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5 Hurt In Oakland Religious School Shooting
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -- Police say theyre responding to reports of five people hurt in a shooting at a Christian university in east Oakland. The shooting happened ...
Do I have some strange "gift"?
I woudlnt exactly call it a gift, but the day the police officers in Oakland were shot, I tasted blood. Then a few weeks ago there was a shooting down the street from my house and during the night I woke up tasting blood, (and the shooting had taken place during the night). Then last night I tasted blood before I went to bed and went to school today learning that someone that graduated from my school last year was shot (murdered). I told my friend and she thinks that its a gift, but I think its just some kind of coincidence, right?
I believe Sassy, I have to take Iron pills to get my levels straigtened out and tomorrow Im having blood tests so maybe I have to wait for the blood result.
Answer: It is called "Blood Premonition" it's quite uncommon but apparently you can feel when someones gonna die, too bad your premonitions are not good for preventing it.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
At Least 7 Dead in California School Shooting
OAKLAND, Calif. — A former student opened fire on students and staff at a religious college here on Monday morning, killing seven people and wounding at least three more, the authorities said. Shortly after the shootings, the suspect ...
STATE: Seven dead, three hurt in Christian school shooting
"We do not have a motive." Soon after the shooting, heavily armed officers swarmed the school in a large industrial park near the Oakland airport and, for at least an hour, believed the gunman could still be inside. Art Richards said he was driving by the ...
Shooting Suspect Sought School Administrator
Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan said at a news conference that the suspect, 43-year-old One L. Goh, began randomly shooting people at Oikos University after learning the administrator wasnt there. Mr. Jordan said Mr. Goh went to the school ...
Multiple Shooting at Oakland Training School | NBC Bay Area
A mass shooting was reported on the 7800 block of Edgewater Drive Monday morning at an adult training school. There are reports someone opened fire inside ...
THE BAY CITIZEN; East Oakland Park May Get a Third Act
In Tyrone Carney Park in East Oakland, there are no swings on the playground swing set. Rusted basketball rims loom over a cracked asphalt court, riddled with weeds. The abandoned park has become a dumping ground for discarded couches and plastic lawn furniture. Residents are working to transform the dead park, a symbol of the neighborhoods - kmieszkowski@baycitizen.org - By KATHARINE MIESZKOWSKI
Student Injured In OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING Resting At Home « CBS ...
One of three people injured in a mass shooting at a Christian vocational school in Oakland Monday morning that killed seven others is resting at her family's home after being shot in the arm.
THE BAY CITIZEN; Your Nonviolence Counselor Will Be Right With You. He Was Just Arrested.
Last weekend, the Oakland rapper Philthy Rich, who is on probation for firearms possession, was arrested on charges of driving an allegedly stolen Bentley. He posted $30,000 bail. Then he made plans to speak at an elementary school in support of nonviolence. In a past era, youth mentors were expected to have squeaky-clean records. But Philthy Rich, - swalter@baycitizen.org - By SHOSHANA WALTER
Shooting at Oakland School; Multiple People Dead, Several Injured
Multiple people are dead and others are injured after someone started shooting at a college in Oakland. Around 10:30 Monday morning, gunshots were heard at ...
THE BAY CITIZEN; Delays for Paramedics Draw Criticism in Oakland
Gunshots cracked the air on a sunny morning as two men led a group of high school teachers on a tour of a violent area of West Oakland. As the teachers fled to safety, the local guides hurried to the chaotic scene on the nearby corner of 13th and Peralta Streets. A young man named Darius Jenkins lay on the ground bleeding as friends and neighbors - swalter@baycitizen.org - By SHOSHANA WALTER
7 dead in shooting at Oakland religious school - CBS News
16 hours ago ... Gunman opens fire at Christian university, killing at least 7 and wounding 3; 43- year-old ex-student is sole suspect in custody.
Are the majority of black people messed up or is it just where I live?
I live in Oakland, California and there are a lot of messed up black people. They throw rocks at my house and at one point, a group of black people came up to me and robbed me and i ended up having a black eye. I try so hard to like them but sometimes I just want to invest a gun and shoot those who try to chuck rocks at my window. Some of the black people at my school are nice and I respect them. Why cant the black people in my neighborhood be more like those at school? Sometimes, I think they just victimize me because I look vulnerable and Im Asian.
Answer: Answer: It's probably your neighborhood.
