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With No More Cowboys Taking Vows, Monastery Quits the Cattle Business
RICHARDTON, N.D. -- The lowing of cattle seemed a perfect prelude to the chants and hymns that followed at evening prayers, an unlikely pairing of soothing sounds that the monks of Assumption Abbey say they will miss. For 51 years, Brother Placid Gross has tended the 1,900-acre ranch that has helped to define this Benedictine monastery in the - By ERIK ECKHOLM
What is a good persuasive Topic Based on THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
I need to write a research paper written in a persuasive tone (NOT explanatory).
The topic must be based on or inferred from the novel "The secret life of bees". Im interested in writing a paper based on the strong female community presented in the book.
However, how can I parlay that into an important issue worthy of persuasion???
Hopefully Ive given enough detail, but I REALLY Need help on this one!
Answer: heres a topic, should parents really let their children do what ever they want...
both sides. :::yes::: the outcome of the book
:::no::: the child gets herself into so many perdicaments.
Category: Homework Help
Steve Smith: Beach Boys open for the Dodgers; and the Bee Gees to reunite
"We intend to record again and also work with The Bee Gees catalog as well ... he was bullied by three unnamed yet "very important people" in his professional life, even though he was a superstar. "It was about control and them being able ...
What are some literary devices used in THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
Example of irony and explanation in The secret life of bees.
Any other literary devices you know of with an explanation.
Im writing a paper and this is my last body paragraph and i need some help.
Answer: Check out sparknotes:
You could talk about symbolism.
Category: Words & Wordplay
What was the thing with the grits in THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
Im just started watching The secret life of bees and I saw T. Ray put her on grits. How does that hurt, just sitting there?
Answer: I didn't see the movie. But reference Al Green experience with grits.
If grits are hot, they will burn, stick, and scar skin badly. Don't try it!!!
Category: Movies
Before I Fall Movie Has Its Director
This is the first big news on a "Before I Fall" movie in more than a year, but dont be looking for casting announcements or behind-the-scenes gossip just yet: Gina, who also helmed "The secret life of bees," is still in negotiations to direct ...
Is THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES good enough for me to get my lazy butt up and over to Hollywood Video?
I want to rent a movie this weekend, and The secret life of bees looks good, but I dont want to rent it if its going to be stupid. (I have some problem with crappy movies that Ive rented) Is it worth watching?
Answer: i'm watching it right now and it is awesome
Category: Movies
Idol Contestant Scores Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman Movie
Be afraid to take some varied, challenging roles. Jennifer Hudson has really made a name for herself in strong pieces like Dreamgirls and The secret life of bees. Bank entirely on your image as an Idol alum to make it big, or youll be stuck ...
CALENDAR; Westchester
A guide to cultural and recreational events in the Hudson Valley. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Comedy ELMSFORD Westchester Broadway Theater Pat Cooper and Con Astone. Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. $80 for dinner and show. Westchester Broadway Theater, 75 Clearbrook Road.;
The secret life of bees. Have any of you seen this movie or read this book? If not, I HIGHLY recommend you do so immediately. [source] · [source] · [source] · [source] · [source]. I read (okay, LISTENED to) this book awhile ago ...
CALENDAR; Events in Westchester
A guide to cultural and recreational events in the Hudson Valley. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Comedy MAMARONECK Emelin Theater Wendy Liebman. Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. $35. Emelin Theater, 153 Library Lane.; (914) 698-0098. Film IRVINGTON Irvington Town Hall Theater Tabloid,
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The secret life of bees is a 2008 American drama film, adapted from the novel of the same name by Sue Monk Kidd. The film was directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood and ...
'Secret Life of Bees' Director Takes on 'Before I Fall' for Fox 2000 ...
The adaptation of the best-selling book by Lauren Oliver is being produced by Jon Shestack ("Dan in Real Life").
Sep 9, 2008 ... Starring Queen Latifah and Dakota Fanning, The secret life of bees is the moving tale of Lily Owens, a 14 year-old girl who is haunted by the ...
