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F-18 Jet Reportedly Crashes in Virginia Beach | NBC4 Washington
5 hours ago ... The Navy said that an F-18 jet crashed in Virginia Beach Friday afternoon, according to
NAVY JET CRASH: A search for victims is now underway. -
Navy jet crash: Authorities are now searching local apartments looking for victims.
NAVY JET CRASHes into apartment building in Virginia Beach - San ...
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- A Navy jet with two aviators aboard crashed Friday into an apartment building in Virginia Beach, according to the Navy and media ...
Pilot killed in Fallon jet crash was retired Navy - My News 4 - KRNV ...
Authorities say a contract pilot killed in the crash of an Israeli-made military jet in Nevada was a retired Navy captain, former Top Gun fighter school instructor ...
Navy F 18 Crash: Jet Slams Into Apartments In Virginia Beach, Virginia
A U.S. Navy jet crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Friday afternoon. CNN reports that the plane -- an F/A-18D assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 106 -- slammed into the Mayfair Mews ...
Experts Say Pilots Need More Air Crisis Training
PARIS -- The sinking sensation of an airplane in a stall is not one that many pilots forget. The feeling in your stomach is very uncomfortable -- its scary, said Jean-Pierre Otelli, a veteran flight instructor, acrobatic pilot and author of a series of books on aviation safety. What is harder to remember, in the heat of the moment, is the - Aviation industry, in the wake of the Air France crash over the Atlantic in 2009, is realizing that many pilots are not adequately trained to overcome impulsive reactions during a loss of control; many airlines have added stall recovery and other techniques to in-house training programs, but no national regulator has mandated regular refresher training. Photo (M) - By NICOLA CLARK
NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia, two pilots eject |
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet Friday, sending the unmanned plane careening into a Virginia Beach apartment complex and ...
NAVY JET CRASHes into Apartment Building in Virginia Beach
A Navy fighter jet slammed into a Virginia Beach apartment complex shortly after noon Friday, igniting a blaze that heavily damaged five apartment buildings and hospitalized six people, including both aviators. Two unidentified crewmembers managed to eject ...
Navy Fighter Jet Crashes Into Virginia Suburb In Fiery Wreck | Radar ...
By Debbie Emery - Radar Reporter The two pilots of a U.S. Navy fighter jet that crashed into a Virginia Beach suburb on Friday destroying five houses safely ejected, and has video of the dramatic scene.
Officials: Some Va. Beach Residents Still Missing After NAVY JET CRASH
Officials say they still have not accounted for all the residents who live in an apartment complex where a fighter jet crashed, leveling several buildings. Capt. Mark Weisgerber is with Fleet Forces Command. He said Friday that a student and ...
France Approves New Search for Wreckage of Plane
PARIS -- The government of France said Thursday that it had approved a request from air accident investigators to mount a fresh search of the mid-Atlantic seabed for the wreckage of an Air France jet that crashed nearly 18 months ago. The effort, which is expected to begin in February, will follow three previous attempts that were jointly financed - By NICOLA CLARK
NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia, pilots eject » Evansville Courier ...
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A Navy jet with two aviators aboard crashed Friday into an apartment building in Virginia Beach, according to the Navy and media ...
NAVY JET CRASH / Alameda, California -- Feb 08, 1973 -- ABC -- TV ...
ABC News for Feb 08, 1973: Navy jet crashes into Alameda apartment building near Alameda naval air station in San Francisco area. Feared as many as 40 ...
Hainan Island incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On April 1, 2001, a mid-air collision between a United States Navy EP-3E ARIES II ... on the legality of the overflights by U.S. naval aircraft of the area where the incident occurred. ..... "China says video shows US plane caused crash". .
NAVY JET CRASHes into apartments in Virginia – This Just In ...
[Updated at 1:14 p.m. ET] A Navy jet crashed Friday into some apartments near Virginia Beach, Virginia, sending flames and thick black smoke into the air ...
NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia Beach neighborhood - The Washington Post
View Photo Gallery — Navy jet crashes in Virginia Beach neighborhood: At least one apartment building was reported destroyed and several others were damaged, but ...
Is Americans getting the Real MCain?
John Sidney McCain III entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland in 1954. Young McCain wanted to become an admiral. He planned to be the "first son and grandson of four star admirals" to achieve such a distinction. But that was not to be. McCain III possessed none of the innate character and discipline traits that helped mold his father and grandfather into great military leaders.
His father, John S. "Junior" McCain, and grandfather, John S. McCain, Sr., were famous four-star Admirals in the U.S. Navy. His father commanded U.S. forces in Europe before becoming commander of American forces fighting in Vietnam. His grandfather commanded naval aviation at the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. Both men became highly influential in U.S. Navy operations.
At the Academy, aside being known as a "rowdy, raunchy, underachiever" who resented authority, Cadet McCain became infamous as a leader among his fellow midshipmen for organizing "off-Yard activities" and hard drinking parties. Robert Timberg wrote in his book, The Nightingales Song, that "being on liberty with John McCain was like being in a train wreck."