I'm asian too, but I doubt the majority of black people are messed up. It's a racist assumption, and I'm sorry your personal experiences have shaped your opinion to be that way. I understand that you try hard to like them, but what do you mean them? Black people? How about instead of looking at them as one race, look at them individually? It doesn't matter if you're black or asian or white, there are always going to be immature and straight up mean people.
So don't discriminate them because of their color, your neighborhood just probably has an imbalanced statistic between race and crime.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
How many gun incidence have their been in the past 2 months?
Zimmerman killing Trayvon
Ohio school shotings
Pittsburgh Psychiatric Clinic Shooting
Oakland Chrisitan School shooting
these are the ones that made national news, are there any others?
What does this say about our society and guns?
Category: Politics
5 hurt in Oakland religious school shooting - KansasCity.com
Police were responding Monday to reports of five people hurt in a shooting at a Christian university in east Oakland.
Other Sites Hope N.Y. Raid Will Energize Cause
BOSTON -- Hours after New York Police officers raidedOccupy Wall Street, the protest that spurred a nationwide movement of demonstrators camping in front of government buildings and financial institutions, protestors around the country said Tuesday that they hoped the breakup of the New York encampment would energize the movement but that it would - By JESS BIDGOOD, DAN FROSCH and MALIA WOLLAN; Jess Bidgood reported from Boston, Dan Frosch from Denver, and Malia Wollan from Oakland. Steven Yaccino contributed reporting from Chicago, Ian Lovett from Los Angeles, Lee van der Voo from Portland, Robbie Brown from Atlanta, and Elizabeth A. Harris and Timothy Williams from New York.
Seven Dead in Oakland Shooting
A mass shooting was reported on the 7800 block of Edgewater Drive Monday morning at an adult school. Witnesses say a student opened fire inside a classroom hitting several students. Oakland police told NBC Bay Area that in all ten people were shot at the ...
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: At Least 5 Dead, 4 Wounded
At least four people have been killed and several others have been wounded in a shooting incident at a private Christian college in Oakland, California.
People evacuated from Oakland school after shooting rampage ...
People evacuated from Oakland school after shooting rampage (1:00) April 2 - People are helped by police after a gunman opened fire at Oakland College, a private ...
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: Suspect Held | Video - ABC News
15 hours ago ... At least seven people are dead after a gunman opened fire at Oikos University.
Suspect in OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING Is Former Nursing Student at ...
15 hours ago ... The suspect who opened fire, killing at least seven people and injuring at least three others at Oikos University, is a former nursing student at ...
Oakland shooting: gunman opens fire at religious school | World ...
Oakland shooting: gunman opens fire at religious school. Suspect in custody after a gunman opened fire at a private Christian college with multiple victims and at ...
5 hurt in shooting at Oakland religious school
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Police say theyre responding to reports of five people hurt in a shooting at a Christian medical school in east Oakland. The shooting ...
5 hurt in Oakland religious school shooting
Update: FOX News is reporting 1 dead in school shooting. OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Police surrounded a Christian university in search of a gunman who ...
THE BAY CITIZEN; Online Sex Trade Is Flourishing Despite Efforts to Curb It
Early this month, the social networking Web site itspimpin101.net fell into disarray after its founder, Kelly Surrell, was fatally wounded in a shooting while driving his Bentley in East Oakland. For years, Mr. Surrell, 34, had profited by taking a portion of the earnings of his roster of women prostitutes. Then, like many Internet entrepreneurs, - swalter@baycitizen.org - By SHOSHANA WALTER
Oakland, California: who will go to oakland after the shooting, stabbings there? How can business survive?
stores can only survive if customers come and buy from them.
Housing prices will only go up if the area is great.
Schools API scores are now on the web.
4-cops got killed in one-day in oakland, california
63-year old got stabbed to death in oakland.
who will want to work. live, shop, school or even go to oakland, california.
What will happen to shops there or property prices?
Answer: Oakland really is not that bad. Yes there are a few neighborhoods that have big time problems, but overall it is not that bad of place.
I used to drive a motor courier route through there, and only had one problem in four years.
A guy jumped into my truck and needed a ride, I obliged.
That was 20 years ago, I lived to talk about it.
Category: San Francisco
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: Links to News Stories and Community ...
Use the blue scroll bar to read this round-up of news about a shooting that left seven dead in Oakland Monday.
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: former nursing student arrested
During World War II, the East Bay Area was home to many war-related industries. Among these were the Kaiser Shipyards in nearby Richmond. The medical system devised for shipyard workers became the basis for the giant Kaiser Permanente HMO, which ...