What should I put in this Secret Life of Bees scrapbook?
For a summer reading project, I have to make a scrapbook about the book The secret life of bees. The items in the book can be anything; important events from the plot, pictures of other characters, or prized possessions of the main character (Lily). It has to be 10 pages long, and I am trying to pt 2 things on each page, so were looking at 20 items. I have about 2 and a half pages done, but still need help.
Answer: I haven’t read the book. So I looked up the synopsis on wikipedia. Based on this, here are some ideas :
-- a cutout of a gun against the background of a wooden floor
-- peaches [use fabric or felt cutouts for more realistic look] on the wooden box with pen & paper hidden beneath – the clash of Lily’s reality with dreams/aspirations.
-- Civil Rights Act – make a kind of scroll & add it.
-- voting ballot boxes, etc.
-- maybe some bars of the prison to which Lily & Rosaleen are sent & some blood stains on the bars [to indicate the injuries sustained by the latter…]
-- “They begin hitchhiking toward Tiburon, SC…” – make some signposts, milestones, etc. that they would’ve encountered on the way. You can make a map of their hitchhiking route too.
-- and of course, a "Black Mary" picture – both Deborah’s as well as on a jar of honey &/or a figurehead of the same [[ -- you can download a similar image ]]
-- stuff associated with beekeeping – maybe a beehive, bees [you could look for Origami models of the same & glue them to your scrapbook], headgear, net, ….
-- an image of May with a hazy silhouette representing her dead twin April. You can use tracing paper for the silhouette to show the misty haziness.
-- ‘August replies by saying, "...You see everybody needs a God who looks like them, Lily."’ – you could use photos of different global races & show them praying in front of their respective idols that seem to be similar to the particular person/race – in color, form, attire, etc.
-- Mary’s suicide note ?
-- a funeral [Mary’s] & a wedding [June’s] almost simultaneously. In fact you can make a link/chain with flowers, etc. that connects the two.
-- ‘T. Ray said, "Oh, Lily, you're better off there in that house of colored women. You never would've flowered with me like you will with them.”’ – How about a lovely garland made of Black flowers [may be roses, or any other symbolic flower] with the lone white Lily flower blossoming beautifully among them. A garland, instead of a bouquet or vase because a garland has not beginning, no end – it is a “circle of unity”, a “bond of love”….
-- You can also have an image of black birds flying away in the sky along with a white dove – freedom to all.
You could use black & white as the main 'colors' of your scrapbook. It will depict the "historical" setting as well as the racial underpinnings of the story without actually having to spell it out in more vivid images or words.
Hope this helps
Have fun :-)
Category: Hobbies & Crafts
Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood. . Actors: Dakota Fanning: Lily Owens · Queen Latifah: August Boatwright · Jennifer Hudson: Rosaleen Daise · Alicia Keys: June ...
Presidential rhetoric, penguins on planes, and THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES
Heres a round up of what our producers are reading, watching, and longing for. Emily Kaiser: Cats and dolphins cant taste sweets. Thats crazy. And here are some penguins flying first class. Alex DiPalma: Surprising look at the power of presidential ... THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES: Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah ...
Synopsis: A drama, set in Southern U.S. in 1960s, revolving around teenager Lily Owens (Fanning) and her nanny, Rosaleen (Hudson), who flee their hometown to escape ...
How to compare the conflicts between THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES and To Kill a Mockingbird?
What are the similarities in the conflicts in the two books: The secret life of bees and To Kill a Mockingbird? How would you address them. Also, if you can, how do you think Martin Luther King Jr would have approached the moral dilemmas?
Answer: Well I havent read The secret life of bees but I think the conflict in To Kill A Mockingbird is pretty obvious
it's a prejudiced society'r reaction to the actions of an unprejudiced man
Category: Books & Authors
What is a unifying theme in My Sisters Keeper and THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
i need to write an essay, and need a unifying theme for these two books.. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult and The secret life of bees my Sue Monk Kidd
also what literary elements can I use in the essay?
Im probably using love as a theme.. does anyone know how to prove it?