McCains grades were "marginal." He drew so many demerits for breaking curfew and other discipline issues that he graduated fifth from the bottom of the class of 1958. Despite his low "class standing," and no doubt because of the influence of his family of famous Admirals, McCain was leap-frogged ahead of more qualified applicants and granted a coveted slot to be trained as a navy pilot.
Good Party Animal - Bad Pilot:
He spent the next two and a half years as a "naval aviator in training" at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida and Naval Air Station Corpus Christi in Texas, flying A-1 Skyraiders.
While a pilot trainee, McCain continued to party hard. He drove a Corvette and dated an exotic dancer named "Marie the Flame of Florida." Timberg wrote that McCain "learned to fly at Pensacola, though his performance was below par, at best good enough to get by. He liked flying, but didnt love it."
McCain Lost Five Military Aircraft
McCain, the "below par" pilot, eventually lost 5 military aircraft, the first during a training flight in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus Christi Bay while trying to land. The Navy ignored the crash and graduated McCain in 1960.
While deployed in the Mediterranean, the hard partying McCain lost a second aircraft. Timberg described the crash: "Flying too low over the Iberian Peninsula, he took out some power lines which led to a spate of newspaper stories in which he was predictably identified as the son of an admiral."
Unscathed, McCain returned to Pensacola Station where he was promoted to flight instructor for Naval Air Station Meridian in Mississippi. The airfield at Meridian, McCain Field, was named in honor of McCains grandfather.
In 1964 McCain became involved with Carol Shepp, a model from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he had met at Annapolis. They were married in Philadelphia on July 3, 1965.
Flight instructor McCain lost a third aircraft while flying a Navy trainer solo to Philadelphia for an Army-Navy football game. Timberg wrote that McCain radioed, "Ive got a flameout" before ejecting at one thousand feet. McCain parachuted onto a beach moments before his plane slammed into a clump of trees.
The Navy dismissed the crash as "unavoidable" and assigned McCain to the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal in December 1966, which was patrolling the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. In Spring 1967, the Forrestal was assigned to join the Operation Rolling Thunder bombing campaign against North Vietnam.
McCain lost his fourth plane on board the Forrestal on July 29, 1967 when a rocket inadvertently slammed into his bomb laden jet. McCain escaped, but the explosions that followed killed 134 sailors. McCain was transferred from the badly damaged Forrestal to the USS Oriskany. Shortly afterwards, on Oct. 26, 1967, he was shot down and captured by the Vietnamese.
Post-POW Years: Political Ambition and a New, Young, Rich Wife
Upon his release from North Vietnam and return to the United States in 1973, McCain reunited with his wife, Carol, who had been permanently crippled in a car accident while he was a POW.
Still yearning to become an admiral, McCain enrolled in the National War College at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. and underwent physical therapy in order to fly again. The Navy excused his permanent disabilities and reinstated him to flight status, effectively positioning him for promotion.
Timberg described McCains advancement: "in the fall of 1974, McCain was transferred to Jacksonville as the executive officer of Replacement Air Group 174, the long-sought flying billet at last a reality. A few months later, he assumed command of the RAG, which trained pilots and crews for carrier deployments. The assignment was controversial, some calling it favoritism, a sop to the famous son of a famous father and grandfather, since he had not first commanded a squadron, the usual career path."
While Executive Officer and later as Squadron Commander McCain used his authority to arrange frequent flights that allowed him to carouse with subordinates and "engage in extra-marital affairs."
This was a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice rules against adultery and fraternization with subordinates. But, as with all his other past behaviors, McCain was never penalized; instead he always got away with his transgressions.
Timberg wrote, "Off duty, usually on routine cross-country flights to Yuma and El Centro, John started carousing and running around with women. To make matters worse, some of the women with whom he was linked by rumor were subordinates . . . At the time the rumors were so widespread that, true or not, they became part of McCains persona, impossible not to take note of."
In early 1977, Admiral Jim Holloway, Chief of Naval Operations promoted McCain to captain and transferred him from his command position "to Washington as the number-two man in the Navys Senate liaison office. McCain was promptly given total control of the office. It wasnt long before the "fun loving and irreverent" McCain had turned the liaison office into a "late-afternoon gathering spot where senators and staffers, usually from the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, would drop in for a drink and the chance to unwind."
In 1979, while attending a military reception in Hawaii, McCain met and fell in love with Cindy Lou Hensley, 17 years his junior, who was the daughter of James W. Hensley, a wealthy Anheuser-Busch distributor from Phoenix, Arizona. McCain filed for and obtained an uncontested divorce from his wife in Florida on April 2, 1980 and promptly married Cindy on May 17, 1980.
He resigned from the Navy in 1981 and went to work for his father-in-law in Phoenix; where he used the opportunity to make powerful and wealthy friends in Arizona including banker Charles Keating and Duke Tully, the editor-in-chief of the Arizona Republic. Keating was later convicted of fraud, racketeering, and conspiracy and Tully was disgraced for concocting a phony military record of combat in Korea and Vietnam including medals for heroism.
McCain ran for Arizonas First Congressional District in 1982. McCain won the congressional seat. In 1987 McCain was elected to the US Senate.
Answer: Gosh how did you fit all of that in one box without adding additional information? I think McCain acts like a child and has a chip on his shoulder.
