, writing mostly from a genelogist's viewpoint. Here is an announcement issued by the U.S. National archives and Records ...
U.S. Eases Rule On Use of Data On Americans
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration is moving to relax restrictions on how counterterrorism analysts may retrieve, store and search information about Americans gathered by government agencies for purposes other than national security threats. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Thursday signed new guidelines for the National Counterterrorism - Obama administration is moving to relax restrictions on how counterterrorism analysts may retrieve, store and search information about Americans gathered by government agencies for purposes other than national security threats; new guidelines will lengthen to five years, from 180 days, the amount of time the National Terrorism Center can retain private information about Americans when there is no suspicion that they are tied to terrorism. (M) - By CHARLIE SAVAGE
About how much does the Director of the NATIONAL ARCHIVES or the Smithsonian make?
My dream job is to be the director of the National archives (U.S.) or the Smithsonian. As part of my grade for my senior thesis, I have to do a powerpoint on this job. Part of the requirements for this is stating the salary. Ive looked but I couldnt find anything definitive. If anyone knows or could find this info I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!
Category: Government
NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Administration - Wikipedia, the free ...
The National archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the United States government charged with preserving and ...
Are you one of those hard-core types who cant get enough of Robert S. McNamara?
Cmon, you know who you are. The National archives has just the session for you, on Tuesday April 10: The Historical Office of the Secretary of Defense and the National archives invite you to a panel program discussing Robert S. McNamaras most ...
Collect records to create your own archive of American history. Find records that interest you most to use throughout the site and save them for your next visit.
LETTER; Romanias Communist Past
To the Editor: Re Europe Reckons With Its Legacy of Communism (front page, Feb. 21): In a December 2006 speech to Parliament, President Traian Basescu condemned the Communist totalitarian regime in Romania (1945-1989) as illegitimate and criminal, based on a rigorous report written by the Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the
What to See and Where to See It
A sampler of offerings at art museums across the country this spring and summer: NORTHEAST BOSTON Alex Katz Prints. With a new gift as its centerpiece called Rush -- 37 life-size painted aluminum cutout portraits of art-world figures in the 1960s and 70s -- this display of Katzs prints, aluminum cutouts and illustrated books is the first - By JUDITH H. DOBRZYNSKI
Something green, something blue | The NATIONAL ARCHIVES blog
Sharp-eyed visitors to The National archives website will have spotted some big changes last week. For the first time since the website was launched in this form, we have added a new headline section. The bright green Archives Sector ...
NATIONAL ARCHIVES to digitise 3 million collections
KUALA LUMPUR: The National archives of Malaysia has targeted to digitise three million of its collections by next year for better public access to information to keep in steps with the changing times. Its deputy director-general (planning and management ...
To secure the preservation of records relating to Ireland which warrant preservation as archives. To ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for public access ...
Colonial administration records to be released to The National ...
The migrated archives areto be released by the FCO to The National archives
In the event of inclement weather: Call the NARA opening-status line at 301-837-0700 or call the Federal Government's Office of Personnel Management at 202-606-1900 or visit for an announcement indicating if we are ...
Genealogy - Please Update Your Bookmark
Skip Navigation. NARA · Blogs · Bookmark/Share · Contact Us. Search. U.S. National archives and Records Administration · Home > ...
What US Department is the NATIONAL ARCHIVES (NARA) part of?
Is the National archives and Records Administration part of any US Department? If so, which department?
Answer: It's an independent agency of the US formed in 1985. They are not part of any US department.
Category: Government
Is Cheney Trying to Abolish the NATIONAL ARCHIVES in Order to Save His Own Behind?
He wants to abolish the department within the National archives that oversees the handling of classified information because they need access to the classified documents in his office. He is trying to use his power to protect himself stating that his office is not part of the executive branch of government and is therefore not obligated to comply with any executive or judicial orders that affect the executive branch of government. he cites that because he is President of the Senate he is therefore a member of the Legislative branch.
What is he trying to hide now?
Actually, Wingshooter I am open to opinions from all sides.
Melekai Here you go:
Answer: He's trying to save his own ass.
This administration has told all of us, over and over, that they're above the law and the Constitution.
Gonzo and the justice firings were politcal retaliation for justices that did not tow the party line enough. It was a way to say a ton w/o saying a word. Do as we say or you're gone too.
Valerie Plame was political retaliation for her husband speaking out about the administration.
Cheney trying to pretend his office is immune from checks and balances.
Bush trying to get presidential records to be protected for longer than the 12 years currently on the books.
Bush trying to get an amendment passed that would further alienate our fellow Americans.
Nixon's administration looks like a saintly one compared to this one.