Was the owner of the Oakland, CA pizza place right in shooting & killing one of the robbers?
Shouldnt we have compassion and sorrow for the poor robbers because they were deprived of luxury homes & cars and didnt have the ability to go to a private school and his parents were born poor & etc & etc &etc? LOL!!!!!!!! I say....Hooray for the business owner!!!!!!! I think I will order a pizza tonight and celebrate.
Answer: Without knowing the circumstances of what happened, I would say that in general, business owners are well within their rights to shoot and kill thieves.
Category: Law & Ethics
5 Dead In Oakland school shootings. Another school shooting has claimed the lives of at least five people today after a gunman–who hasn't been identified in reports yet but is in custody–walked into classrooms at Oikos University and ...
Occupy Video Showcases Live Streaming
Brad Hunstable started Ustream, an online video platform, with a fellow West Point graduate back in 2007 to help American troops overseas communicate with multiple friends and family members at the same time. It was not long before its uses extended well beyond the military. Celebrities, politicians and organizers of events like rock concerts and - The huge amount of video being produced by the Occupy Wall Street movement could represent a watershed moment for companies offering live streaming like Ustream and Livestream; trend could help them gain the audience needed to become viable businesses. Photos (M)/ - By JENNIFER PRESTON; Malia Wollan contributed reporting.
What is your honest opinion on this subject the stem of violence against black youths by Latino gang members?
(01-27) 16:53 PST UNION CITY -- Union City police and school officials have failed to protect African American students from a Latino gang, whose members killed a black youth in 2007 at a middle school and then shot at his friends last weekend in Hayward, according to attorneys who filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday.
The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Oakland, accuses Union City police and officials with the New Haven Unified School District of doing nothing to prevent African American students from suffering "severe and pervasive racial harassment." Gang members were responsible for many of the incidents on campus or near schools, the suit said.
In a statement Wednesday, Union City police and city officials said they have a "long-standing record of being responsive to supporting and defending the rights of all members of our diverse community." School officials declined to comment.
The most serious incident cited in the lawsuit happened in December 2007, when Vernon Eddins, 14, was shot and killed in front of Barnard-White Middle School on Whipple Road in Union City. No arrests have been made.
On Saturday, eight African American youths, one of whom was wearing a shirt with Eddins picture on it, were shot at while at the Southland Mall in Hayward, said the plaintiffs attorney, Pamela Price. No one was injured.
No arrests have been made, said Hayward police Sgt. Steve Brown.
Although it happened in Hayward, the weekend shooting is the result of a "situation that bubbled out of Union City," Price said at a news conference at the NAACPs office in Hayward.
Hayward police responded quickly to the incident, while their counterparts in Union City have not moved fast enough to stem violence against black youths by Latino gang members, Price said.
In their statement, Union City officials said, "Youth violence is an area-wide issue not respecting municipal boundaries."
Price said her clients are not gang members but are treated as such by Union City police. Officers often ask them, "What did you do to start this?" when "they did nothing," Price said. "To me, thats racial."
Eddins mother, Angelique Paige, filed a federal civil rights lawsuit last year against police and the New Haven school district, accusing them of "failing to adequately discourage" racial violence. The suit is pending.
Paige cried at Wednesdays news conference as Price said gang members based in Union Citys Decoto neighborhood had gloated about Eddins slaying on a MySpace page.
African American students and their families have been told by police that if they dont like the situation, they should move, said attorney John Burris, who is also representing the plaintiffs.
From: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/01/27/BAP61BOB12.DTL
Answer: this is bad and sad. we let these people come here and they treat us like this. blacks, native americans and whites need to band together and open a can of whip azz on those thugs. it would be nice if our govt would order a mass destruction on all gang bangers and illegals.
Category: Immigration
In New Orleans, a Struggle to Reverse the Citys Soaring Rate of Homicides
NEW ORLEANS -- Two days had passed before the family of Brenting Dolliole learned that he was dead. When his battered body was found by the police, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, he was simply John Doe. But he was not just any John Doe. Mr. Dolliole, who was 22, was the 175th homicide victim in New Orleans this year, a tally that matched the - Greatest and most urgent challenge facing the city of New Orleans is its homicide rate, one that already surpasses 2010s count; Mayor Mitch Landrieu, citing a litany of killings, says that the problem is so bad that a student attending the citys John McDonogh High School is more likely to be killed than a soldier in Afghanistan. Photos (M) - By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON
Oakland college shooting: Gunman sought revenge on school, shot victims execution-style
A sheriffs deputy removes a body from outside Oikos University in Oakland, Calif., on Monday. A former student opened fire at the Christian university, killing at least seven people and wounding three more, before surrendering at a grocery store.