Category: Elections
Miles Under the Pacific, A Director Will Take On His Most Risky Project
As a boy, he used to squeeze his body into drainage pipes, snaking along to see how far he could go. As an adult, he made the two top-grossing movies of all time, Avatar and Titanic. And on Wednesday, James Cameron folded his 6-foot-2-inch frame into a 43-inch-wide capsule and plummeted, alone, down five miles in the New Britain Trench off - James Cameron, the film director, plans to get into a capsule and plummet, alone, down nearly seven miles to the planets most inaccessible spot, the Challenger Deep in the western Pacific; he plans to film what is an alien world thought to swarm with bizarre eels and worms, fish and crustaceans in his own miniature submarine. Photo (M) - By WILLIAM J. BROAD
NAVY JET CRASHes into Virginia Beach apartments, pilots eject ...
(CBS/AP) VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet after dumping loads of fuel to avoid a major explosion Friday, sending their ...
Whisper of The Wild
Setting off in the predawn gloaming of central Alaska, we were the sounds of swishing snow pants, crunching boots and cold puffs of breath. As sunrise gradually lightened the late November sky, we took visible shape: a single-file parade on a narrow white trail traveling west, deeper into Denali National Park and Preserve. It was three degrees and - Kim Tingley article describes the work of Davyd Betchkal, the physcial-science technician of Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska, who has been trying to record a months worth of natural sound in the park, which is part of the burgeoning field of soundscape ecology. Photos (L)y - By KIM TINGLEY
Two killed in NAVY JET CRASH near Lemoore [Updated] -
Two people were killed when a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet aircraft crashed near Naval Air Station Lemoore on Wednesday, officials said. The fighter jet ...
What happened to my headline news home page?
The story about the Navy Blue Angel jet that crashed.
Answer: Here's coverage of the story.
Category: Other - News & Events
Why does the Marine Corp have fighter jets?
I thought that was the Navy and Air Force was there for.
Just wondering because you really dont hear about Marine Fighter Jets until recently the one pilot crashing in California
Answer: for close air support. because when you first land to the beach you don't usually have tank.
Category: Military
French Group Urges New Search of Crash Site
PARIS -- An association representing families of some of the 228 people who died aboard an Air France jet that crashed in the mid-Atlantic last year urged the French government on Tuesday to conduct a new search for the bulk of the plane after the latest one failed to find any trace of the wreckage. We absolutely have to find that plane and its - By NICOLA CLARK
F-18 jet crashes into apartments in Virginia next to elementary ...
Both pilots safely ejected from the plane that moments later crashed into a residential area in Virginia Beach.
NAVY JET CRASHes into Virginia apartments, pilots eject - The ...
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — A Navy jet crashed and set fire to an apartment complex in Virginia Beach on Friday and the two-member crew ejected safely ...
How come in all the talk in the media about McCains heroism, no one ever mentions...?
how he was a terrible pilot and how he crashed several Navy jets. I feel that this would broaden the conversation by pointing out how mediocre of a soldier he was, and how he cost the taxpayers millions in destroyed equipment. What do you think?
For the record, McCains first three crashes were ruled pilot error.
Answer: I've heard it mentioned several times. A lot of people have said they hope if he wins he doesn't run the country the way he flew planes.
Category: Politics
NAVY JET CRASHes into Va, apartments, pilots eject - Wyoming ...
Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet Friday, sending the unmanned plane careening into a Virginia Beach apartment complex and tearing the roof off at ...
NAVY JET CRASHes into Virginia Beach apartments, pilots eject
(CBS/AP) VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet after dumping loads of fuel to avoid a major explosion Friday, sending their unmanned plane careening into a Virginia Beach apartment complex and engulfing several ...
NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia., 2 pilots eject |
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) - A Navy jet with two aviators aboard crashed Friday into an apartment building in Virginia Beach, according to the Navy and media reports ...
Report: NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia
5 hours ago ... Published : Friday, 06 Apr 2012, 12:38 PM EDT. (NewsCore) - A reported Navy jet crashed near a major road in Virginia Beach, Va., Friday, ...
Where was the USS Truman lcoated when the 2 Navy Jets crashed?
I just caught a second of the news and am seeking more information.
Answer: Two U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets -- flying off the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman -- crashed Monday night in the Persian Gulf, U.S. Navy officials said. The aircrafts' three aviators were recovered safely after they ejected from the jets -- a single-seat F/A-18E and two-seat F/A-18F.
The U.S. Navy did not immediately know the cause of the F/A-18 crash. There is no indication of hostile fire action, the officials said. The incident is not related to Sunday's confrontation between three U.S. Navy warships and five Iranian boats, Navy officials said.
Category: Other - News & Events
How many jet airliners have depleted uranium used as counterweights) on board? Do Boeing & Airbus both use it?
It is a serious health hazard in a crashed aircraft that catches fire eg recent Madrid MD 80 crash. NB There were survivors in this crash & many other crashes involving fire.