Category: Politics
Experience - NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Administration
The National archives Experience depicts our astounding national mosaic and tells the stories of the American journey to young and old, scholars and students, ...
With all the hubbub about the out-going administrations files not being turned over to the National archives my question is, the stuff gets backed up even the articles say so, so why then isnt the National archives in charge of the backups, the tapes & security of every aspect of the back process so this stuff can be avoid? Seems like it shouldnt even been an option for an admin to try to hide something or what information they release or not. Its all suppose to end up in the Archives anyways so why dont they already control that part & if you will take out the middle man. administration can avoid the bad press of trying to hide stuff and the Archives would be able to say it had all information already. So when the time came they could start work with or without help from the out going administration. Companies all over the world even bigger then the white house store there stuff & have a group whos only purpose is to protect those backups & in the event one is needed being able to get the tape to a locate to be restore asap. Many have regional data-centers, Im sure the white house doesnt need that many & the National archives can secure the tapes Im sure after all at some point they do so again my question is why doesnt it already do so from the start. It makes no sense especially given the potential security issues that the government doesnt streamline & control archives better. It shouldnt even been up to an administration in the first place. The red tape in the government drives me nuts... If the archives already do this then they suck at it because they complain all the time about some administration holding back. Clinton it was impeachment & monica & obviously this outgoing administration has several points people want like Chaney or Iraq or WMDs or whatever else. It sounds like the administration holds the tapes then turns them over the last few months of their administration which makes no sense at all.
Answer: I agree with you. But doing it this way makes jobs for middlemen and lawyers. It keeps them all happy.
Category: Other - News & Events
1940 census data frenzy overloads NATIONAL ARCHIVES website
Historians and genealogy aficionados anxious to glean new information about America in 1940 were stymied Monday by something uniquely 21st century — the Internet. Data collected during the 1940 census is available for the first time at the U.S. National ...
1940 census data causes modern tech mess
(CBS News) - When the National archives and Records Administration released the 1940 Census records on Monday, they may not have expected just how many people would want to access the 72-year-old data. Now, the department is apologizing because ...
Which NATIONAL ARCHIVES Regional facility has records for Oklahoma?
I am looking for Oklahoma homestead land records. Is the National archives the best source, or is there somewhere else where I should be looking?
Answer: Hi,
Either NARA or the BLM might help you. What I would do is first:
phone the archives at Ft Worth...... from the above it looks like they cover Oklahoma. If they can't help, they will direct you to the agency, like the BLM, that can.
Category: Genealogy
Why are Tea Party tour guides warning Beckerheads to avoid the NATIONAL ARCHIVES this weekend?
Tour guides have warned tea partiers coming to Beckapalooza on Saturday to avoid the Green and Yellow subway lines.
Dont they realize that is the only way you can get to the National archives, where the Constitution is kept?
What is so scary about the Green and Yellow lines that even seeing the Constitution is not enough for these tea partiers to risk it?
Answer: I think the underlying subtext of that warning is that there are quite a few black people (oh my!!) on the yellow line.
Category: Politics
NATIONAL ARCHIVES gets two more albums on Nazi looting
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The U.S. National archives recovered two additional albums cataloging Nazi looting. The Monuments Men Foundation, which tracks undiscovered cultural artifacts stolen by the Nazis, handed the two albums to senior National ...
Access to Archival Databases - NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records ...
The U.S. National archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272. The National archives Experience · Our Documents · ·
RT @uconnlibmagic: #1940 Census - Now Available from National archives #uscensusbureau #1940census #nationalarchives
From: aMbeRLiCioUs1 - Source: Google
National archives pics
From: pedrosoz - Source:
US National archives releases details of 1940 survey after 72 years and attracts 37m hits in eight hours -
From: davewpeterson - Source: Tweet Button
RT @tvanouvelles: Sandoz · Les vétérinaires sur le respirateur #tvanouvelles
From: CliniqueVetBL - Source: twitterfeed
National archives photos
From: pedrosoz - Source:
National archives
From: pedrosoz - Source: 1940 census data causes modern tech mess National archives
From: lilandromedda - Source: web 1940 census data causes modern tech mess ;P National archives
From: Lildreamyone - Source: web
1940 census data causes modern tech mess ;O National archives
From: lassaroir - Source: web
1940 census data causes modern tech mess National archives ;O
From: lilaazza - Source: web
1940 census data causes modern tech mess National archives
From: latrevozoho - Source: web
;O National archives 1940 census data causes modern tech mess
From: olonggaek - Source: web 1940 census data causes modern tech mess National archives
From: yafato - Source: web
1940 census data causes modern tech mess National archives :O
From: fatayanews - Source: web
National archives ;O 1940 census data causes modern tech mess
From: soneonews - Source: web