Or any literary elements that will help prove it?
Answer: Here is a link for the themes in My Sister's Keeper
Here is a link for the major themes in The secret life of bees
Category: Homework Help
The secret life of beekeepers
The process is known as “extraction.” Shoupe told KALWs Steven Short about the first time she had to answer a call for extraction. She ended up getting way more intimate with bees than ever before.
Sue Monk Kidd, Author of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES
The secret life of bees. Living on a peach farm in South Carolina with her harsh, unyielding father, Lily Owens has shaped her entire life around one ...
Room 167: THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES Quiz (Chapters 7 and 8)
The secret life of bees Quiz (Chapters 7 and 8). 1. What gift did Zach give Lily that made her realize she would never find a better friend than him.? (pages 134-135). 2. When August asks Lily what she loves, what is the first ...
Behind the beekeepers business secrets
The secret of todays delicious menu of honeys is that each ... Protecting bees is fundamental to sustainable life on this planet. Bees need biodiversity - an array of different flowering species to feed from throughout the year - but our increasingly ...
Sue Monk Kidd, Author of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES
The secret life of bees. Living on a peach farm in South Carolina with her harsh, unyielding father, Lily Owens has shaped her entire life around one devastating ...
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The secret life of bees is a 2002 historical novel by American author Sue Monk Kidd. Set in the American South in 1964, the year of the Civil Rights Act and ...
The ___'s Daughter « Readersforum's Blog
There was a time a few years back when it seemed like vast numbers of books were being published on the subject of secret lives, as in The secret life of bees, The Secret Lives of Buildings, The Secret Lives of Words, etc.
Secret Life of Bees” director takes on “Before I Fall” bestseller adaptation
PanARMENIAN.Net - Gina Prince-Bythewood is in negotiations to direct Before I Fall, Fox 2000’s adaptation of the best-selling book by Lauren Oliver. Jon Shestack (Dan in Real Life) is producing, The Hollywood Reporter said. The story in the book is told ...
What is a good artitic project for THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
I have been assigned to create an artitic project for The secret life of bees such as a sculpture, painting, drawing...
I really want to do a drawing of something that relates to the book but I cant think of a really good drawing that outstands other simple drawings of the explanation of the book. If you have any suggesitons they would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: Think of yourself as a bee, and what the world would look like from your perspective. Draw the piece of the world you can see from your bee eyes and include the parts of your bee body that you can see.
Category: Homework Help
Dont Bee Afraid of the Unknown
As a matter-of-fact, most of us reading this right now are beekeepers in your own backyard, and doing so without any proper training (i’ll keep it our secret ... the cycle of life. *cue Lion King soundtrack* Myth 3: Honey Bees are aggressive ...
Free & Cheap in New York: Wed., March 21
3:45 p.m. Free. 1702 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Bronx. (718) 731-2074. WHAT’S THE BUZZ? Catch a screening of “The secret life of bees,” starring Queen Latifah and Dakota Fanning, at the Countee Cullen Library in honor of Women’s History Month.
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: Act of Valor (R, 1:41) Grafting actual Navy SEALs -- and live ammunition -- onto a concocted narrative, Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh create a pumped-up recruitment commercial whose impressive action
Red Tails flies to DVD and Blu-ray on May 22nd
Directed by Anthony Hemingway, Red Tails features an extraordinary cast which includes David Oyelowo (Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Nate Parker (The secret life of bees), Elijah Kelly (Hairspray), Tristan Wilds (“90210”), Method Man (“The Wire ...
What is the best part of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES? What is the most interesting part? what is it really about?
I want to analyze The secret life of bees,
what is it really about,
but more importantly, what is the most interesting part of the book for you?
Answer: ...they create the ambrosia of the gods...HONEY...