Uranium Pollution from the Amsterdam 1992 Plane Crash
Risk of depleted uranium exposure admitted by the
Parliamentarian Inquiry Commission probe
By Henk van der Keur, Laka Foundation
from: Depleted Uranium: A Post-War Disaster, Part 7
Laka Foundation, May 1999
On October 4, 1992, an El Al Boeing 747 crashed in Amsterdams Bijlmermeer, killing 43 people. In recent years questions have remained about the cause of the crash, health problems among citizens and rescue workers, the exact cargo, depleted uranium counterweights, and other issues. Last year a Parliamentarian Inquiry (called Commission Meijer, after its chairman) was started to resolve these questions. On 22 April 1999 the Commission Meijer published its results.
One of the Bijlmer crash issues was the presence of depleted uranium (DU) in the planes counterweights. A total of 282 kilograms was constructed in the planes tail wings. Laka made this public in October 1993[1] after which a discussion started on the potential burning of DU and the risks for citizens and rescue workers.
From the beginning, Laka pointed out emphatically that bystanders and Bijlmer residents ran potential health risks as a result of airborne uranium from the burning wreck. The presence of DU is among others based on a publication by Paul Loewenstein[2], then technical director and vice-president of the American company Nuclear Metals Inc. (currently named Starmet), the supplier of the DU to Boeing. Loewenstein says in this document that each Boeing 747 contained DU in the form of counterweights. Loewenstein says in his article that "large pieces of uranium will oxidize rapidly and will sustain slow combustion when heated in air to temperatures of about 500 degrees celcius".
The great danger from this chemical reaction is that the escaping cloud of dust with thousands of microparticles of uranium oxide can be inhaled or swallowed by bystanders. The American physicist Robert L. Parker wrote in Nature[3], in a worst-case scenario involving the crash of a Boeing 747, that about 250,000 people would run health risks (or near-poisoning) as a result of inhalation or swallowing of uranium oxide particles. Parkers conclusion assumed the presence of 450 kilos of DU in a Boeing 747. He says: "Extended tests by the American Navy and NASA showed that the temperature of the fireball in a plane crash can reach 1,200C. Such temperatures are high enough to cause very rapid oxidation of depleted uranium."
Paul Loewenstein said that DU would disperse particles in a fire, depending on the following factors: temperature, the surface condition of the fragments (a measure of the accessibility of the metal to surrounding oxygen), and wind speed. This means that the weather at the time of the Bijlmer crash was conducive to the dispersion of burning uranium and that there was every reason for concern. The temperature of the jet fuel fire apparently went higher than 500C, sufficient for the likely combustion of the outer surfaces of the DU fragments. Moreover, there was a strong northeast wind blowing at the time (windspeed 7). People should have been concerned because a big part of the uranium in the form of dust clouds could have spread across the area, especially towards the southwest. It is known that dust particles can be blown by the wind for kilometers[4].
To calm troubled minds in the Amsterdam suburb Bijlmermeer, the radiation expert A.S. Keverling Buisman of the Energy Research Center (ECN) issued a press release[5] the same day that the news of the uranium contamination swept the world. He confirmed the presence of DU in the wrecked plane, but denied any hazard to public health or the environment. He declared that the uranium remained intact. A day later, the same expert spoke in the town hall in the Zuidoost (Southeast) district, where the Amsterdam Research Service on Environmental Protection and Soil Mechanics (Omegam) presented a definitive version of its investigation on the polluted soil in the immediate surroundings of the flats named Kruitberg and Groeneveen where the plane crashed. Throughout the hearing, Keverling Buisman was pressed to answer all kinds of questions about uranium, and to calm the uneasiness of the Zuidoost population.
Neither the Zuidoost council nor the Amsterdam Environmental Service nor Omegam was aware at that time of the extent of the presence of DU in the accident. The clearly nervous radiation expert did not convince the neighborhood people that uranium carried no risks. The Bijlmer working group on Air Traffic and associated neighborhood groups like Service Platform and Sounding Board were already in possession of a variety of documents in which it was clear that depleted uranium in a jet fuel fire is definitely harmful to public h
Answer: Well, I know several a/c use DU for counterweights, the C-5 being one. In the military, we're trained about the hazards of DU, but mostly from the DU used in armor piercing rounds, namely in the A-10's 30mm cannon. If you were to go into a tank hit with DU rounds, the fine particles COULD be inhaled and lodge in your lungs. But it takes a lot of exposure before it becomes a serious risk. So, a nice solid chunk of DU in a fire seems pretty low on the risk factor compare to the hundreds of other toxic items burning up in a large aviation crash site.
Category: Aircraft
How many people know details of McCains record in the navy?