Sources: 5 dead in shooting at Calif. school - Yahoo! News
5 hurt in Oakland religious school shooting. 16 mins ago. WCNC Charlotte 0:41 | 0 views. OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -- Police say theyre responding to reports of five ...
Anybody have any rumors and misinformation to share on the Oakland Christian school shooting?
Category: Politics
victim compensation drive by shooting.?
my husband was shot last night during a drive by shooting in oakland ca. hes doing fine but the intended target is in critical care. We have come to realize that our society is only becoming more ruthless. especially since the incident occurred at 11am. Besides his broken leg, my dilemma is our car was impounded. i paid 400.00 dollars worth storage fees and now Im car less. Oaklands becoming a dangerous community and the cars a target now. is there any kind of assistance out there to help us get through this. i cant get to work of school and now hes disabled which means no school or work for him either. someone please help us. thanks in advance
i needed the objects inside of my car. the police department charged a 150 release fee and the tow yard charged a 250 release fee.
Answer: ..........
Contact the Chief of police and explain your situation. Hopefully, he's not on the side of rogue cops and will do you a favor.
They can tag the car with a gps, but they do need it for evidence..... and hopefully, while your car is in the compound it's not being stacked with planted evidence by a rogue cop trying to cover his a$$ in another case.
Category: Law Enforcement & Police
Seven Students Killed, Three Hurt in OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING :
Seven dead in Oakland school shooting. Paramedics bring in stretchers to carry those killed and wounded in the shooting at a private religious college in Oakland, California, April 2, 2012. Press TV April 2, 2012. At least seven people have ...
7 Dead, 3 Wounded In Shooting At Oakland Religious School ...
19 hours ago ... Seven people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting rampage Monday at an Asian Christian vocational school in east Oakland; ...
Cops identify suspect in OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING
OAKLAND, Calif. — Police have identified the suspect in a shooting attack at a California Christian college as a 43-year-old Oakland man. Police Chief Howard Jordan said Monday that One L. Goh is in custody after surrendering at a shopping ...
My moms boyfriend in Oakland Police just got let go from life support.?
Ok so my mom was going out with a police officer named John Hege.
He was involved in the shooting where 3 other officers died in Oakland california.In the computer news it said fourth oakland police officer dies. That hit me hard.I thought he would just be in a wheelchair cuz he got shot in the head.I really cared about him even though i didnt really see him that often.I remember about a couple of weeks ago we went out to have dinner with him at pasta pamedoro D;
He was a great guy to me and my mom.Im really gonna miss him.
Should i talk to a counselor at school cos i also just found out my friend has cancer,and i have to get a restraining order from my dad soon :/ im really stressed.
Answer: I'm really, really sorry to hear this. This event was very tragic and sad. I strongly suggest that you do talk with a school counselor. Sounds like you have challenges you are facing and talking with someone will help you very much. All the best to you.
Category: Law & Ethics
5 hurt in Oakland religious school shooting - CBS News
OAKLAND, Calif. — Police say theyre responding to reports of five people hurt in a shooting at a Christian medical school in east Oakland. The shooting ...
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign-language films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: nytimes.com/movies. - Addiction Incorporated (PG-13, 1:42) Fuming with contempt for the tobacco industry, this straight-shooting documentary follows the whistle-blowing career of Dr. Victor J. DeNoble, the
Police: Calif. shooting suspect felt disrespected
Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan said Tuesday authorities were beginning to get some hints as to Gohs motive in the shooting. "Weve learned that the suspect was upset with the administration at the school. He was also upset that students in ...
Oakland Mass Shooting "Unprecedented Tragedy"
A mass shooting was reported at 7850 Edgewater Drive Monday morning at a private Christian university. Witnesses say a former student opened fire inside the school hitting several students. Oakland police told NBC Bay Area that in all ten people were shot ...
Shooting suspect was looking for administrator
(04-03) 07:06 PDT OAKLAND-- The man suspected ... adding the suspect may have been expelled from the school "for his behavioral problems" and for issues relating to "anger management." After the shooting, Goh stole a Honda Accord belonging ...