Category: Philosophy
Spare Times
THE TRUE STORY OF THE 3 LITTLE PIGS At last: jury duty so brief, easy and entertaining that youll actually pay to serve. And if you buy that, youll probably even believe that the Big Bad Wolf is really a nice guy. Atlantic for Kids, the childrens wing of the Atlantic Theater Company, proves both are possible in The True Story of the 3 Little - By LAUREL GRAEBER
USA Network Upfront to Feature Headline Performances by Jennifer Hudson and Mark Ronson
She went on to co-star in "Sex and the City" and "The secret life of bees" for which she received an NAACP Image Award nomination. In 2008, her Arista Records debut album won a Grammy for Best R&B Album and three additional nominations, including Best ...
Home-schooler wins Tri-State Spelling Bee
Another of Karthiks secrets for doing well was to ... School districts participating in the bee included Delaware Valley, Dingman-Delaware, Eldred, Montague, Port Jervis and New Life Christian.
Review: The secret life of bees has moments of charm, but is largely too maudlin and sticky-sweet.
Is THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES Movie very similar to the book?
I know that a lot of movies that are based off of the book are usually completely different or leave a lot of stuff out. Is The secret life of bees like this? I have to read the book, but was wondering if I could just watch the movie.
Answer: yes
Category: Books & Authors
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo! Movies
Set in South Carolina in 1964, the tale of Lily Owens, a 14-year-old girl who is haunted by the memory of her late mother. To escape her lonely life and troubled ...
The secret life of bees DVD release date - Synopsis: Set in South Carolina in 1964, this is the tale of Lily Owens a 14 year-old girl who is haunted by the memory of her late mother. To escape...Read the Rest.
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign-language films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: Act of Valor (R, 1:41) Grafting actual Navy SEALs -- and live ammunition -- onto a concocted narrative, Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh create a pumped-up recruitment commercial whose impressive
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your ...
A moving theme in a largely unmoving film. The book on which its based must have been so much bigger. You can laud the beauty of emotional values in a movie ...
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
I have to do a project on the book The secret life of bees and I need to find the strengths and weaknesses of the book. I can only come up with like three and its DUE TOMORROW! Please Help Me! AND I DO NOT NEED THE SAME LIST OF SITES THAT ONE PERSON KEEPS POSTING (you know who you are) -i need suggestions, not websites. Please Help!
Answer: Umm.
I don't exactly know what you mean by strenth & weaknesses but I think a strength would be the characters?
& weakness would be how the begining of the ook was kinda dull.
Sorry if thats not what your looking for.
Category: Books & Authors
What was the message or moral in THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES book?
This is for homework. I have to incorporate a message, moral or main idea type thing from The secret life of bees BOOK into a picture. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Answer: Man, I hate assignments like this.
Sigh. Anyway, among the messages or morals I got from it (read several years ago, so my memory's foggy):
The past matters, affecting who you are
The past may not be what it seems; family history has falsehoods and missing information
Family accepts you for who you are
Skin color doesn't matter
Category: Books & Authors
Fox Searchlight - THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Official Site
The secret life of bees, based on the New York Times best selling novel and set in South Carolina in 1964, is the moving tale of Lily Owens (Fanning) a 14 year-old ...
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: Act of Valor (R, 1:41) Grafting actual Navy SEALs -- and live ammunition -- onto a concocted narrative, Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh create a pumped-up recruitment commercial whose impressive action
From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes , the SparkNotes The secret life of bees Study Guide has everything you need ...
Oh, the bliss of Bohol
"I keep telling these women that life is about choice - you need to listen to the voice inside." She almost single-handedly created the local trend in organic food, while at the same time creating sources of income for the women here. They mind the bees ...
Why is THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES a good book for a sophomore honors english class?
I have to do a speech about whether or not The secret life of bees is a good book for a sophomore english class. I need three different reasons for my opinion and analysis. I have an idea but i still need some help.
Answer: The secret life of bees is a good book for sophomore honors English class because it's a classic story that unfolds the life of a girl in a genuine way, but also shows how society stereotypes. To add on, this story contains really good round characters that develop. Thirdly, this book thoroughly introduces new English concepts like irony, indirect characterization, and so forth. Therefore, that's why this is a good book for your class.