First crash. McCain crashed in the water with a Skyraider in training. Second crash, same. Third crash he borrowed a T-32 jet trainer for a personal jaunt and ejected in return flight. The T-32 crashed and was totally destroyed. Fourth was the USS Forestall incident. Fifth was his shoot down. What bothers me about all this is first crash he said the engine quit. When the wreckage was recovered it showed all the signs of the engine still running and sudden stoppage on impact. It was put down to his fault, but he continued as an aviator. Second was again put down to his fault but he again said something else. Third there was not enough left of the ship to determine. But McCain said the engine quit. What was left showed no signs of that and the aircraft had just been thoroughly overhauled. McCain did make all kinds of mistakes in ejecting as if he did in a hurry. By then he was informally looked upon as a showboater. Fourth crash. A zuni missile fired while preparing to launch. It was definitely McCains. It killed the pilot of the aircraft beside him ans started fires causing heavy casualties. McCain again continued his career. Last when he was shot down he was at 3,000 feet...this made him a perfect target for Sams and was 7,000 feet lower than the height he was supposed to be at. What bothers me about all this is it shows a clear pattern of reckless behavior and favortism as the son and grandson of two admirals. He was even invited to eat at the skippers table on the Forestall. That is not normal for a junior officer with a less than sterling record to boot. It seems to show a clear pattern of reckless behavior and taking chances combined with favortism. Who agrees?
It also shows a less than perfect honesty given his explantions and the fact a board of inquiry disagreed at least twice. Do you agree?
I am a disabled Nam vet and I am not ranting. Just stating the facts. These have been pretty well hidden by McCain and you can check for yourself. It is not normal to continue in naval aviation with that kind of record unless you have pull...
He is not being bashed but the facts are facts. Read and think for yourself. This is not a normal record for any junior aviator. It takes pull. My father was career navy and served under McCains grandfather in the south Pacific and with the fast carriers. He would say the same.
Answer: It is amazing how people who are so strong on supporting him can not disprove what you say. They are just fixated on Obama. All I see is, oh yeah, well Obama did or didn't do this...THAT IS NOT AN ANSWER TO THIS KIND OF POST PEOPLE. This is a post where you need to come in with fact and know all angles, and the way I see it, the person who asked this, did just that.
Category: Elections
NAVY JET CRASHes into apartment complex in Virginia Beach
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet Friday, sending the unmanned plane careening into a Virginia Beach apartment complex and tearing the roof off at least one building that was engulfed in flames, officials said.
NAVY JET CRASHes into apartments in Va.
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A Navy fighter jet crashed into a Virginia Beach apartment building at about noon today, igniting a blaze that destroyed or damaged five apartment buildings. Two unidentified crewmembers ejected from the F/A-18D before it ...
U.S. NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia; 2 pilots ejected, 9 taken to ...
From the blog U.S. Navy jet crashes in Virginia; 2 pilots ejected, 9 taken to hospital: The Lookout
NAVY JET CRASH: A day many in Virginia Beach have feared
Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms said it was the kind of news hes long dreaded: A U.S. Navy jet from nearby Naval Air Station Oceana dropped out of the sky Friday and slammed into a neighborhood. A search for victims was underway Friday ...
NAVY JET CRASHes into Va, apartments, pilots eject
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) -- A local official says it appears two Navy pilots dumped fuel from a fighter jet before it crashed into a Virginia apartment ...
Airstrike Kills Afghan Insurgents Linked to Deadly Attack on Helicopter, U.S. Says
WASHINGTON -- An American airstrike has killed the Taliban fighters believed responsible for shooting down a Chinook helicopter and killing 38 people aboard, including 30 American military personnel, the senior American commander in Afghanistan said Wednesday. But the insurgent leader who was the original target of the weekend raid that ended with - By THOM SHANKER and RAY RIVERA; Thom Shanker reported from Washington, and Ray Rivera from Kabul, Afghanistan.
US Fighter Jet Crashes Into Apartment Complex
A U.S. Navy fighter jet has crashed into an apartment complex in the southern ... Authorities also say four civilians were taken to the hospital to be treated for minor injuries. The crash severely damaged several small apartment buildings ...
Nation: NAVY JET CRASHes into Virginia apartment building [includes photo]
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — A Navy jet with two aviators aboard crashed Friday into an apartment building in Virginia Beach, according to the Navy and media reports. There were no immediate reports of injuries on the ground. TV footage showed ...
How many jets did McCain crash while trying to fly for the Navy?
I was just wondering if there was a correlation between nearly flunking out of the Naval Academy and his ability (or inability) to fly, since he was a worse student than Bush.
Dumb and dumber - this time its a Tragety.
Answer: Five, but even if he crashed only one, I don't see how bombing peasants from 30,000 feet in Viet Nam would make him anymore intelligent in making Foreign Policy decisions as President.
John McCain has admitted he knows little about Economics and this is being answered by Americans as their number one concern, not whose more blood thirsty.
'Navy pilot John Sidney McCain III should have never been allowed to graduate from the U.S. Navy flight school. He was a below average student and a lousy pilot. Had his father and grandfather not been famous four star U.S. Navy admirals, McCain III would have never been allowed in the cockpit of a military aircraft.
His father John S. "Junior" McCain was commander of U.S. forces in Europe later becoming commander of American forces in Vietnam while McCain III was being held prisoner of war. McCain III's grandfather John S. McCain, Sr. commanded naval aviation at the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.