SOME rappers really do play a factor in high crime? agree?
im not saying that all rap music is like this so dont use that card on me or act like im just being stupid. but i have witnessed that some rap music (the rappers that make crime seem cool) are making suburban kids think their hardcore. and a kid from the suburbs can do just as much damage as a kid from the set if they honestly in their mind think that the life they live is just like the rapper that they listen to. i mean it just seems now that black men think they have to act, dress, talk a certain way even if they werent brought up like that. especially where i live. (the bay area) the rappers that these kids listen to only talk about. selling drugs, hitting females, and shooting guns, making money illegally. i even heard in one song "**** school its all about the money". i mean i understand that some neighborhoods are already high in crime because of poverty but why is crime in the suburbs going up too?
for example my little cousin (17 years old) lives in the suburbs of oakland in a nice quiet area, he was raised with both parents and had a ok middle class income. but i go and visit my family and hes bumping messy marv talking like hes all tough, using all this slang talking about selling crack and smoking weed im like wtf? whats wrong with this kid. we need some more positive rappers out here because really the new generation is going down if they keep listening to these dudes talking about killing and drugs when in reality their living in a mansion making money off talking about killing and drugs. and then they make that excuse like "i rap about it so the young kids will learn from our mistakes and not do what we did" but how if your making it look cool to them? its bullshit go to school. get a education. live to be somebody.
i asked this in the hip hop section but i would like to see your opinions as well
Answer: Yea I agree...
But how a kid interpets that kinda music is there fault pretty much...
Or there parents at least...
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Shooting at Oakland School: 7 Confirmed Dead, 3 Others Injured
Seven people are now confirmed dead, and others are injured after a former student started shooting at a religious college in Oakland. The alleged gunman, 43-year-old One L. Goh, is in custody after surrendering to Alameda Police at an Alameda ...
Oakland: 7 dead, suspect caught in school shooting
1 hour ago ... A small Christian college in Oakland became the site of one of the deadliest campus attacks in California history Monday when a disgruntled ...
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: Photos from the Scene | Oakland School ...
15 hours ago ... Oakland police officers patrol the area after a school shooting at Oikos University in Oakland, Calif., on April 2, 2012. A suspect was detained ...
Shooting at East Oakland School, Several Injured | KQED News Fix
Update 12:38 p.m. The Associated Press is reporting five people are dead. The Alameda County Coroner would not comment. Update 12:25 p.m. Oakland Police ...
Will you read and critique my story?
Do you know why one of our dear M.U.F.F.L.E. members really named his team Cortez? Continue reading to discover the amazing truth behind this facade….
Back in 1983, Miguel Cortez moved to Minnesota from the town of San Simeon, Mexico, an impoverished little village in the central part of the country. He brought with him his wife, Carumba, and their only son, Enrico.
Adjusting to life in Minnesota was hard for the Cortez family, especially little Enrico, who had no friends. When he started classes at Oakland Junior High School, he thought he might find his soul mate, his one true friend that could help him adjust, but a 7th grade nobody from a foreign country was not the most likely candidate for best friend. Then one day, while standing at the urinal with his pants down around his ankles, he noticed the boy standing next to him. He remembered him from history class, and he knew that the other children called him “Murray”. And, look there! Could it be? Murray had his pants down around his ankles, too!! At last, thought Enrico, I have found my soul mate! The two boys locked gazes and there was a sparkle in their eyes, for they both knew they had finally found a friend in each other. Wow, they thought, we are the only two boys in the whole 7th grade that pee at the urinal with our pants down around our ankles. Maybe I won’t get my ass kicked today by all the other 7th grade boys! After they were done peeing, they both stood in front of the mirror making arm-pit farting noises and laughing and laughing with each other until they cried.
Then they hugged each other.
Then they each had their very first kiss.
It was magical. They kissed and kissed and neither one of them had any idea how long they stood there lip-locked with their arms around each other. It was just them and the walls and the luscious warmth of lips. Many minutes had passed and then…
Suddenly, the door to the bathroom was flung open and in walked the entire Oakland Junior High football team! They stood staring at them, Murray and Cortez, unable to move and frozen with fear, facing down eleven of Oakland’s finest.
For several moments, the football team looked on with mouths agape and eyes bulging. Nobody knew quite what to do.