Category: Homework Help
Lemony Snicket cover reveal, what Harry Potter e-books mean
The __s Daughter: Whats the hot new trend in book titles? First it was "The Secret Life of ____, "everything from bees to buildings, then it was the "Girl with the ___" trend, thanks to Lisbeth Salanders dragon tattoo. Now its all about "The ...
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES by Sue Monk Kidd - Reviews, Discussion ...
The secret life of bees has 402,611 ratings and 17,372 reviews. Dolly said: I confess to being a little hesitant going into this book. It is, after all, tha...
Secret Life Continues… | Green School – Notices & Homework
Grade 7, we have almost finished watching The secret life of bees movie in class this week. You have done a great job taking notes, comparing the book to the movie. We will continue with this and write a compare/contrast ...
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES Trailers & Clips - Yahoo! Movies
The secret life of beesPG-13, 1 hour 50 minutes. Set in South Carolina in 1964, the tale of Lily Owens, a 14-year-old girl who is haunted by the memory of her late ...
MOVIE REVIEW; Captive in Cramped Box, and Cellphone Is No Use
Because Jeremy Reins (Stephen Dorff), the protagonist of Brake, finds himself confined in the trunk of a moving car with no memory of how he got there, the movie is already being compared to the 2010 thriller Buried. In that one, Ryan Reynolds played a nonmilitary truck driver in Iraq who awakens bound and gagged in a pine box under the - Stephen Holden reviews movie Brake, directed by Gabe Torres and starring Stephen Dorff. Photo (M)2 - By STEPHEN HOLDEN
A From Pretty Little Liars And 6 Other Evil TV Queen Bees!
but also a culmination of the double-life led by deceased queen bee Alison DiLaurentis. As Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna uncover clues which lead them ever closer to "A," so, too, do they discover surprising secrets about their friend Ali.
How Many Stephen Colberts Are There?
There used to be just two Stephen Colberts, and they were hard enough to distinguish. The main difference was that one thought the other was an idiot. The idiot Colbert was the one who made a nice paycheck by appearing four times a week on The Colbert Report (pronounced in the French fashion, with both ts silent), the extremely popular fake - By CHARLES McGRATH
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Books by Sue Monk Kidd - Penguin Group (USA)
Find The secret life of bees by Sue Monk Kidd and other Fiction books online from Penguin Group (USA)s online bookstore. Read more with Penguin Group (USA).
The secret life of bees… 4 Apr '12. A grand movie. That I can watch over and over again. Great characters, good acting, a nice story. All the ingredients for a good chick movie. But I am not really talking about movies. I am working on my ...
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The secret life of bees is a 2002 historical novel by American author Sue Monk Kidd. Set in the American South in 1964, the year of the Civil Rights Act and ... THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES (9780142001745): Sue Monk Kidd ...
In Sue Monk Kidds The secret life of bees , 14-year-old Lily Owen, neglected by her father and isolated on their South Carolina peach farm, spends hours imagining a ...
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
Science & Nature; The secret life of bees The worlds leading expert on bee behavior discovers the secrets of decision-making in a swarm
Fox Searchlight - THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Official Site
The secret life of bees, based on the New York Times best selling novel and set in South Carolina in 1964, is the moving tale of Lily Owens (Fanning) a ...
What movie can i compare to the book called THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
for my english isu, i have to do a compare and contrast essay on a film and the book called The secret life of bees, i was looking for a film that is similar to the this book but cant find one so if anyone knows a film that i can compare to this book, plz comment,(i cant use The secret life of bees movie)
Answer: I would go for To Kill a Mockingbird. Coming of age story, set during the era of segregation, racial issues, friendship & love from unexpected people and places, etc.
Category: Books & Authors
BARNES & NOBLE | THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES by Sue Monk Kidd, Penguin ...
NOOK Daily Find A great read at a great price! Dont miss out on todays irresistible deal. Buy Now
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Sue Monk Kidd - Google Books
Sue Monk Kidds ravishing debut novel has stolen the hearts of reviewers and readers alike with its strong, assured voice. Set in South Carolina in 1964, The Secret ...