During his relative short stunt on flight status, McCain III lost five U.S. Navy aircraft, four in accidents and one in combat. '
Category: Politics
THE WAR LOGS; The Afghan Struggle: A Secret Archive
This article was written and reported by C. J. Chivers, Carlotta Gall, Andrew W. Lehren, Mark Mazzetti, Jane Perlez, and Eric Schmitt, with contributions from Jacob Harris and Alan McLean. A six-year archive of classified military documents made public on Sunday offers an unvarnished, ground-level picture of the war in Afghanistan that is in many - Six-year archive of classified militray documents offers unvarnished, ground-level picture of war in Afghanistan that is in many respects more grim than official portrayal; documents, released on Internet by organization called WikiLeaks, are daily diary of American-led force often starved for resources and attention as it struggled against insurgency that grew larger, better coordinated and more deadly each year; documents, some 92,000 reports spanning parts of two administrations from January 2004 through December 2009, illustrate in mosaic detail why after United States has spent almost $300 billion on war in Afghanistan, Taliban are stronger than at any time since 2001; they sketch war hamstrung by an Afghan government, police force and army of questionable loyalty and competence and by Pakistani military that appears at best uncooperative and at worst to work from shadows as unspoken ally of the very insurgent forces American-led coalition is trying to defeat; photos; map; timeline (L)
NAVY JET CRASHes into Apartment Building
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. | Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet Friday, sending the unmanned plane careening into a Virginia Beach apartment complex and tearing the roof off at least one building that was engulfed in flames, officials said.
NAVY JET CRASHes into Virginia buildings, injuring six | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy F-18D fighter crashed soon after take-off into an apartment complex in Virginia on Friday, sending fireballs into the ...
How much could/would these sell for, and where could I sell them?
Well, I have a PS2 and a lot of games that I barely use anymore. I want to know how much would these sell for, and where could I sell them. Note: Most games have only been used once or twice, so are usually in good condition. (No scratches, but the games are missing pamphlets and other papers that were originally included.)
Here is the list:
1 Silver Slim PS2
5 Controllers (1 Dragonball Z Edition, 1 controller that has a turbo button, 3 regular controllers.)
1 Multitap connection
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Sly Cooper and The Thievius Racoonus
Sly 2
Sly Cooper: Honor Among Thieves
Jak 1
Jak 2
Jak 3
Jak X
Digimon World 4
Yu-Gi-Oh! The duelist of the Roses
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Nicktoons Unite!
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Ratchet and Clank
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Ratchet Deadlocked
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Beginning of Destiny
X-Men Legends: Rise of the Apocalypse
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie
Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights!
Rayman Arena
SpongeBob Squarepants: Lights, Camera, Pants!
Socom 3: US Navy Seals
Rampage: Total Destruction
TMNT 3: Mutant Nightmare
Over The Hedge
Crush Hour
Sonic Riders
Sonic Heroes
Dragonball Z Tenkaichi
Dragonball Z Tenkaichi 2
Dragonball Z Tenkaichi 3
Dragonball Z Saga
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Twisted Metal Black
Tak: The Great Juju Challenge
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Jet Fusion
Crash: Wrath of Cortex
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder
Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie
Phantasy Star Universe
Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire
Duel Masters
Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Godzilla: Save the Earth
EA Sports: Madden 2003
NCAA: Football 2005
Naruto Uzumaki: Ultimate Ninja 3
Naruto Uzumaki: Ultimate Ninja 2
Tekken Tag Tournament
Surfs Up
Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island
Motor Mayhem
Jam Pack
Spiderman: Friend or Foe
One Piece: Grand Adventure
Naruto Uzumaki: Uzumaki Chronicles
Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge
NBA Live 2001
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
Offroad Fury 3
Rogue Galaxy
Digimon Data Squad
Dragonball Z Budokai
Dragonball Z Budokai 2
Dragonball Z Budokai 3
Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories
Rayman 2: Revolution
Shadow The Hedgehog
Crazy Taxi
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
X-Men: The Official Game
Def Jam Vendetta
Answer: The PS2 it's self would sell for $150, controller 5 bucks, and multi tap for a dollar. and each game, i think you should sell each of em for 5 bucks all those games times 5 = 85 x 5 = [425] + ps2 = 4 controllers + multitap = $596.00
Category: Other - Business & Finance
U.S. News - NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia Beach, hitting apartment ...
Emergency crews had extinguished fires and were searching for victims at a cluster of apartments in Virginia Beach, Va., Friday after a Navy F/A-18 jet crashed into the complex, destroying two buildings and damaging several ...
Do you think the underlying cause for this accident (see below) was the old "Navy-Marine Corp Rivalry"?
Being ex-Navy, Ive seen the old "Squiddy and Jarhead" clashes, but always thought it was pretty stupid. I ran across Marines that were cool and didnt believe in the rivalry, and Ive also run across Marines that gave attitude and BS just because I was Navy.
On the other side of the coin Ive had buddies like me that didnt have problems with Marines and Ive also had buddies that hated Marines just because they were Marines,
So, Id like to hear opinions (particular from sailors and marines) on this accident...
I cant think of any other reason why they did what they did except for pride and the old rivalry... the marines didnt want *their* jet landing at a *navy* base, and their actions seemed to simply stem from that and ended up killing 4 people.
So, what do you all think?
Answer: No. The rivalry was the very last thing on the pilot's mind. He was too busy flying the aircraft. He was just betting and hoping that his remaining engine would hold together for another three minutes. It didn't.