It was Cortez who made the first move, flinging himself into action. Luckily, his father had taught him an ancient Mexican fighting style known as “Shoot In Face and Run”. While Murray hid under the far bathroom stall, Cortez bravely killed them all with his trusty Trejo, the Mexican pistol his father had given him for training.
Months later, Miguel Cortez and his wife Carumba were deported back to San Simeon, while little Enrico awaited trial back in the states. He was eventually tried as an adult, and sentenced to prison for the rest of his life.
Murray never forgot his little friend, his momentary soul mate, and to this day his memory lives on.
So the next time you play Cortez, take a moment to reflect on how the name really came to be.
Answer: Must I forever be doomed to being the very last to be told anything here? Oh the misery, oh the rage.....
Category: Poetry
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign-language films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: nytimes.com/movies. - Addiction Incorporated (PG-13, 1:42) Fuming with contempt for the tobacco industry, this straight-shooting documentary follows the whistle-blowing career of Dr. Victor J. DeNoble, the
5 dead in Oakland Christian school shooting, officials say | told ...
News: 5 dead in Oakland Christian school shooting, officials say | told, oakland, shooter, shooting, johnson, officials, shot, oikos, building, university
What College did the Oakland California shooting happen at?
im trying to figure out what the name of the college is that the Oakland California shooting happen at just recently? The news articles im reading dont say..im guessing its because its a private school?
Category: Current Events
5 Hurt in Oakland Religious School Shooting - ABC News
Police are seen standing guard outside of Oikos University in Oakland, Ca. where as many as eight people may have been shot, April 2, 2012. (ABC News)
Police Detain Suspect in OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING in Alameda ...
The suspect was apprehended outside the Safeway store Alameda's South Shore Center.
Suspect in shooting at Oakland religious college is ex-student ...
17 hours ago ... The man suspected of shooting and fatally wounding multiple people at a ... in Oakland had previously been a nursing student at the school.
7 dead in shooting at Korean Christian university in Oakland, Calif ...
14 hours ago ... Students hid during shooting at California school ... OAKLAND – Police said seven people were dead and three others injured after a gunman ...
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: Suspect Had Grudge, Thousands in Debt ...
KGO-TV(OAKLAND, Calif.) — The former student who authorities say gunned down and killed several people at an Oakland, Calif. nursing college held a grudge against school officials, according to Oakland police. One L.
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: gunman kills at least five people ...
Oakland school shooting: gunman kills at least five people At least five people are thought to have died and several others were injured after a gunman opened fire ...
Oakland Religious School Shooting Already One of Californias Deadliest
Update (6:09 p.m. EDT): The AP now reports seven people have died and three were injured in the shooting. Police still havent discussed a motive. Update (5:19 p.m. EDT): California Beat is now reporting nine people were shot, of whom six have died ...
Suspect in OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING Is Former Nursing Student at ...
The suspect who opened fire, killing at least seven people and injuring at least three others at Oikos University, is a former nursing student at the small private Christian college in Oakland, Calif., the school's founder told the ...
Students hid during shooting at California school
The police chief said Goh also called his father soon after the shooting and told him what happened, and the father called authorities. Oakland Police spokeswoman Johnna Watson said the gunman entered the school around 10:30 a.m. Oikos shares an ...
Oakland shooting: Oikos gunman lined up victims and ‘started shooting,’ police say
the 43-year-old suspected male shooter and former nursing student at the school, was upset with a female administrator for dismissing him, which led to the shooting spree, Oakland Police chief Howard Jordan said. "He just felt a certain urge to inflict ...
Why is there so little coverage of the Oakland college shooting?
Its not on CNN, and Im finding very few stories online.
Someone started shooting in a school, and killed people.
Why is this not getting coverage?
Category: Current Events
Officials: 7 Dead, 3 Wounded in OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING
A suspect has been detained in a shooting attack at an Oakland Christian university that sources said has killed at least 7 people.
OAKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING Was Tragically Not Unprecedented (VIDEO)
It seems surreal to be typing the words "school shooting" yet again, but tragically, yet another deadly school shooting has occurred -- this time at a small Christian university in California. The suspect has already been identified: According to Police ...
Police have captured a suspect in the Oikos University school shooting today that has left at least seven people dead and 10 injured. The suspect responsi.