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign-language films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: Albert Nobbs (R, 1:53) In Rodrigo Garcías film, set in 19th-century Dublin, a shabby-genteel hotel is the backdrop for a touching drama of courage and disguise. Glenn Close is the title
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - Movie Trailers - iTunes
The secret life of bees, based on the New York Times best selling novel and set in South Carolina in 1964, is the moving tale of Lily Owens (Fanning) a 14 year-old ...
Who was a minor character in THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
For summer reading I need to write from the perspective of a minor character in The secret life of bees, however I cant think of someone. the character also has to have a different point of view than the narrator. who would you consider to be a minor character?
Answer: Maybe you can use one of the Daughters of Mary, or June's husband, Neil, or Lily's boyfriend, Zach. Hopefully those can work for your summer reading. I have to do the same book for my summer reading too.
Category: Books & Authors
Directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood. With Dakota Fanning, Jennifer Hudson, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys. set in South Carolina in 1964, this is the tale of Lily ...
What are the main conflicts of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES?
Hello. Now dont tell me to read the book or find out myself. I have read the book three times and I enjoyed it very much. I have an idea of what the conflicts are but I am not completely sure. I just need examples or ideas... it is for a English workbook for school and I have answered it all, but I want something really, really good and unexpected for my teacher. So my question is...
What are the main conflicts of The secret life of bees??
Thanks in advance!
Answer: Just like the other person, it's been a while since I read it
(also great movie by the way that might help you)
I thought the main conflicts were a white girl
staying with black women
women finding a way to support themselves
without being depended on men
Black people making it well against the stereotype of the white folks
The white girl dating a black man
the black women being antagonistic to the white sheriff
the black woman prefering to be humiliated than talk to the white men the way they want her to
I think that's enough for one go...
good luck!
Category: Philosophy THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES (9780142001745): Sue Monk ...
The secret life of bees and over one million other books are available for Amazon .... Set in South Carolina in 1964, The secret life of bees tells the story of Lily ...
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
The world's leading expert on bee behavior discovers the secrets of decision-making in a swarm.
#nw The secret life of bees <3 From: yourstruely_jbc - Source: web
RT @gracebrigham: #BestIdeaEver goes to @codyshackett "The secret life of bees" is about to start! :) #lifetime From: codyshackett - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
#BestIdeaEver goes to @codyshackett "The secret life of bees" is about to start! :) #lifetime From: gracebrigham - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @KarenM_G: Oh here comes the sadest part of The secret life of bees...poor Miss May :( From: JulieCyprus - Source: web
The secret life of bees. #top5favoritemovies From: _LydiaErinPrice - Source: Twitter for iPhone
The secret life of bees is a great movie ❤ From: b__nastyy - Source: Twitter for iPhone
"@_meeemeee: Going back and forth from Jeepers Creepers and The secret life of bees so Im not too scared by myself ☺ haha"RT lmao too funny From: Mo_savagee - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Says:Jst Watched The Secret Life Of The Bees & Realized How Good It Was :) ...<3..
~*.Boy.From.Oz.*~ From: TheatreeJunkiee - Source: txt
Just stayed up until 330 am to finish watching The secret life of bees all because Hilarie Burton was in it. #talkaboutdedication @SoGoPro From: Lex_Killah - Source: web
"@_meeemeee: Going back and forth from Jeepers Creepers and The secret life of bees so Im not too scared by myself ☺ haha"!!!!!!!!! From: feelinnnJAZZY - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Secret life of bees was prolly one of the the best books Ive read and movie Ive watched #inspirational From: marina_reneee - Source: Twitter for iPhone
<3 The secret life of bees From: lullyhoneybee - Source: web
To all my girls, Plz watch The secret life of bees, it will make your heart smile... night tweethearts.. From: HogwildLilmama - Source: Mobile Web
Best movie I have seen in awhile. (2008) The secret life of bees From: Jimmy_Rivas - Source: web
The secret life of bees a long movie!!! From: iTsmeWhiTW - Source: Twitter for iPhone