As was mentioned in the article, there were other considerations that would have made Miramar the better choice of airfields. For one, it's runways are longer. The overwater approach to North Island would have the pilot landing with a tailwind on a shorter runway. Of course, with arresting gear, that would have been a moot point perhaps.
When the investigation is concluded, we'll know.
Category: Military
NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia Beach neighborhood
A Navy F/A-18 jet crashed in a residential neighborhood Friday in Virginia Beach, slamming into an apartment complex after two crew members ejected, witnesses said. The Associated Press reports that seven people, including both crew members, were taken to ...
Two Naval officers died in a jet crash near Lemoore NAS | Video ... - KFSN Fresno News. Two Naval officers died in a jet crash near Lemoore NAS. Advertisement. Advertisement ...
Navy Simulated Jet Crash Response In Virginia Beach Months Before F-18 Accident (VIDEO)
"It is unthinkable but not impossible." Thats what WAVY reporter Art Kohn said in introducing a December segment about the Navy training with crews from Virginia Beach and Chesapeake to prepare for a possible off-base jet crash. Little did ...
Is this the definition of Appeasement? look at this vid?
How do Republicans get away with this year after year?
Republicans can sell out their country and they are seen as heros.
A Republican can crash several Navy jets, become a POW, set an Aircraft Carrier on fire and he is seen as an American hero. A black military officer with the exact same record would have been drummed out of the military.
A Republican can call for Obama and all Liberals in Congress to be investigated for Anti-American activities and 10 days later praise the new President Obama like it never happened.
So take a hard look at this vid and you tell me what is the true definition on an appeaser.
Im so sick and tired of Republicans claiming that they are the only ones that are strong on national defense and then when they are in power they appease, lie and send our children off to ill conceived wars to make their fat cat friends even richer.
If Congress does not proffer a Declaration of War before sending your children to fight, you should oppose it with every fiber in your being. Because the objective is not to win. The objective is to spend borrowed money to make key friends and companies maga rich while your children come home in body bags or missing arms and legs.
Right wing extremest dont love America. They only love themselves.
Speak truth to power.
Mr. News
Answer: I think the word "appeasement" has been so overused that it has come to mean "cover your *ss". Michele Bachmann, now that she is on the losing side, wants people to forget about what she said, at least partly because of the petition to censure her that had over 50,000 signatures on it.
Category: Politics
Virginia Beach Jet Crash Videos: Navy F-18 Fighter Slams Into ...
An F-18 Navy fighter jet crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach Friday afternoon. The F-18 was part of the Navy's Strike Fighter Squadron 106, reports.
With Second Black Box, Investigators Optimistic
PARIS -- French investigators said on Tuesday that they had recovered the cockpit voice recorder from the Air France jet that crashed in the Atlantic almost two years ago en route to Paris from Rio de Janeiro. After three failed searches and expenditures nearing $30 million, both so-called black boxes are now in hand, giving investigators renewed - By NICOLA CLARK
Reports: NAVY JET CRASHes in Va., 2 Pilots Eject - ABC News
Navy jet crashes in Va., 2 Pilots Eject ... An Oceana-based jet has crashed in Va. Beach and the two pilots ejected.
Have you heard about our US Navy loss?
Prayers to them & their loved ones. Sorry for the loss & thanks for their service.
Answer: Hopefully, no one died but that isn't likely.
Category: Military
NAVY JET CRASHes into Virginia buildings, injuring six
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy F-18D fighter crashed soon after take-off into an apartment complex in Virginia on Friday, sending fireballs into the sky, heavily damaging five buildings and injuring six people. Four of the injured were ...
Latest Search for Air France Jet Called Off
PARIS -- An association representing families of some of the 228 people who died aboard an Air France jet that crashed in the mid-Atlantic last year urged the French government on Tuesday to mount a new search for the plane after the latest hunt failed to find any trace of the wreckage. We absolutely have to find that plane and its black boxes, - By NICOLA CLARK
What is a Hero? How does that qualify him to be President?
We have a good friend who was an ACE Navy Phantom Jet Pilot in Vietnam and never crashed a single jet. An F-4J Phantom, roared over the wave tops at 500 knots, off the deck of the USS Constellation.
When McCain was sitting in a prison, our friend was shooting down migs and dropping bombs on Vietnam.
Which man is a true hero?
Answer: They are both heroes in my book. McCain is a hero because he fought for our country and suffered great pain for it. He didnt just sit in prison. Here, read this.
You friend is a true American Hero too. Anyone who serves is a true American hero in my book. I am greatful for your friend. Tell him "thanks for protecting America" for me.
Category: Politics
Is the F-18 crash in Virginia Beach Obamas fault?
Obamas cuts to the military budget are resulting in military jets falling out of the sky. Shouldnt this incident be put squarely on Obamas shoulders?
Category: Politics
Search Fails to Yield Black Box of French Jet
PARIS -- A weeklong search of a patch of mid-Atlantic seabed has failed to find any trace of an Air France jet that crashed almost a year ago, a spokeswoman for Frances air accident investigation agency said on Thursday. Search boats had interrupted their hunt in a different 1,200-square mile zone on May 6 and raced to an area about 40 miles to - By NICOLA CLARK
Navy F 18 Crash: Jet Slams Into Apartments In Virginia Beach, Virginia
A U.S. Navy jet crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Friday afternoon. CNN reports that the plane -- an F/A-18D assigned to ...