ON PRO FOOTBALL; Coughlin Walks the Walk, Albeit With a Limp
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. Tom Coughlin limped up the ramp, on his way to the Giants locker room, displaying his wounded left leg like a badge of N.F.L. honor. He stopped to hug Jerry Reese, his general manager, then went inside to tell his players that he would be joining the other walking wounded for treatment first thing in the morning. Someone - Harvey Araton On Pro Football column commends New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin, in wake of Giants 29-14 victory over New York Jets, for maintaining his no-nonsense, business-as-usual demeanor, despite trash talk leading up to game and his sustaining injury during late-game sideline collision. Photo (M) - By HARVEY ARATON
SOME rappers really a factor for high crime? agree?
im not saying that all rap music is like this so dont use that card on me or act like im just being stupid. but i have witnessed that some rap music (the rappers that make crime seem cool) are making suburban kids think their hardcore. and a kid from the suburbs can do just as much damage as a kid from the set if they honestly in their mind think that the life they live is just like the rapper that they listen to. i mean it just seems now that black men think they have to act, dress, talk a certain way even if they werent brought up like that. especially where i live. (the bay area) the rappers that these kids listen to only talk about. selling drugs, hitting females, and shooting guns, making money illegally. i even heard in one song "fuck school its all about the money". i mean i understand that some neighborhoods are already high in crime because of poverty but why is crime in the suburbs going up too?
for example my little cousin (17 years old) lives in the suburbs of oakland in a nice quiet area, he was raised with both parents and had a ok middle class income. but i go and visit my family and hes bumping messy marv talking like hes all tough, using all this slang talking about selling crack and smoking weed im like wtf? whats wrong with this kid. we need some more positive rappers out here because really the new generation is going down if they keep listening to these dudes talking about killing and drugs when in reality their living in a mansion making money off talking about killing and drugs. and then they make that excuse like "i rap about it so the young kids will learn from our mistakes and not do what we did" but how if your making it look cool to them? its bullshit go to school. get a education. live to be somebody.
I guess you dont see it unless your area is affected by it
Category: Rap and Hip-Hop
Deadliest U.S. school shooting in 5 years in Oakland, California and more...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36740125/vp/34328514#34328514
From: TheChiChilena - Source: web
(VIDEO) Oakland school shooting: students flee in terror as gunman opens fire http://t.co/rT46mP0I -Social Media Gossip
From: ReyGuignard - Source: twitterfeed
RT @washingtonpost: Who is One Goh, the Oakland school shooting suspect? http://t.co/1OxPVSXe
From: VivianIPadilla - Source: SocialFlow
RT @KFINEWS: Oakland school shooting Update http://t.co/wDuR7MwX via @KFIAM640
From: madamefang - Source: Tweet Button
RT @washingtonpost: Who is One Goh, the Oakland school shooting suspect? http://t.co/1OxPVSXe
From: thegreatsoni_m - Source: SocialFlow
RT @washingtonpost: Who is One Goh, the Oakland school shooting suspect? http://t.co/1OxPVSXe
From: dindilico - Source: SocialFlow
Nah, we dont need gun control. Oakland: 7 dead, suspect caught in school shooting | http://t.co/Pph8nxAi via @sfgate
From: bglodde - Source: Tweet Button
Several Fatalities In Oakland Nursing School Massacre (UPDATE) [School Shooting] http://t.co/Ck2KUaNM @Gawker
From: newzkast - Source: dlvr.it
Who is One Goh, the Oakland school shooting suspect? http://t.co/YWj2Rc3N
From: gsDetermination - Source: web
At Least 6 People Killed In Shooting At Oakland Religious School http://t.co/aAGWOD7v via @huffingtonpost
From: one_flight_up - Source: The Huffington Post
RT @washingtonpost: Who is One Goh, the Oakland school shooting suspect? http://t.co/1OxPVSXe
From: ashleyjjennings - Source: SocialFlow
Oakland campus shooting suspect told police he was mistreated by school http://t.co/tqSA9egJ
From: huyanxing - Source: Google
RT @Yahoo: Oakland shooting suspect had been kicked out of school, was $23,000 in debt & lost brother, mother in past 13 months. http://t.co/qWykTEe7
From: tw_top_1z14sjm - Source: Vitrue Accounts
RT @washingtonpost: Who is One Goh, the Oakland school shooting suspect? http://t.co/1OxPVSXe
From: RadioMinutera - Source: SocialFlow
RT @Yahoo: Oakland shooting suspect had been kicked out of school, was $23,000 in debt & lost brother, mother in past 13 months. http://t.co/qWykTEe7
From: Lexi916 - Source: Vitrue Accounts