Ironically, would McCain have been a POW, if the Navy hadnt shown him favorable treatment after crashing 4 ..
jets [and destroying one of US carrier], prior to being reassigned to another carrier which led to his fated flight in Nam? Would he be the Rep. nominee today if he hadnt been a POW?
Answer: You tell me it was the dem fence jumpers that nominated him.
I did see the film of the Forestall when he killed 300 sailors and made the Navy change the way they fought ship board fires. The VC helped save American lives by making him a POW.
Category: Politics
NAVY JET CRASHes into apartments in Virginia
A Navy jet crashed Friday into some apartments near Virginia Beach, Virginia, sending flames and thick black smoke into the air, a military spokesman and a witness said. The two pilots, a police officer and three other people were taken to ...
Press Conference on Lemoore Naval Air Station jet crash | Video ... - KFSN Fresno News. Press Conference on Lemoore Naval Air Station jet crash. Advertisement. Advertisement ...
NAVY JET CRASHes Into Apartment Building, Pilots Eject
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- A Navy jet struggled during takeoff Friday over the military community of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and rained a stench of jet fuel shortly before crashing into apartment buildings, according to residents and Navy officials.
NAVY JET CRASHes into apartments in Virginia – This Just In - CNN ...
[Updated at 5:17 p.m. ET] A Navy jet struggled during takeoff Friday over the military community of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and rained a stench of jet fuel shortly before crashing into apartment buildings, according to residents ...
How can anyone say McCain knows "how to win wars"?
It seems to me, he was involved in the only war the US lost and he has no other experience other than being a captured loser...
I suppose he can bolster that with experience crashing US Navy jets....
Answer: Not sure how McCain or Palin can claim he knows how to be victorious in wars. The Vietnam War in which McCain was a POW was another conflict built on lies which cost this country over 58,000 brave men and women. The sad part is that McCain learned nothing from that disaster and vows to fight to "victory" (whatever that means) in Iraq.
Category: Politics - U.S. NAVY JET CRASHes in Virginia(aftermath)
Officials have confirmed that a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Hornet jet has crashed in Virginia after taking off from U.S. Naval Air Station Oceana, with the two pilots believed to have ejected before impact. There are currently no reports of ...
Navy Simulated Jet Crash Response In Virginia Beach Months ...
"It is unthinkable but not impossible." That's what WAVY reporter Art Kohn said in introducing a December segment about the Navy training with crews from Virginia Beach and Chesapeake to prepare for a possible off-base jet ...
The Wire: NAVY JET CRASH; solemn Sarajevo memorial; Syria intensifies attacks; Marines Facebook problem; waitress can keep $12,000 tip
Two pilots ejected from a Navy jet that crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach on Friday, injuring four people on the ground but apparently causing no deaths. The apartment buildings burst into flames and had thick smoke billowing ...
Action Photographs - 1950s - Page 2
A Navy F4D1 Skyray jet bound for Moffett Field crashes near Cambrian Park. The pilot bailed out of the disabled aircraft, which crashed in the yard of a home at ...
Six injured in fireball as Navy F-18 fighter jet crashes into Virginia Beach apartment building From: VINneias - Source:
Navy fighter jet crashes in Virginia; search under way for victims From: EmpoweredSearch - Source: twitterfeed
RT @CBSRadioNews: A crash of an F18 Navy jet into an apartment complex in Virginia has no reports of major injuries. Listen to the 4pET From: amcosialls - Source: web
RT @cnnbrk: Navy jet crashes near Virginia Beach, Virginia. Fires on ground reported. Pilots ejected, officials say. From: Finallly_Famous - Source: web
Jugem最新words ranking -1.
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Navy jet crashes into apartments in Virginia - CNN International #news From: youareinformed - Source: SuiteBird
Navy jet crashes in Virginia From: RafaelmoreiraS - Source:
RT @GlobalPost: UPDATE: Seven injured in the fighter jet crash in Virginia, including both pilots. | From: waldeterossi - Source: web
Heartsick residents talk about losing everything after jet crash From: CBS6 - Source: HootSuite
Officials: Some Residents Still Missing After Navy jet crash in VA | WSPA From: tarheeltroll - Source: Tweet Button
Navy jet crashes into apartments in Virginia: (CNN) -- A Navy jet struggled during take-off Friday over the mili... From: usmcsupporter - Source: twitterfeed
Pilots delayed jet crash to avoid school: An F/A-18D Hornet Navy fighter jet crashed into an apartment complex n... From: HawaiianHorizon - Source: twitterfeed
UPDATE: Seven injured in the fighter jet crash in Virginia, including both pilots. | From: GlobalPost - Source: web
News of the world in photos: Jet crash in Maryland: Two Navy pilots ejected from a fighter jet Friday, sending t... From: GreatLakes - Source: twitterfeed
Navy jet crashes into apartments in Virginia (via @cnn) From: mr_airwolf2 - Source: CNN App on iPhone